Curious definite integral related to sophomores dream

In summary: I'm not sure if it's a singularity or not.In summary, the function has a singularity at -pi²/6. There is no definite answer as to whether the function actually reaches zero at some negative value.
  • #1
The integral I am seeking to evaluate is
int_{-\inf}^{+\inf) exp(-|w|/2) exp( i w [ln(|w|)/pi-x]) dw
a definite integral which is a function of x... at x=0, it is nearly the same
as the "sophomore dream" integral...

I don't know why, but this function seems to have a singularity at -pi^2/6
This does have a physical application: it would be the minimum phase impulse
response of a cable having losses linear with frequency,,,
Physics news on
  • #2
Probably, there is a misunderstanding.
The integral eq.(1) is the sum of two regular functions Eq.(2) and (3).
I cannot see any singularity.


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  • #3
Hi! JJ,

Cos(a+b) = cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b)

so actually what you want to plot is (2) minus (3), not plus...

which is such that the function abruply goes to zero (and stays exactly there) at -pi^2/6

It is a singularity in the same way that the function f=(0,x<=0;exp(-1/x),x>0) has

a singularity at 0: all derivatives vanish... but only exactly on the real axis. On the

complex plane the series diverges/oscillated like crazy (no Taylor expansion possible...).
  • #4
Cos(a+b) = cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b)
so actually what you want to plot is (2) minus (3), not plus...
a = w*ln(w)/pi
b = -w*x ... (not +w*x)
Cos(a+b) = cos(w*ln(w)/pi) cos(w*x) + sin(w*ln(w)/pi) sin(w*x)
The sum is (2) plus (3), not minus.
And, as a matter of fact, the red curve ploted in not { (2) plus (3) }, but it is (1), before any transformation.
Also I ploted first { (2) plus (3) } but the curve is not visible because it is exactly the same as the curve (1).

the function abruply goes to zero (and stays exactly there) at -pi^2/6
I have doubts about that. It seems that, when x is positive and large, both fonctions Fc(x) and Fs(x) tend to zero, Fc(x) with positive values and Fs(x) with negative values, both tending to a common absolute value : i.e. Fc(x) equivalent to -Fs(x) . Equivalent, is not equal : the sum isn't exacty 0, but very close to 0.
So, Fc(x)+Fs(x) tend to zero very quickly, as it is often the case, due to exponentials.
The computation of the sum of two very low numerical values of oposite sign is hasardous.
I would not swear to it, but I think that the appearance of a threshold is related to the precision of the numerical integrator. If the threshold is crossed, the numerical result is 0, instead of a correct very low but not nil value, which moreover tends even more quickly to 0 when x increases.
I think that pi^2/6 is an empirical result, only due to hasard and without signifiance.
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  • #5
Hi! JJ,

caution, in English you would say "chance" not "hasard"... "hasard" is like "danger"

You are right, I flipped the sign of x in what I sent you (here I actually FFT/IFFT
with MATLAB), so on your graph what I call a singularity is at +1.6..., not -1.6...
and the impulse response is time-flipped...

Merci pour les corrections... je suppose que vous vivez en France? Je pourrais
vous expliquer comment j'en suis arrive la et ce que je compte faire, mais ce serait
mieux par telephone que dans ce forum...
  • #6
Je pourrais vous expliquer comment j'en suis arrive la et ce que je compte faire, mais ce serait mieux par telephone que dans ce forum...
En effet, il vaut mieux ne pas encombrer le forum par des sujets devenant trop spécifiques.
Dans ce cas, la messagerie privée de ce site peut être un moyen de communication plus discret.
  • #7
Hi! Lamarche,
The document showing that there is no singularity around x=-pi²/6 is in attachment.
The sign of x has been flipped.


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  • #8
lamarche said:
Hi! JJ,

caution, in English you would say "chance" not "hasard"... "hasard" is like "danger"
And, in English, the spelling is "hazard"!

You are right, I flipped the sign of x in what I sent you (here I actually FFT/IFFT
with MATLAB), so on your graph what I call a singularity is at +1.6..., not -1.6...
and the impulse response is time-flipped...

Merci pour les corrections... je suppose que vous vivez en France? Je pourrais
vous expliquer comment j'en suis arrive la et ce que je compte faire, mais ce serait
mieux par telephone que dans ce forum...
  • #9
JJacquelin said:
Hi! Lamarche,
The document showing that there is no singularity around x=-pi²/6 is in attachment.
The sign of x has been flipped.

Your data looks convincing. I had the wrong intuition.
Do you think the function actually reaches zero at some negative value (e.g. -2 ?)?
or do you think it is entire? I tried a Taylor expansion on it, and I actually got some hints
of an infinite radius of convergence!

FAQ: Curious definite integral related to sophomores dream

What is a definite integral?

A definite integral is a mathematical concept that represents the area under a curve between two specific points on a graph. It is a way to measure the total value of a function over a specific interval.

How is a definite integral related to the concept of "Sophomore's Dream"?

The "Sophomore's Dream" is a mathematical rule that states that the definite integral of x^n from 0 to 1 is equal to 1/(n+1). This rule is often used to simplify the calculation of definite integrals and is related to the concept of a definite integral as it represents the area under the curve between two points.

Why is the "Sophomore's Dream" considered a curious definite integral?

The "Sophomore's Dream" is considered curious because it is a surprising and counterintuitive result. It shows that the definite integral of a polynomial function can be simplified to a simple fraction instead of a more complex expression.

How is the "Sophomore's Dream" used in real-world applications?

The "Sophomore's Dream" is used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. It is used to calculate the total value of a function over a specific interval, which can be applied to problems involving areas, volumes, and rates of change.

What are some other notable definite integrals?

Aside from the "Sophomore's Dream", there are many other notable definite integrals such as the Gaussian integral, the Euler's constant integral, and the Wallis product. These integrals have various applications in mathematics and other fields of science.
