I don't understand this circuit

  • Thread starter gsingh2011
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In summary: So when you apply a voltage to the base of Q2, the voltage across the emitter collector will be the same as the voltage applied to the base.
  • #1
I have a kit for designing circuits and this was one of the projects in the book:

That was the best scan I could make... On the right side, right next to the NPN transistor there is an LED and to the right of that there is a 6V power source, positive side is up, negative is down. If there's anything else unclear about the picture, ask me.

So the circuit does exactly what the book says it would: the light turns on for a few seconds and then turns off. But looking at the connections made, the current has a direct path through the LED without even going through the transistors, so it seems like it should stay on at all times. I think the basic idea of the rest of it is that when the capacitor is charged it provides the base current necessary to allow the collector-emitter current to flow. Whether it flows or doesn't flow, I still see one direct path for the current to take through the LED. Why does it still turn off after a few seconds?
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  • #2
The text states "You should have no difficulty in figuring out how this circuit works". Which leads me to think you may not have learned from the previous projects or skipped them completely. Remember, when a transistor is in the "on" state it will conduct current and so the voltage across the emitter collector will be low.
  • #3
TurtleMeister said:
The text states "You should have no difficulty in figuring out how this circuit works". Which leads me to think you may not have learned from the previous projects or skipped them completely. Remember, when a transistor is in the "on" state it will conduct current and so the voltage across the emitter collector will be low.

I've done all of the previous projects. Transistors are the only things that confuse me and I understand them on basic level now, which should be enough to understand this circuit. But I still see a path through the LED that doesn't go through the transistors and shouldn't be affected by any state they are in.
  • #4
The transistor stages are set up in such a way that they act as NOT gates. If voltage in the base of one transistor is low then the voltage on the collector side will go up, and if base is high, then the collector voltage will go down. There are two such stages in the schematic, so you have a NOT and a NOT that cancel each other.
  • #5
But what is the voltage across the emitter collector (of Q2) when it is "on", and what voltage is needed to turn the led on?

Maybe a simpler way for you to think of this is that when Q2 is "on" it shorts out the led (current flows through R3 and Q2). When Q2 is "off" it is like an open circuit (current flows through R3 and the led).
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FAQ: I don't understand this circuit

1. Why is this circuit not working?

There could be several reasons why the circuit is not working. It could be a faulty component, incorrect wiring, or a problem with the power supply. It is important to troubleshoot the circuit and check each component to identify the issue.

2. Can you explain how this circuit works?

Sure, I'd be happy to explain the circuit to you. It is important to first understand the basic principles of electronics and circuitry. Once you have a solid understanding of those, I can walk you through the specific components and their functions within the circuit.

3. How do I calculate the voltage/resistance/current in this circuit?

To calculate the voltage, resistance, or current in a circuit, we use Ohm's Law which states that V=IR. This equation helps us determine the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. We also use Kirchhoff's Laws and other formulas to analyze more complex circuits.

4. What is the purpose of this specific component in the circuit?

Each component in a circuit serves a specific purpose. For example, resistors are used to limit current flow while capacitors store and release electrical energy. It is important to understand the function of each component in order to properly design and troubleshoot a circuit.

5. Can you recommend any resources for learning more about circuits?

There are many great resources available for learning more about circuits. Online tutorials, textbooks, and educational videos are all great options. Additionally, joining a local electronics club or taking a course at a community college can also be helpful in expanding your knowledge and skills in circuit design and analysis.
