Doplar effect calculation of date of Super Nova

In summary: It is also possible that the difference in your results is due to experimental error or other factors. In summary, there may be some confusion or misguidance regarding the method used to calculate the relative speed of the red and blue shifted lines in the spectrum of the supernova remnant. It is worth discussing with your professor to ensure that the correct method is being used.
  • #1
In my astronomy lab we (part A) calculated how many arc seconds a super nova remnant had expanded from 1942 to 1976, and in further calculations (Part B) used the doplar effect to calculate a velocity, which was then used with the results of part A to calculate the distance from Earth to the supernova remnant.
My problem is with how part B was done. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding something or what. there was a spectrum with the red shifted and blue shifted lines of oxygen, we found how many angstrums were between them. Then it said to calculate the relative speed of the red and blue shifted lines. (delta lambda C)/lamda0. My professor insisted that delta lamda was 1/2 the range of angstrums between the red and blue shifted lines(e.g. if blue shifted was 50A and redshifted was 100, use 75), and that lamda0 is what it should be when unshifted.
My problem with this method is that, aren't you calculating the speed of the either shifted end relative to the unshifted value, instead of the speed of the shifted lines relative to each other(like the experiment said)? I'm only really asking this here because i ended up with pretty darn close to 1/2 the known value of the distance.
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  • #2
Is this just a coincidence or did the professor misguide us here?It is possible that your professor has misguiding you here. The method you described assumes that the relative speed of the red and blue shifted lines is equal to the velocity of the source of the radiation (e.g. the supernova remnant). However, it is more likely that the lines are shifting due to the Doppler effect from the expansion of space. Therefore, the relative speed of the two lines should be calculated as the difference between their velocities, not the difference between their wavelengths. For example, if the red line has a velocity of 100 m/s and the blue line has a velocity of 50 m/s, then the relative speed of the two lines would be 50 m/s, not 25 m/s (which would be the difference between their wavelengths).It is also possible that your professor was trying to simplify the calculation by assuming that the two lines have equal velocities, in which case your calculation would be correct. However, this is unlikely to give an accurate result since the velocities of the two lines would depend on their distance from the source.In any case, it is worth double-checking the calculation with your professor to make sure that you are using the correct method.

FAQ: Doplar effect calculation of date of Super Nova

What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon where the frequency of a wave appears to change when the source of the wave is moving relative to the observer. This effect is commonly observed in sound waves, where a moving source or observer will result in a change in the perceived pitch of the sound.

How is the Doppler effect used to calculate the date of a Super Nova?

The Doppler effect can be used to calculate the date of a Super Nova by analyzing the change in the frequency of light emitted from the Super Nova. As the Super Nova expands and moves away from Earth, the light waves emitted by it will appear to have a longer wavelength, resulting in a decrease in frequency. By measuring this change in frequency, scientists can calculate the time when the Super Nova occurred.

What factors can affect the accuracy of the Doppler effect calculation for the date of a Super Nova?

There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of the Doppler effect calculation for the date of a Super Nova. These include the distance between Earth and the Super Nova, the speed at which the Super Nova is expanding, and any intervening objects or matter that may alter the light waves emitted from the Super Nova.

How do scientists determine the distance between Earth and a Super Nova for the Doppler effect calculation?

Scientists use a variety of methods to determine the distance between Earth and a Super Nova for the Doppler effect calculation. These include parallax measurements, which use the shift in position of the Super Nova relative to background stars, and standard candles, which use the known brightness of certain types of stars to estimate distances.

Can the Doppler effect calculation for the date of a Super Nova be used for all types of Super Novas?

The Doppler effect calculation can be used for most types of Super Novas, but it may not be accurate for all of them. Some Super Novas, such as those that occur in binary star systems, may have additional factors that need to be taken into account. Additionally, some Super Novas may not produce enough light for the Doppler effect to be detected and calculated.

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