String theory applied to world timeline?

In summary, the speaker is asking how string theory would explain receiving a note from their future self, and wonders if this relates to the concept of parallel universes. They also mention that this has been explored in science fiction shows like Stargate. However, they acknowledge their own ignorance and apologize for wasting the time of scientists. The response is that string theory would not necessarily have an explanation for this, but rather it would be addressed by General Relativity and the concept of closed timelike curves. These can theoretically occur with the use of exotic matter, but it is currently unavailable.
  • #1
string theory applied to "world"timeline?

Pardon my ignorance, I've been reading several post and studying , to the best of my ability, the string theory(ies). I am retired USAF. I seen several things to which I can not explain. We have had several scientist and non-military scientist working on quantum physics problems for years. I am by no means qualified to interpert their findings nor am I allowed to talk about their research or countries that we work with. However with all that being said, I have picked up on several things in the thirty plus years in my various installations.

MY Question:

How would the string theory explain - for argument sake - a note that you wrote to yourself in the future that was delivered to you in the modern time. My confusion come from the fact that the timestring is suppose to be infinite. However, doesn't that fact mean the "world" timeline is a sort of loop. Again, I apologize for my ignorance as to the terminology used.

I know that some SCiFi shows have done a scenerio about this. I think it was Stargate.

no, I am actually talking about a note simply stating the time, date, and signatures of people present that can be authenticated. Also, now the note's not written because we know that it works. Does this follow more into the jurisdiction of parallell universes.

I again apologize for my ignorance and wasting the time of such hard working men and women. I'm just an old man trying to figure out where to do research.

Thanks for any directions.

Physics news on
  • #2
johonvonhauss said:
How would the string theory explain - for argument sake - a note that you wrote to yourself in the future that was delivered to you in the modern time.
no, I am actually talking about a note simply stating the time, date, and signatures of people present that can be authenticated. Also, now the note's not written because we know that it works.

I don't think string physics would have anything to say about this. General Relativity would say that it is an example of a "CTC", a closed timelike curve, which can occur in the theory IF you have some currently unavailable technology called exotic matter, which has negative energy.
  • #3

I understand your curiosity about applying string theory to the concept of a "world" timeline. However, I must caution against using science fiction shows as a basis for understanding scientific theories. String theory is a complex and still evolving theory that attempts to explain the fundamental nature of the universe, and it is not appropriate to draw conclusions based on fictional scenarios.

That being said, in the context of string theory, the concept of time is treated differently than in classical physics. Time is considered to be a dimension, similar to the three dimensions of space, and is not viewed as a linear progression of events. This means that the idea of a "timeline" may not fit within the framework of string theory as it is traditionally understood.

As for your question about a note being delivered from the future, this is a hypothetical scenario that is not currently supported by scientific evidence. While string theory does allow for the possibility of parallel universes, there is no evidence to suggest that communication between these universes is possible, let alone through the use of a time-traveling note.

I appreciate your interest in string theory and encourage you to continue learning about it. However, it is important to approach scientific theories with an open mind and to avoid making assumptions or drawing conclusions based on fictional representations. If you are interested in conducting research in this field, I suggest seeking out reputable sources and collaborating with other scientists in the field.

FAQ: String theory applied to world timeline?

1. What is string theory applied to world timeline?

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to reconcile the conflicting theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. When applied to the concept of the world timeline, string theory suggests that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles, but rather tiny vibrating strings. These strings interact with each other and create the different particles and forces that make up our world.

2. How does string theory explain the concept of time?

According to string theory, time is not a separate entity from space, but rather a part of a unified concept known as space-time. This means that time is not absolute, but rather relative to the observer and can be affected by factors such as gravity and motion. String theory also proposes the existence of multiple dimensions, which may play a role in the perception and experience of time.

3. Can string theory be proven or tested?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence to support string theory. It is still considered a theoretical concept and is not yet possible to test or prove through experiments. However, scientists continue to explore and develop new ways to potentially test and validate string theory.

4. How does string theory applied to world timeline affect our understanding of the universe?

String theory offers a new perspective on the fundamental nature of the universe and has the potential to provide a more comprehensive and unified theory of physics. It also suggests the existence of multiple dimensions and parallel universes, which could greatly expand our understanding of the universe and its origins.

5. Are there any criticisms or challenges to string theory applied to world timeline?

Some critics argue that string theory is too complex and lacks empirical evidence, making it difficult to prove or disprove. Others suggest that it may be impossible to test string theory, as it requires energies and scales far beyond our current technological capabilities. Additionally, there are alternative theories that challenge the assumptions and predictions of string theory, such as loop quantum gravity and brane theory.
