Useing single supply amp with split supply preamp?

In summary, the conversation discusses creating a preamp/active crossover using the lm833n with a class D single supply board. The issue is with the ground connection as the class D board only has a negative ground. Solutions suggested include creating a "fake signal ground" for the opamp at half the supply voltage and using capacitors to block DC. Alternatively, a DC to DC converter can be used to create dual voltage. The use of input capacitors and virtual ground is also mentioned. Finally, a potential issue with using a switcher in an audiophile setup is brought up.
  • #1
I just finished a preamp/active crossover using the lm833n

but the amp I need to run it with is a class D single supply board.
and so the ground on the board is just negative.
Can I run my [high pass/ground/low pass] signal into this amp?
they are sharing a 24v power supply though and if I connect the pre amp boards ground to the class d boards ground then I am just crossing ground and negative because the class d boards ground IS negative.
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  • #2
No takers yet ?

Basically you create a "fake signal ground" for the opamp at half the supply voltage.
Then you use capacitors at input and output to block the DC.

read the first few pages of this introductory application note from TI, it should get you started..

or you can get a small DC to DC converter that makes dual voltage
there's plenty of them around

but if you're an audiophile you may not want a switcher around your hi-fi gear.
Hmmm but then - isn't class D itself switching?
Please excuse the question - I'm an old 6V6 audio guy.
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  • #3
You have three different voltage requirements, VDD, VEE and GND for the LM833. How do you solve that? (obviously you don't)

You probably have an input capacitor into a divider in front of the LM833 to create a virtual ground. The output voltage is then 12V when there is no audio.

Put a capacitor in series with the 833 output and connect it to the Class D amp. Connect the class D between 0 and 24V and move on. (It probably has it's own input capacitor, but I'd use an external one unless you know the input circuit.)

FAQ: Useing single supply amp with split supply preamp?

1. What is the purpose of using a single supply amp with a split supply preamp?

A single supply amp with a split supply preamp is used to convert a single power supply voltage into two symmetrical power supplies. This allows for better performance and flexibility in designing audio circuits.

2. Can a single supply amp be used with any split supply preamp?

No, it is important to choose a single supply amp with the correct voltage range to match the split supply preamp. Using an incompatible amp can cause damage to the circuit or result in poor performance.

3. What are the advantages of using a single supply amp with a split supply preamp?

Using a single supply amp with a split supply preamp can reduce the number of components needed in a circuit, simplify the design process, and improve overall performance. It also allows for the use of a wider range of power supplies.

4. Is it possible to use a single supply amp with a split supply preamp in a portable device?

Yes, a single supply amp with a split supply preamp can be used in portable devices as long as the power consumption is within the device's capabilities. Careful consideration of power supply and component selection is necessary to ensure efficient and reliable operation.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to using a single supply amp with a split supply preamp?

One potential drawback is that this setup may require more complex circuitry and careful consideration of component values and placement. Additionally, it may not be suitable for high power applications as it may not be able to provide enough voltage or current.
