Particle in a box and Heisenberg Uncertainty principle paradox?

In summary, the conversation discusses the uncertainty of measuring the momentum of a particle in a one-dimensional box of length L. According to the De Broglie standing wave condition, the particle can only have specific momentum values. Using Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, it is shown that the uncertainty in the position of the particle is related to the uncertainty in its momentum. This leads to a contradiction when trying to measure the momentum with perfect accuracy, as it would require an apparatus bigger than the box. Therefore, there must be a mistake in the reasoning or one of the formulas used, and further study in quantum mechanics could provide a better explanation.
  • #1
Say you have a particle in a one-dimensional box of length L.
The particle can only have momentum values of the form
[itex] p_{n} = \frac{nh}{2L} [/itex] according to the De Broglie standing wave condition.

Now say I don't measure the position of the particle, but I know for certain that it is in the box. Then the uncertainty in the position is [itex] Δx = \frac{L}{2} [/itex].
Therefore, the uncertainty of the momentum is [itex] Δp ≥ \frac{h}{\pi L} [/itex] (where I used Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle that [itex] Δx Δp ≥ \frac{h}{2π} [/itex].

Now, suppose my instruments are good enough so that their only limit is that set by Heisenberg. Then [itex] Δp = \frac{h}{\pi L} [/itex]. But then, suppose I measured a momentum of [itex]\frac{2h}{2L} [/itex]. Then the uncertainty of my momentum measurement is less than the distance to the next integer-multiple momentum value. Therefore I know, for sure, that the momentum is exactly 2h/(2L) since assuming otherwise would mean accepting values in-between, contradicting quantization. But then the uncertainty is 0, contradicting Heisenberg.

I reach a contradiction. I assume Quantum mechanics are correct, so there must be a mistake in my reasoning. But I don't see it. Can you show me?My only guess, for now, is that one of the formulas I used are not exactly correct, and a more advanced course in QM will explain it better. (By the way, I'm only in a college-level course so I don't know much about QM formalism)
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  • #3

Thank you for the article. I read the abstract and introduction and it does seem to answer the question, but it is way too advanced for me (I have no idea what a "self adjoint operator" is).
  • #4
There is a simpler, less mathematical way to answer your question. As long as the particle is confined within the box, the point is that you simply can NOT measure the momentum with perfect accuracy. To measure the momentum with such a good accuracy you would need an apparatus bigger than the box, which would destroy confinement of the particle within the box. As a result, the uncertainty of the position would become bigger than the size of the box.

FAQ: Particle in a box and Heisenberg Uncertainty principle paradox?

1. What is the "Particle in a box" model and how does it relate to the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle?

The "Particle in a box" model is a simplified quantum mechanical model used to understand the behavior of particles confined within a finite space. It relates to the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle because in this model, the position and momentum of the particle cannot be known simultaneously with absolute certainty.

2. How does the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle create a paradox in the "Particle in a box" model?

The paradox arises because the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle states that the more accurately we know the position of a particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa. In the "Particle in a box" model, the particle is confined within a finite space, so its position is known with certainty. This means that its momentum must be completely uncertain, which contradicts the classical physics concept of a particle having a definite position and momentum at the same time.

3. Can the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle be violated in the "Particle in a box" model?

No, the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics and cannot be violated. It applies to all particles, including those in the "Particle in a box" model.

4. How does the size of the box in the "Particle in a box" model affect the uncertainty in the particle's position and momentum?

In the "Particle in a box" model, the size of the box directly affects the uncertainty in the particle's position and momentum. A larger box means a smaller uncertainty in position and a larger uncertainty in momentum, while a smaller box means a larger uncertainty in position and a smaller uncertainty in momentum.

5. What are the practical implications of the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle in particle physics?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle has important practical implications in particle physics. It means that we can never know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time, which affects our ability to make precise measurements and predictions about the behavior of particles. It also leads to the concept of quantum tunneling, where particles can "tunnel" through barriers that would be impossible according to classical physics.

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