Is a Master's in Computer Science Worth Pursuing for a Career Change at 27?

  • Thread starter ome700
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In summary, it is advisable for someone with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and two years of industry experience to pursue a master's degree in computer science rather than an undergraduate degree at the age of 27. It is important to consider one's specific interests and goals before making a decision, as well as any potential financial and personal factors. Additionally, it may be worth researching different programs and seeking advice from those with experience in the German education system. A master's in computer science can open up more job opportunities, particularly in the US, and may be a better fit for someone with a technical background and interest in programming.
  • #1
one who have bachelor degree in mechanical and 2year industry experience wants to change his field to computer science.
Is this advisable to go back to school for 3 or 4 year undergraduate degree in the age of 27.
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  • #2
This is one of those problems where the specifics are more important than the generalities.

The first question is probably, why do you really want to get into computer science? Have you developed a keen interest in some academic computing questions and believe you want to dive head first into solving them? Or are you just looking to change fields with your career?

The second question is where are you at in life at 27? Are you carrying a huge debt load? Do you have a sweetheart? A family to provide for? Will you be happy doing another undergraduate degree - sitting though lectures, working through tough assignments, studying for exams, and living the student lifestyle with very little income?
  • #3
ome700 said:
one who have bachelor degree in mechanical and 2year industry experience wants to change his field to computer science.
Is this advisable to go back to school for 3 or 4 year undergraduate degree in the age of 27.

You probably took some programming in undergrad, right? You can most likely get into a master's programming in CS. It might take a bit longer than a CS major (you will have to take a few undergrad courses) but I've seen people do it. They both went from Civil Engineering to CS but I imagine it's about the same.
  • #4
Mine English Skills are not very well. I am sorry for that.

Choppy said:
why do you really want to get into computer science?
Because of I really love developing some thing related Computer/Internet like Applications/Websites
Or are you just looking to change fields with your career?
No! I don't just looking to change my career. I have lot of interest in programming.
Are you carrying a huge debt load?

Will you be happy doing another undergraduate degree - sitting though lectures, working through tough assignments, studying for exams, and living the student lifestyle which very little income?
Yes I am willing to take another undergraduate degree. Basically, I have technical Degree in engineering. Because of its nature I'm unable to get Professional Engineer Status. Due to this type of degree I am doing job ion Non-Management level and have very limited opportunities for further career growth. Now these days I\m aggressively looking for higher studies which boost my career.

At this stage I have 2 pathways.

1 - Get into some mechanical related Master Program in Germany (With this degree I have some opportunities to get into master program), but I'm unsure that with master and Non-licensed engineering degree in Mechanical what career option available for me specifically in Germany. Should Employers hire me as an Engineer?

2 - Get into undergraduate Engineering degree. If University awarded me some credits for my previous studies then I go for mechanical, If they ask me to complete 4 more years then I will go for some Computer Science Related Program.

What you peoples think, which options is best suited to me. Also please make comments on option 1.

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  • #5
carlgrace said:
You probably took some programming in undergrad, right? You can most likely get into a master's programming in CS. It might take a bit longer than a CS major (you will have to take a few undergrad courses) but I've seen people do it. They both went from Civil Engineering to CS but I imagine it's about the same.

What you think after Master in CS what job opportunities available for me. Should am I able to secure entry level position in Computer related filed?
  • #6
I don't know too much about the German system, but if I've got this right, you did your B.Sc in mechanical engineering at a Fachhochschule, and now you want to do an *academic*, and not technical degree?

Are you sure you aren't eligible for an M.Sc at a universitat? Use Hochschulkompass to find some M.Sc in applied computer science, computer science, and other related fields. You sound like you're more interested in the programming aspects, than in the theoretical aspects. I could be wrong, but my understanding is that the less theoretical fields are easier to get into.

You should also try asking people on a German forum. As they are likely to have first hand experience with the schooling system there, they will be able to offer you better advice.
  • #7
ome700 said:
What you think after Master in CS what job opportunities available for me. Should am I able to secure entry level position in Computer related filed?

In the US a master's will give you better access to entry-level positions than a BS.

FAQ: Is a Master's in Computer Science Worth Pursuing for a Career Change at 27?

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The average age of bachelors in their late 20s can vary depending on location and cultural norms, but it is typically between 25-29 years old.

What are the common reasons for someone to still be a bachelor in their late 20s?

There are many reasons why someone may still be a bachelor in their late 20s. Some common reasons include focusing on career or education goals, not finding the right partner, personal preferences, or prioritizing personal growth and development.

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Yes, it is completely normal for someone to still be single in their late 20s. Everyone's journey and timeline for finding a partner is different and there is no set age for when someone should be in a relationship.

What are the challenges faced by bachelors in their late 20s?

Some common challenges faced by bachelors in their late 20s include societal pressure to be in a relationship, feeling like they are behind their peers who are already in relationships or married, and navigating the dating scene in a fast-paced and technology-driven world.

What are some benefits of being a bachelor in your late 20s?

There are many benefits to being a bachelor in your late 20s, such as having more time and freedom to focus on personal and career goals, being able to fully explore and understand oneself, and not having to compromise or make sacrifices for a partner.
