Learn Geometry & Topology: Self-Study Tips & Strategies

In summary, the way the author learns math is to watch lectures, try to understand everything by heart, and try to learn every time he can. If he gets stuck, he tries to keep going and if he feels he loses motivation, he tries to improve it.
  • #1
Since there no teacher doing geometry or topology in our school,I have to learn some course all by myself.But I often come upon problems when I'm reading the book or doing the exercises.In some exercises,I even don't know which part of book can be used to solve it.

So I want to ask here hope somebody could give me some advise.Thank you!
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  • #2
At this point, the way I learn something if I am completely unfamiliar with the subject is to look for a course online and watch the lectures.
  • #3
Jorriss said:
At this point, the way I learn something if I am completely unfamiliar with the subject is to look for a course online and watch the lectures.

Yes,it is good to watch the lecture.But it's pity that I can't watch some good videos in youtube in my place...
  • #4
It's normal if you get stuck with even quite easy problems if you are new to the subject. Quite often I get too :-)) I'm re-learning "classical" analysis and, at the same time, I'm learning stochastic analysis. Sometimes things in the stochastic analysis go well and I stuck in the classical one, sometimes vice versa. Some points I've learnt:
* try to understand as much things as you can by heart, but if you get stuck do not stop for too long. Things tend to become clear as you proceed. (advice of Halmos);
* try to learn every time you can;
* love the subject ;-)
* if you feel you loose motivation, try to improve it. What works to me is to read some article or book about a famous mathematician. This usually motivates me to the hard work;
* discuss math with colleagues, it helps to organize your thoughts;
  • #5
If there are exercises bothering you, then you can always post them on the forum. Having somebody to guide you is a great help.

FAQ: Learn Geometry & Topology: Self-Study Tips & Strategies

What is the difference between geometry and topology?

Geometry is the study of shape, size, and position of objects in space, while topology is the study of properties that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching and bending, but not tearing. In simpler terms, geometry deals with the measurement of distances and angles, while topology focuses on the overall structure and connectivity of objects.

Why is it important to study geometry and topology?

Geometry and topology are important branches of mathematics that have numerous applications in fields such as engineering, physics, computer science, and even art. They provide a framework for understanding the fundamental properties of objects and spaces, and have practical applications in fields such as architecture, robotics, and data analysis.

What are some tips for self-studying geometry and topology?

1. Start with the basics: Make sure you have a strong foundation in basic concepts, such as points, lines, angles, and shapes, before moving on to more complex topics.2. Practice, practice, practice: Geometry and topology involve a lot of visual and spatial reasoning, so it's important to work through plenty of problems and exercises to develop your skills.3. Use visual aids: Geometry and topology are highly visual subjects, so it can be helpful to use diagrams, models, and other visual aids to aid your understanding.4. Seek out resources: There are many online resources, textbooks, and video lectures available for self-study. Take advantage of these to supplement your learning.5. Be patient and persistent: Learning geometry and topology takes time and effort, so don't get discouraged if you don't understand something right away. Keep practicing and seeking out resources to improve your understanding.

What are some common misconceptions about geometry and topology?

One common misconception is that geometry and topology are only relevant to abstract mathematical concepts and have no real-world applications. In reality, these fields have numerous practical applications in various fields, from architecture to computer graphics.Another misconception is that geometry and topology are easy because they involve visual and spatial reasoning. While having strong visualization skills can be helpful, these subjects also require a strong understanding of abstract concepts and rigorous problem-solving skills.

How can I prepare for a geometry and topology exam?

1. Review class notes and textbook materials: Make sure you have a good understanding of all the concepts covered in class and in your textbook.2. Work through practice problems: Practice solving problems from your textbook, class notes, and past exams to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that may be asked.3. Create study aids: Make flashcards, summaries, and diagrams to help you memorize key concepts and formulas.4. Seek help if needed: If you're struggling with a particular topic, don't hesitate to ask your teacher or a tutor for help.5. Get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast: These may seem like small things, but they can make a big difference in your ability to focus and perform well on the exam.

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