Find Historical Physics Papers - Einstein, Plank, etc.

In summary, the conversation is about finding a website that has historical papers from Physics history, such as Einstein's 1905 papers and Plank's Paper on Blackbody Radiation. The person speaking mentions that they would enjoy the opportunity to look through those papers first hand. Another person suggests checking with ZapperZ, who had previously posted a link to a website with a collection of papers from the last century, including Einstein's and Schrodinger's. They also provide additional links to possibly relevant websites.
  • #1
I'm not exactly sure where to post this, but does anybody know of a website that has different historical papers from Physics history, i.e. Einstein's 1905 papers, Plank's Paper on Blackbody Radiation etc. (translated hopefully) I think I would enjoy the opportunity to look through some of those papers first hand.

Thanks for your help,

Physics news on
  • #2
I don't know of any websites but I noticed this in the book store the other day.

The book includes Copernicus's On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres, Galileo's Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences, Kepler's "Harmony of the World," Newton's The Principia and selections from The Principle of Relativity by Einstein and with editorials by Stephen Hawking.
  • #3
ZapperZ had once posted a link to an APS page that held a great collection of papers from the last century - including Einstein's, Schrodinger's, etc.

You could PM Zz and ask him to post that link in this thread too.
  • #5
Maybe this also relevent?
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FAQ: Find Historical Physics Papers - Einstein, Plank, etc.

What is the importance of studying historical physics papers?

Studying historical physics papers allows us to understand the development of scientific theories and concepts, as well as the thought processes and methodologies of famous scientists such as Einstein and Planck. It also provides a foundation for current and future research in physics.

Where can I find historical physics papers?

Historical physics papers can be found in various places such as online archives, academic libraries, and museums. Some universities and research institutions also have their own collections of historical papers.

How do I know if a physics paper is historically significant?

A physics paper is considered historically significant if it has made a significant impact on the development of a scientific theory or concept, has been widely cited and discussed, or has been recognized by the scientific community as groundbreaking or revolutionary.

Can I access historical physics papers for free?

Many historical physics papers are now available for free online through various databases and archives. However, some may require a subscription or payment to access. It is also possible to request copies of papers from academic libraries or institutions.

What can I learn from studying historical physics papers?

Studying historical physics papers can provide insights into the thought processes and methodologies of famous scientists, as well as the historical context in which scientific discoveries were made. It can also help us understand the evolution of scientific theories and concepts, and how they have shaped our understanding of the physical world.
