Nd2Fe14B: Molecular Structure Explained

In summary, the person said that the SmCo5-type hexagonal unit is a complex layered structure and that they study it because they are doing a final paper on a nanomotor. They also mentioned that they could ask their professor, but he is only back in school on Wednesday.
  • #1
Does anyone know how does this molecule looks like? (I study Aerospace, don't ask me why do i want to know :cry: )
How does those atomos connect with each other:
It's chemical formulae is:
[tex] Nd_2Fe_1_4B [/tex]
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
That's not needed right know, I've found it... if you want to know how the crystal of [tex] Nd_2Fe_1_4B [/tex] looks like just chek
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  • #3
You really don't learn anything from that picture.

The NdFeB structure is a complex layered structure based on repetitions of the SmCo5-type hexagonal unit.

I'm not supposed to ask you why...but I'm really curious why an aerospace major would need information of the crystallography of rare earth-transition metal intermetallic based permanent magnet compounds.

I've worked a little with some of these(mostly structure and magnetization measurements)...that's why I'm curious.
  • #4
Thank you and by the way...

That wasn't the only picture I've found... I've got other that is more explicit than the one I've pasted the link (that was just for people who didn't need to know how it looked like as much as i did)... but I'm still trying to figure out what is the diference between [tex] Fe [/tex] isotopes symbolized by a full, blank, left side half full, right side half full and beyond...
What you told about the SmCo5-type hexagonal unit was a nice thing for me because i will be able to go further faster...
The reason I'm needing it it's because I'm doing a final paper about a nanomotor and i need to compare the teorethical values of magnetic moment of the [tex] Nd_2Fe_1_4B [/tex] with the experimental ones (after some scaling laws). So I will model it to study in a program (3, to tell you the truth...). I could ask my professor but he only returns to school on wednesday... like everyone else (it's portuguese republic day on tuesday...)

FAQ: Nd2Fe14B: Molecular Structure Explained

1. What is the molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B?

The molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B is a tetragonal crystal lattice, meaning it has four sides and four angles. It belongs to the space group P4/mmm and has a unit cell consisting of 16 atoms. The structure is formed by alternating layers of neodymium and iron atoms, with boron atoms occupying the gaps in between.

2. How does the molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B contribute to its magnetic properties?

The unique molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B is responsible for its strong magnetic properties. The alignment of the atoms in the crystal lattice allows for strong magnetic interactions between neighboring atoms, resulting in a high magnetic moment. Additionally, the presence of boron atoms helps to maintain the stability of the structure and prevent magnetic domains from forming.

3. What are the key features of the molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B?

The key features of the molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B include the alternating layers of neodymium and iron atoms, the tetragonal crystal lattice, and the presence of boron atoms in the interstitial sites. These features contribute to the material's high magnetic moment, as well as its high coercivity and high energy product.

4. How is the molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B determined?

The molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B can be determined through various techniques such as X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, and electron microscopy. These methods allow scientists to analyze the arrangement of atoms within the crystal lattice and determine the unit cell parameters, atomic positions, and interatomic distances.

5. Can the molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B be modified?

Yes, the molecular structure of Nd2Fe14B can be modified by substituting certain atoms with other elements. For example, replacing some of the iron atoms with cobalt or nickel can improve the material's magnetic properties. Additionally, changing the ratio of neodymium to iron can also alter the structure and properties of Nd2Fe14B.
