How to Calculate Heat Generated by Electric Current in Different Materials?

In summary, the best way to maximize the heat generated by a system is to use a material that decreases resistance with temperature.
  • #1
Ive posted this a while back but never had a reply,

How does one determine the heat generated from a current? I have found several sources that refer to using "the length of a wire" but how would you calculate it for an aqueous material, or for all intensive purposes a "really large" battery cell. Would = I^2 *R still work?

Also I haven't worked with high current problems before, I remember something about resistance increasing drastically with high current density.
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  • #2
If you were forcing current through an aqueous solution, I squared R would work. However, you couldn't predict R and you wouldn't know if it stayed constant.
So, it would be better to just use voltage times current. You can measure these OK.

There are heating effects in a battery but this is due to internal resistances in the leads to the electrodes, and the electrodes themselves, as well as limits in the chemical processes involved.

You can measure this internal resistance in a battery by loading it and noting the drop in terminal voltage. You could then predict the heating using I squared R.

Resistance in a solid conductor does increase with temperature for most substances, although there are some like Carbon and semiconductors, like Silicon and Germanium, that reduce their resistance with temperature.
  • #3
Interesting, so that brings up another question. If to calculate it in an aqueous solution involves working around resistance. If one was trying to minimize heat, use a material that behaves in a manner decreasing resistance with current, and to maximize use one that does the opposite?, That sound right, if incredibly over simplified
  • #4
No, but you could compensate for the CHANGE in resistance of one substance by using a substance of opposite temperature coefficient with it so that you would get more of a constant resistance.

So, if you had one resistor that increased resistance with temperature, you could put another in series with it that decreased resistance with temperature. This could partly cancel out the change resulting in a more constant total resistance with temperature.

Early (Edison) lamps used carbon filaments. These reduced resistance with temperature, meaning they would draw more current and get hotter. This is a sort of runaway process that could destroy the lamp.
Later lamps used metal filaments that increase resistance with temperature, so they tend to protect themselves by drawing less current when they get hot.
Germanium transistors had the same thermal runaway problem and had to be designed into circuits that stopped this effect causing destruction.
  • #5
Thanks for the reply's, I've been off for a while, you know how it is, out of class and work,try to focus on something else for a bit :wink: I hadn't thought about the thermal balance, interesting concept though,

So theory question, If one was trying to maximize the heat generated by a system, say a super electric heater based on high voltage, baring engineering limitations, what would be the best way to set it up to maximize heat induced from a given voltage, at a given amperage as well if required, over a given time?

FAQ: How to Calculate Heat Generated by Electric Current in Different Materials?

1. What is heat from an electric current?

Heat from an electric current is the thermal energy produced when an electric current flows through a conductor, such as a wire. This heat is a result of the resistance of the material to the flow of electrons, which causes the electrons to collide and transfer energy in the form of heat.

2. How does heat from an electric current affect devices?

Heat from an electric current can affect devices in several ways. It can cause the device to heat up, which can lead to overheating and potential damage. It can also affect the performance of the device, as excessive heat can alter the properties of the materials used in the device.

3. How is heat from an electric current measured?

Heat from an electric current is measured in units of energy, such as joules or calories. It can also be measured in units of power, such as watts, which represents the rate at which heat is being generated.

4. Can heat from an electric current be controlled?

Yes, heat from an electric current can be controlled by adjusting the flow of current or by using materials with different resistances. This is important in devices where overheating can cause damage, and in industrial processes where precise heating is required.

5. What are some practical applications of heat from an electric current?

Heat from an electric current has many practical applications, including cooking, heating homes and buildings, and powering electronic devices such as computers and smartphones. It is also used in industrial processes, such as welding and smelting, to melt and shape metals using the heat generated by electric current.

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