How Does Adiabatic Compression Affect Steam and Water Mixtures?

In summary, the compressor adiabatically and reversibly compresses a mixture of saturated water and steam from a pressure of 1.02 bar and specific volume of 1.25 m^3/kg to 0.473 m^3/kg. The fraction of steam at the compressor entrance, the exit entropy, and the exit pressure are all calculated. The entrance quality of steam and exit entropy are higher (right?), and the exit pressure can be calculated from the inlet pressure, volume, quality, and entropy.
  • #1
A compressor adiabatically and reversibly compresses a mixture of saturated water and steam from a pressure 1.02 bar and specific volume of 1.25 m^3/kg to 0.473 m^3/kg.

Calculate the fraction of steam at the compressor entrance, the exit entropy, and the exit pressure.

For the fraction of steam at the entrance, I thought it would be the saturated volume of saturated water and steam/the given volume of 1.25. However, the saturated volume of water and steam at 1.02 bar is higher than the given volume of 1.25. That's impossible. I'm confused; what am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
dryness fraction is = (weight of steam) / (weight of steam + weight of water)

its late now so i can't do it, (plus i have an assignment due on wednesday) but either tomorrow or wednesday i will help out some more :)

  • #3
zircons said:
A compressor adiabatically and reversibly compresses a mixture of saturated water and steam from a pressure 1.02 bar and specific volume of 1.25 m^3/kg to 0.473 m^3/kg.

Calculate the fraction of steam at the compressor entrance, the exit entropy, and the exit pressure.

For the fraction of steam at the entrance, I thought it would be the saturated volume of saturated water and steam/the given volume of 1.25. However, the saturated volume of water and steam at 1.02 bar is higher than the given volume of 1.25. That's impossible. I'm confused; what am I doing wrong?
One may wish to check the specific volume of water and steam for saturated conditions at 1.02 bar. Also, consider the quality of the steam, the mass fraction x that is steam and the fraction (1-x) that is liquid. Then consider the significance of "adiabatically and reversibly" and how that relates to the exit conditions.
  • #4
Isn't the specific volume of liquid water, even at saturation, about 0.001 m3/kg? That doesn't sound higher than 1.25.
  • #5
Thank you for your guidance!

I have now calculated the entrance quality of steam and exit entropy. However, I'm having trouble with the exit pressure. I know the inlet pressure, volume, quality, and entropy. I know the exit volume and entropy. The exit quality of steam and temperature must be higher (right?). I'm at a loss at how to connect it to the exit pressure though.
  • #6
Did you reach the conclusion that the exit entropy is the same as the inlet entropy? Assume a final temperature. Can you look up in the steam tables the entropy of saturated steam, the specific volume of saturated steam, the entropy of saturated liquid water, and the specific volume of saturated liquid water at that temperature? From the final entropy of the mixture, calculate the fraction of saturated steam and saturated water to make good on that final entropy. Then check to see if these fractions are also consistent with the final specific volume of the mixture. If they are not consistent, try another temperature.

Depending on what your steam tables are like, you may be able to find the final state without this trial-and-error approach.
  • #7
Oh man, that's the only solution I could think of, but I was hoping I wouldn't need to do the trial-and-error way. My steam tables will require it, along with interpolation :/ Regardless, thank you for your help!
  • #8
It shouldn't be too bad. Make a graph of the mismatch in overall specific volume as a function of the assumed temperature. After plotting a few points, you will see where the graph is heading, and you will make much better guesses of the temperature. Three or four temperature guesses ought to be enough to get you there.

FAQ: How Does Adiabatic Compression Affect Steam and Water Mixtures?

1. What are steam tables?

Steam tables are a set of tables that provide various thermodynamic properties of water and steam, such as temperature, pressure, enthalpy, and entropy. These tables are commonly used in engineering and scientific fields to analyze and predict the behavior of steam in various processes.

2. How are steam tables used?

Steam tables are used by engineers and scientists to determine the properties of water and steam at different temperatures and pressures. This information is crucial for designing and optimizing steam-based systems and processes, such as power plants, boilers, and refrigeration systems.

3. What is the significance of steam tables?

Steam tables are significant because they provide a convenient and accurate way to obtain the properties of water and steam without having to perform complex calculations. They also serve as a reference for determining the efficiency and performance of steam-based systems and processes.

4. How are steam tables different from other thermodynamic charts?

While other thermodynamic charts may also provide information about water and steam properties, steam tables are specifically designed for these substances and provide a more comprehensive set of data. They also include properties such as specific volume and internal energy, which are not always available on other charts.

5. Are there any limitations to using steam tables?

While steam tables are generally accurate, they do have limitations. These tables are based on ideal conditions and may not account for real-world factors such as impurities in the water or non-ideal behavior of steam. It is important to use steam tables with caution and consider other factors when making critical engineering decisions.
