Proof of limit involving square root

In summary, the limit of (sqrt(n+1) - sqrt(n)) * sqrt(n+ 1/2 ) as n approaches infinity is 1/2. This can be proven by expressing the limit as a fraction, using the fact that the limit of the first factor as n approaches infinity is 0, and then using the sandwich theorem to show that the limit is bounded above and below by 1/2. Another method is to divide the numerator and denominator by the square root of n, which also leads to the limit being 1/2.
  • #1
Hello all

I am having trouble proving the limit of the following:

lim sqrt(( n+1) - sqrt(n)) * sqrt(n+ 1/2 ) = 1/2
n --> 00

I tried using the fact the the limit of the first factor as n approaches infinity is 0. Then I tried expressing the first factor as

1 / sqrt(n+1) + sqrt(n) and doing the same thing for the other

factor. However I always get stuck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
As you have written the expression the limit does not exist. I suspect you meant something else.
  • #3
lim (sqrt( n+1) - sqrt(n)) * sqrt(n+ 1/2 ) = 1/2
n --> 00
  • #4
I trhink so:
lim (sqrt( n+1) - sqrt(n)) * sqrt(n+ 1/2 ) =
=lim (sqrt( n+1) - sqrt(n)) *(sqrt( n+1) + sqrt(n)) * sqrt(n+ 1/2 ) /(sqrt( n+1) + sqrt(n)) = lim sqrt(n+ 1/2 )/(sqrt( n+1) + sqrt(n))=1/2
  • #5
courtrigrad said:
lim (sqrt( n+1) - sqrt(n)) * sqrt(n+ 1/2 ) = 1/2
n --> 00
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} (\sqrt{n+1} - \sqrt{n}) \sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}=[/tex]
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{((n+1)-n)\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}}=[/tex]
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}}=[/tex]

[tex]2 \sqrt{n+1} > \sqrt{n+1} + \sqrt{n} > 2 \sqrt{n}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{2\sqrt{n+1}} < \frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}} <
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{2\sqrt{n+1}} \leq \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}} \leq \frac{1}{2}\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{2\sqrt{n}} [/tex]
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{n+\frac{1}{2}}{n+1}} \leq \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}} \leq \frac{1}{2}\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\sqrt{\frac{n+\frac{1}{2}}{n}}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{1}{2}\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \sqrt{1 - \frac{\frac{1}{2}}{n+1}} \leq \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{2} \frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}} \leq\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{1 + \frac{\frac{1}{2}}{n}}[/tex]
But now the limits on the RHS and LHS are pretty obviously 1 so we have:
[tex]\frac{1}{2} \leq \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}} \leq \frac{1}{2}[/tex]
so the limit is [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]
  • #6
Thanks a lot for the very elegant solution!
  • #7
NateTG said:
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} (\sqrt{n+1} - \sqrt{n}) \sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}=[/tex]
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{((n+1)-n)\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}}=[/tex]
[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}}=[/tex]

Actually I'd just stop there (I'm not saying Nate's solution is large or anything but here's another way to "see" where the limit is going). I'd then divide the numerator and the denominator by the square root of n to get

[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\sqrt{n+1}+\sqrt{n}} = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\sqrt{1+\frac{1}{2n}}}{\sqrt{1+\frac{1}{n}}+1} [/tex]

Taking limits gives (1/2) as the answer. You can recognize the original limit as an indeterminate form and divide by the arbitrarily growing variable n to get to the same thing.

I should mention however, that the sandwiching approach used by NateTG is far more elegant than this "trick" here (which gives you the answer but not an insight).

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FAQ: Proof of limit involving square root

What is the definition of a limit involving square root?

A limit involving square root is a mathematical concept that describes the behavior of a function as the input approaches a specific value. It is denoted by the symbol "lim" and is often used to determine the value of a function at a specific point.

How do you solve a proof of limit involving square root?

To solve a proof of limit involving square root, you will typically use algebraic manipulation and properties of limits to simplify the expression. Then, you can substitute in the given value for the variable and evaluate the limit.

What are some common strategies for solving proofs of limits involving square root?

Some common strategies for solving proofs of limits involving square root include factoring, rationalizing the denominator, and using trigonometric identities. It is also important to understand the properties of limits, such as the sum, difference, and product rules.

Are there any special cases or exceptions for limits involving square root?

Yes, there are a few special cases or exceptions for limits involving square root. For example, if the function has a discontinuity or a vertical asymptote at the point being evaluated, the limit may not exist. It is also important to check for any domain restrictions on the function.

How can understanding limits involving square root be useful in real-world applications?

Understanding limits involving square root can be useful in real-world applications, such as calculating rates of change, determining maximum and minimum values, and evaluating the behavior of physical systems. It is also a fundamental concept in calculus and is used to solve more complex mathematical problems.
