Fluorescent Bulbs and Power Bills

  • Thread starter n0_3sc
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In summary, it's best to turn off fluorescent lights when not in use to save energy, but if you always try to 'save' power by turning off lights as often as possible, you may shorten their lifespan. A voltmeter can help you check if there is a wiring problem.
  • #1
I think this question is straightforward:

Fluorescent lighting requires several hundred to several thousand volts to startup right?
Shouldn't this increase your energy bill at the end of the month if your always supposedly trying to 'save' power by turning off lights as often as possible?

I've heard power companies don't charge you for 'reactive' power which is what starts up the fluorescent lighting? In which case the bulbs are more efficient.

Or is it more efficient to leave the bulbs running longer than switching them off...
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Power is voltage times amperage. They use a high voltage and a low amperage.

Modern fluorescents don't take very long to start, so it is better to turn them off when not in use.
  • #3
So its that simple? They use a very small startup current, and I assume a very low operating current? Are the startup and operating currents the same?

Also, how do dimming fluorescent bulbs work - are they just varying the current through them?
  • #4
russ_watters said:
Power is voltage times amperage. They use a high voltage and a low amperage.

And energy (what you pay the electric company for) is
time x voltage x current

The short startup time also makes for an insignificant startup energy.

What you DO pay for, with frequent restarts, is shorter bulb life. For a standard 40W fluorescent tube, lifetime is reduced 1 or 2 hours for each start. I'm not sure what the number is for CFL's. When I'll be away from the room for just a few minutes, I'll leave the lights turned on.
  • #5
Redbelly98 said:
And energy (what you pay the electric company for) is
time x voltage x current

The short startup time also makes for an insignificant startup energy.

What about running power/energy? "40W" fluorescent bulb doesn't mean it consumes 40 Joules/sec does it?
  • #6
n0_3sc said:
What about running power/energy? "40W" fluorescent bulb doesn't mean it consumes 40 Joules/sec does it?
Yes, that's exactly what it means.
  • #7
Ok so I guess the difference between a fluorescent 40W bulb and a filament 40W bulb is the luminous output right?

Also, in my house i can only have 1 or 2 fluorescent bulbs per room of say 4 bulbs. Having more than that causes the extra bulbs not to light up. Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking too much startup power was being drawn?
  • #8
n0_3sc said:
Ok so I guess the difference between a fluorescent 40W bulb and a filament 40W bulb is the luminous output right?
Well hold on - often for marketing purposes the box a compact fluroescent lists both the actual power usage and the incandescent equivalent light output.
Also, in my house i can only have 1 or 2 fluorescent bulbs per room of say 4 bulbs. Having more than that causes the extra bulbs not to light up. Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking too much startup power was being drawn?
That makes no sense. Does the same thing happen if you have incandescents? It sounds like you have a wiring problem. No, it doesn't have anything to do with startup power: startup power is whatever the lamp wants to take or else the circuit breaker will trip. A circuit has no way to regulate its amperage besides tripping the breaker.

But you may want to get yourself a voltmeter with a clamp-on ammeter.

You asked about dimming fluorescents earlier - I don't know how they work, but I do know that if you use a non-dimming fluorescent on a dimmer switch, you will kill the bulb.
  • #9
russ_watters said:
That makes no sense. Does the same thing happen if you have incandescents? It sounds like you have a wiring problem. ...

But you may want to get yourself a voltmeter with a clamp-on ammeter.

I know that doesn't make sense, the same thing does not happen with incandescents - I can run all 4 of 4 bulb sockets with incandescents but only 2 of 4 with fluorescents. I've tried unscrewing 1 of the 4 incandescent bulbs then running 3 fluorescents but that didn't work.

I guess the electrician who did the house must have done something dodge...

FAQ: Fluorescent Bulbs and Power Bills

1. How do fluorescent bulbs affect my power bill?

Fluorescent bulbs use significantly less energy compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, resulting in lower power bills. This is because fluorescent bulbs produce light through a chemical reaction rather than heating a filament, which is more energy-efficient.

2. Are fluorescent bulbs more expensive to purchase?

While fluorescent bulbs may have a higher upfront cost, they have a longer lifespan and use less energy, resulting in cost savings in the long run. Additionally, many energy companies offer rebates and incentives for using energy-efficient bulbs, further reducing the cost.

3. Do fluorescent bulbs emit the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs?

Fluorescent bulbs can produce the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs while using significantly less energy. This is because they are more efficient at converting electricity into light.

4. Can I use fluorescent bulbs in any light fixture?

In most cases, yes. However, it is important to check the packaging or manufacturer's instructions to ensure that the light fixture is compatible with fluorescent bulbs. Some fixtures may require a specific type or size of fluorescent bulb.

5. Do fluorescent bulbs contain any hazardous materials?

Fluorescent bulbs do contain a small amount of mercury, which is necessary for the chemical reaction that produces light. However, the amount of mercury is minimal and is not a concern during normal use. It is important to properly dispose of fluorescent bulbs to prevent any potential harm to the environment.

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