What is the Integral of a Function with a Constant in the Denominator?

In summary: However, the radical still stands, and we need to find the coefficients of x in order to solve for u.
  • #1
[tex]\int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{1/x + C}}[/tex] where C is a constant. Any ideas?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Rewrite your integrand as:
Try and integrate with respect to u; that usually works in cases like this.
  • #3
Is that [itex]\frac{1}{x}+ C[/itex] or [itex]\frac{1}{x+C}[/itex]?
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
Is that [tex]\frac{1}{x}+ C[/tex] or [tex]\frac{1}{x+C}[/tex]?

The former, viz. [tex]\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{x}+C}} dx = \int\sqrt{\frac{x}{1+Cx}} dx,[/tex] is nasty looking and the later is quite simple, of chourse it is just [tex]\int\sqrt{x+C}dx = \frac{2}{3}(x+C)^{\frac{3}{2}}+C_1[/tex]
  • #5
Maybe a little longer approach,
But this is the way I’d approach this in a cal 2 class
Please excuse the notation.

First rewrite integral sqrt(X)/sqrt(1+CX) dx

Now let 1/x =u^2
also let a^2 = c to make notation a little easier to work with.

This will yield an integral that look likes within constants
1/(u^3 sqrt(u^2+a^2) ) du

Now use a standard trig substitution let tan(angle)= a^2 u^2
the top numerator is just sec^2(angle) *d (angle)
the bottom portion is tan(angle)^3 * sec(angle)

Now simplify
We are integrating to within a constants sec(angle)/tan^2(angle) * d(angle)

Still have some simplification to do using the definition of tan = sin/cos
And sec=1/cos.

The form reduces to cos(angle) d(angle) / sin^2 (angle)
The integral is of this form is 1/sin^3(angle) and now all you need to do is all the back substitution.

And you can now begine to see the (2/3)(X+C)^(3/2) form reported by Benorin

If I was teaching cal 2 ( I’m doing cal 1) this semester I’d consider this a great take home problem for credit.

A rewrite would be nice if someone has a program which writes in a better math notation.

Again this is a great problem!
  • #6
To give a few hints on my approach, we start with:

We therefore have:
by which it follows:
The latter integral is easily calculated.
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  • #7
Well, the previous ones seem to be wrong, I got this monster from mathematica:

[tex]\frac{cx+1}{c \sqrt{c + \frac{1}{x}}} - \frac{\sqrt{cx+1} asinh {\sqrt{cx}} }{c^{3/2} \sqrt{c + \frac{1}{x}} \sqrt {x}}[/tex]

BTW, how did you guys derieved [tex]\int\sqrt{x+C}dx[/tex] from [tex]\int\sqrt{\frac{x}{1+Cx}} dx[/tex]?
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  • #8
gulsen said:
Well, the previous ones seem to be wrong, I got this monster from mathematica:

[tex]\frac{cx+1}{c \sqrt{c + \frac{1}{x}}} - \frac{\sqrt{cx+1} asinh {\sqrt{cx}} }{c^{3/2} \sqrt{c + \frac{1}{x}} \sqrt {x}}[/tex]

BTW, how did you guys derieved [tex]\int\sqrt{x+C}dx[/tex] from [tex]\int\sqrt{\frac{x}{1+Cx}} dx[/tex]?
No, we did not say that:
[tex]\int \sqrt{x + C} dx = \int \sqrt{\frac{x}{1 + Cx}} dx[/tex]
What benorin says is just that, if the original integral is:
[tex]\int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{x + C}}}[/tex], then it can be rearranged to give:
[tex]\int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{x + C}}} = \int \sqrt{x + C} dx[/tex].
  • #9
Whoops! :)
Hmm, well then, what if it was [tex]\int\sqrt{\frac{x}{1+Cx}} dx[/tex]? If what mathematica says is true, then it's going to be a BIG headache to solve. But I want to see what this headache is!
  • #10
Partial fractions is not a big headache. Tedious perhaps.
  • #11
Use integration by parts first:
Use partial fractions on the latter integral, and you're done
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  • #12
How can you write 1 + Cx when the original is 1/x + C? Pardon my ingnorance on this subject, but we just started these last week.
  • #13
misskitty said:
How can you write 1 + Cx when the original is 1/x + C? Pardon my ingnorance on this subject, but we just started these last week.
Very good question, misskitty!
Remember that the original integrand is [itex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{x}+C}}[/itex]
Now, we may rewrite this as:
  • #14
OH! So you CAN do that because all you've done is multiplied by a name for one inside the radical! That would have made one of my problems so much easier. Thanks for explaining. :biggrin:

  • #15
Also what's the purpose of changing the variable from x to u? What's the difference between integrating with respect to x or respect to u? Its still integrating with respect to a variable.

  • #16
Note that the u-substitution transforms your integral from an ugly expression involving a square root into a rational function (i.e, whose numerator and denominator are polynomials).
Since we know how to integrate rational functions, we've just made our original problem easily solvable..
  • #17
So by replacing it with u then you can just deal with the numbers without the square root and then once everything is worked out then you can take the square root. Do I have this correct?

  • #18
Yes, having found your anti-derivative in u, just replace every u through [itex]u=\sqrt{\frac{x}{Cx+1}}[/itex], and you're done.
  • #19
I get it now! Yay. Thanks for the patience to explain it. :biggrin:


FAQ: What is the Integral of a Function with a Constant in the Denominator?

1. What is an integral of a function?

The integral of a function is a mathematical concept that measures the area under the curve of a function. It is represented by the symbol ∫ and is used to find the total amount of a quantity over a certain interval.

2. How is the integral of a function calculated?

The integral of a function is calculated using integration, which is the reverse process of differentiation. It involves finding the anti-derivative of the function and evaluating it at the upper and lower limits of the interval.

3. What is the difference between a definite and indefinite integral?

A definite integral has specific limits of integration and gives a single numerical value as the result. An indefinite integral, on the other hand, does not have limits and gives a function as the result, which can be further evaluated for specific values.

4. Why is the integral of a function important?

The integral of a function has many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is used to calculate areas, volumes, and other quantities that can be represented by a function. It also helps in solving differential equations and finding the average value of a function over an interval.

5. What are some common techniques for evaluating integrals?

There are several techniques for evaluating integrals, such as substitution, integration by parts, partial fractions, and trigonometric substitutions. Choosing the right technique depends on the form of the function and the limits of integration.
