Formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration

In summary, units are handled algebraically in math, just like variables. We created this consistency in order to accurately represent physical quantities. If we were to create a rule where units multiplied by each other would result in an exponentiation, it would not be a consistent system for understanding physics.
  • #1
An Indiot
I had to calculate the distance a car traveled in a given time given its starting speed and acceleration.

Would this formula
x=Vo.t+ (Vf-Vo)/2.t
Where Vf= a.t +Vo

Be correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
Sure, that works, although the standard formula is typically just given as [itex]x = x_0 + v_0 t + {{1}\over{2}}at^2[/itex] which you could solve using what you have
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
Sure, that works, although the standard formula is typically just given as [itex]x = x_0 + v_0 t + {{1}\over{2}}at^2[/itex] which you could solve using what you have

Much appreciated.

I am having some problems figuring how opperators affect different types of numbers.

m/s^2 by s would be m/s and m/s^2 divided by s would be m/s^3
what should I search for explanations on how and why this works?
  • #4
An Indiot said:
m/s^2 by s would be m/s and m/s^2 divided by s would be m/s^3

I really can't understand what are you trying to ask ...
  • #5
An Indiot said:
Much appreciated.

I am having some problems figuring how opperators affect different types of numbers.

m/s^2 by s would be m/s and m/s^2 divided by s would be m/s^3
what should I search for explanations on how and why this works?

Units are handled algebraically just like variables.
  • #6
LawrenceC said:
Units are handled algebraically just like variables.

Oh so by "by" he means multiplication ?
  • #7
Yes, the way i think of it is as almost an equation in itself as this means you can handle the units algebraically and include any factors of magnitude (such as kilo).
  • #8
An Indiot said:
Much appreciated.

I am having some problems figuring how opperators affect different types of numbers.

m/s^2 by s would be m/s and m/s^2 divided by s would be m/s^3
what should I search for explanations on how and why this works?

It works because we created it such that it did work consistently. The units represent a sense of "physicalness" to the math. If I have a distance moved, say 100m, and the amount of time it took, 5 seconds, you know the velocity must be in some unit that isn't meters and isn't seconds because you know, physically, a velocity is not a distance nor a time. It works algebraically, as another poster mentioned, because we made it work algebraically.

If for example, you created a rule such that when 2 values multiplied each other, the units would exponentiate each other, you wouldn't be able to create a consistent way of doing physics. So say you wanted a position = velocity * time, [itex] x = vt [/itex], but made the units work out like [itex] [position] = [meters/second]^{[second]}[/itex], you wouldn't be able to create a consistent system where you could move between times, energies, positions, accelerations, etc. in a consistent manner (or I really really really doubt you could). Plus, with this example in mind, you'd clearly realize somethings wrong because our physical idea of "positions" are measured as a length in meters or feet or whatever.

FAQ: Formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration

1. What is the formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration?

The formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration is: d = 0.5 * a * t^2, where d is the distance traveled, a is the acceleration, and t is the time.

2. How do you calculate the distance traveled with uniform acceleration if the initial velocity is not zero?

If the initial velocity is not zero, the formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration is: d = v*t + 0.5 * a * t^2, where v is the initial velocity, t is the time, and a is the acceleration.

3. Can the formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration be used for deceleration?

Yes, the formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration can also be used for deceleration. In this case, the value of acceleration (a) will be negative, indicating deceleration.

4. What units should be used for the variables in the formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration?

The distance (d) is usually measured in meters (m), the time (t) in seconds (s), and the acceleration (a) in meters per second squared (m/s^2).

5. Is the formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration applicable to all types of motion?

Yes, the formula for calculating distance traveled with uniform acceleration is applicable to any type of motion where the acceleration is constant. This is known as uniform acceleration.
