I Beam Size for 50,000# Tank: Get Help Now!

In summary, Work asks for help with a project and is unqualified to do it himself. He also has a tone that suggests he is superior to those who ask for help.
  • #1
I have a project and need help. I have a tank total weight full will be 50,000 #
The I Beam frame supporting it is 220 inches long X 86 inches wide.supporting the I Beam will be four supports 146 inches X 84 inches. Can anyone tell me what size I Beam I need? Thanks
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
So let me get this straight. You want to support 50,000 lbm on an I-beam, have no idea how to calculate what you need, and are willing to trust strangers on the internet to do so?
  • #3
If you have nothing to say SHUT UP
  • #4
If you have nothing to say why did you reply?
  • #5
Could you post a diagram showing the frame configuration, the supports, and the applied load(s)?
  • #6
Wow Cpt. Sass-a-lot. How about this, I'll shut up after you tell me the application so I can stay away.
  • #7
dondolittle2 said:
If you have nothing to say SHUT UP

dondolittle2 said:
If you have nothing to say why did you reply?

First off, can the attitude.

Secondly, he had plenty to say. His point is that you obviously have no idea what you are doing so this is either a homework problem or a disaster waiting to happen.

If it is homework, then post it in the appropriate sub-forum.

If it is not homework, consult a licensed professional engineer before you hurt yourself or someone else.

  • #8
I came here for help on a project. I think an I Beam frame 220" X 86" cross braced and supported at four places will have no problem handling the 50,000# gross weight. If minger had read the post and made a legitimate comment I wouldn't have gotten an attitude but instead some knuckleheads are educated beyond their intelligence they try to make other people look dum to make themselves look good. Well didn't work minger
  • #9
I did read, here's my interpretation

I have a project and need help.
Work asked me to do something I'm not 100% sure how to do.

I have a tank total weight full will be 50,000 #
I am trying to support the equivalent of 3 full-sized school buses

The I Beam frame supporting it is 220 inches long X 86 inches wide.supporting the I Beam will be four supports 146 inches X 84 inches.
I am familiar with tape measures.

Can anyone tell me what size I Beam I need? Thanks
...but that's all.

Listen man, I have plenty of posts on here that would seem dumb to a seasoned engineer. I've been posting here for years and one of my first was a dumb question on superheated steam tables.

As stewart said, my first post wasn't meant to be mean, just perhaps eye-opening. This is why standards are developed. 50,000 lb is a LOT of mass, and if you aren't familiar with how to do the analysis then to put it bluntly, you could kill someone.

You mentioned nothing about how the load is applied, how your beams are connected, welds, bolths, supports, anything. This makes me believe that are either way too inexperienced, or way too unqualified. If you are willing to live with those risks then perhaps your best bet is to post in the homework section where someone could take a textbook, idea, no Kt, no side force, etc, etc approach to your problem.

FAQ: I Beam Size for 50,000# Tank: Get Help Now!

1. What is the appropriate I beam size for a 50,000 pound tank?

The appropriate I beam size for a 50,000 pound tank will depend on several factors such as the shape and dimensions of the tank, the material it is made of, and the location where it will be placed. It is recommended to consult a structural engineer for a more accurate determination.

2. How do I calculate the required I beam size for a 50,000 pound tank?

Calculating the required I beam size for a 50,000 pound tank involves considering the weight of the tank, the load distribution, and the type of support structure it will be placed on. It is best to consult a structural engineer for an accurate calculation.

3. Can I use a smaller I beam size for a 50,000 pound tank to save costs?

It is not recommended to use a smaller I beam size for a 50,000 pound tank as it may compromise the structural integrity and safety of the tank. It is best to consult a structural engineer to determine the appropriate size for the tank.

4. Are there any regulations or standards for I beam size for a 50,000 pound tank?

Yes, there are regulations and standards set by organizations such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). These organizations provide guidelines for the design and construction of tanks and their support structures.

5. Can I use different types of support structures instead of an I beam for a 50,000 pound tank?

Yes, there are alternative support structures that can be used for a 50,000 pound tank such as concrete columns, steel columns, and trusses. However, it is important to consult a structural engineer to determine the most suitable support structure for the specific tank and its location.
