What exactly is a residue - what are its applications[complex analysis]

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of residues and how they are used in different methods of integration. The Schaums series presents a formula for calculating residues while the other method uses the sum of residues at singularities. It is also mentioned that integrating (z-z0)^n on a closed curve around z0 will result in 0 for all values of n except when n = -1, in which case the integral equals 2πi. Furthermore, the concept of a pole of order n is introduced and it is stated that the residue of a function at a point is equal to the coefficient of (z-z0)^-1 in a Laurent series expansion of the function.
  • #1
In https://www.amazon.com/dp/0139078746/?tag=pfamazon01-20 - residues is introduced as an exercise at the end of a chapter and that's it! (or it may resurface in a later chapter),

My question is that saff and snider looks at it as the numerator of the partial fraction exapansion of a polynomail fraction.

But in Schaums series we have a nice little function like this:

a = lim   1/(k-1)! . [color=red](d^(k-1) /dz^(k-1)) [/color] {(z-a)^k f(z)}

where the term in red is the differential operator and the order is determined by k-1

so what's this used for? which method is right? why choose one method over the other? And what is it beside the sum of all the residues at the singularities = the integral of the function that contains it - i.e. f(z) ?

sorry if this is a silly question.
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  • #2
If you integrate zn on a closed curve around 0 what do you get?
More generally, if you integrate (z-z0)n on a close curve containing z0 what do you get?

That's easy to answer. Since (z-z0)n is analytic everywhere except at z0, we get the same for all such curves so we can look at the circle, of radius 1 around z0, taking [itex]z= z_0+ e^{i\theta}[/itex] so that [itex](z-z_0)^n= e^{ni\theta}[/itex] and [itex]dz= ie^{i\theta}d\theta[/itex]:
[tex]\int (z-z_0)^n dz= \int_0^{2\pi}ie^{(n+1)i\theta}d\theta[/tex]
As long as n is not equal to -1, that is
evaluated at [itex]\theta= 0[/itex] and [itex]\theta= 2\pi[/itex]. But [itex]e^{(n+1)i\theta}[/itex] is 0 at both ends so the integral is 0.

If n= -1, then [itex]e^{(n+1)i\theta}= e^0= 1[/itex] so the integral is just
[tex]\int_0^{2\pi} d\theta= 2\pi i[/itex].

Now, suppose f(z) is a function having a "pole of order n" at z= z0. That means it can be written as a power series with powers of z down to -n: a "Laurent series".
[tex]f(z)= a_{-n}(z-z_0)^{-n}+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ a_{-1}(z-z_0)^{-1}+ \cdot\cdot\cdot[/tex]
Integrating that, term by term, on a contour containing z0, every term gives 0 except the (z-z0)-1 term. That term gives [itex]2\pi i a_{-1}[/itex] so the integral is that.

The "residue" of f(z) at z0 is precisely the coefficient of (z-z0)-1 in a Laurent series expansion of f(z). It can be found using a formula similar to the formula for Taylor's series coefficients- That's the formula Schaum's outline is giving you. If f(z) is analytic inside a countour except for some points at which it has poles, the integral of f around that contour is just [itex]2\pi i[/itex] times the sum of the residues at each of those poles.
  • #3
thanks a tonne halls of ivy

FAQ: What exactly is a residue - what are its applications[complex analysis]

1. What is a residue in complex analysis?

A residue in complex analysis refers to the value of a function at a point where the function is not defined or has a singularity. It is often denoted as Res(f, z), where f is the complex function and z is the point of singularity.

2. How is the residue calculated?

The residue of a function at a point z can be calculated using the formula Res(f, z) = limz→z (z-z0)f(z), where z0 is the point of singularity. This formula involves finding the limit of the function as z approaches z0.

3. What are the applications of residues in complex analysis?

Residues have several applications in complex analysis. They are used to evaluate complex integrals, solve differential equations, and determine the poles and zeros of a function. They are also useful in contour integration and in solving problems in physics and engineering.

4. Can residues be negative or complex numbers?

Yes, residues can be negative or complex numbers. The value of a residue depends on the function and the point of singularity. It is possible for the residue to be a negative or complex number, but this does not affect its calculation or applications.

5. Are residues unique?

No, residues are not unique. A function can have multiple singularities, and each singularity will have its own residue. However, the sum of all residues of a function around a closed loop is always zero, which is known as the Residue Theorem.

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