Figuring Out the Radius of Curvature for Separating CO & N2 on Film

In summary, the conversation is about determining the radius of curvature needed for a spectrometer to separate CO and N2 molecules on film by 0.50mm. The molecules will travel in a circular path due to the magnetic force, and their velocity will be the same. The position on the detector is a function of the mass, and the ratio of masses to the ratio of radii is used to solve the problem.
  • #1
I have two molecules CO and N2 with masses 28.0106u and 28.0134u respectively.

I need to determine the radius of curvature the spectrometer must have if the molecules are to be separated on film by 0.50mm.

I don't even know where to begin to solve this. The only equation relating to it in the book is m=qB'r/v, where r=mv/qB'. But I don't have v or q or B'. Agghhh.


Would someone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
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  • #2

Since the molecules have mass, Newton's 1st law says they'll travel at a constant speed, v, and in a constant direction unless there's a force applied to them. The force is from the magnetic field B. It's magnitude is given by qvB, and its direction is always perpendicular to v. This means the molecules will travel in a circle.

But how big is the circle? The acceleration of an object going in a circle turns out to be v^2/r. This makes sense because the smaller r is, the faster the particle is has to be changing is direction (hich is one form of acceleration) and the faster its going the faster it's making that turn.

Now we apply Newton's 2nd law that says F = ma. So write this equation for each of your molecules, and see if that helps you understand what's going on.

Also, you might check your book where it talks about mass spectrometers, but usually the way they work is to send all the molecules through a little device called a velocity selector so that everything coming out is going at the same speed. You can probably assume this even if your book doesn't say it (because I think you have to!).

Try messing around with all that for a while, and see what you come up with.
  • #3
Okay, I understand that their is going to be a circular path due to the magnetic force (E field) and that since the masses of the molecules are nearly the same, their velocity is going to be the same too. However, I do not understand where the .5mm is integrated into the equation.

I'm sorry for not understanding, it just hasn't clicked yet as to how to work out this problem. So frustrating...
  • #4
kashmirekat said:
Okay, I understand that their is going to be a circular path due to the magnetic force (E field) and that since the masses of the molecules are nearly the same, their velocity is going to be the same too. However, I do not understand where the .5mm is integrated into the equation.
The circular paths have different radii, thus they will hit the detector at different positions. (Think of the particles as swinging around in a semicircle: distance from initial position = diameter of circle.) The position on the detector is a function of the mass. The question is: What must the radius be (of the larger path say) so that the difference in where they hit the detector is 0.5mm?
  • #5
The answer to the problem involved taking the ratio of masses to the ratio of r. m/[delta]m=[delta]r/r . Where [delta]r = .5mm

Thank you for your help.

FAQ: Figuring Out the Radius of Curvature for Separating CO & N2 on Film

1. How do you determine the radius of curvature for separating CO and N2 on film?

The radius of curvature can be determined by first measuring the distance between the two points of interest on the film. Then, using the known refractive index of the film material, the radius of curvature can be calculated using the formula: R = d/2(n2-n1), where R is the radius of curvature, d is the distance between the two points, and n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the two substances being separated.

2. What factors can affect the accuracy of determining the radius of curvature for separating CO and N2 on film?

The accuracy of determining the radius of curvature can be affected by several factors, such as the accuracy of measuring the distance on the film, the accuracy of the refractive index values used, and any potential errors in the calculations.

3. Can the same method be used for determining the radius of curvature of other substances on film?

Yes, the same method can be used for determining the radius of curvature of other substances on film. However, the refractive indices of the substances being separated must be known in order to calculate the radius of curvature accurately.

4. Is there a specific type of film that is best for separating CO and N2?

There is no specific type of film that is best for separating CO and N2. However, films with high refractive indices and low optical dispersion tend to be more effective for this purpose.

5. Can the radius of curvature be adjusted to separate other substances on film?

Yes, the radius of curvature can be adjusted to separate other substances on film. By changing the distance between the points of interest and/or using films with different refractive indices, the radius of curvature can be adjusted to separate various substances. However, this may require trial and error to find the appropriate values.
