Time dilatation and 'now slices'

In summary, Brian Greene's book "The Fabric of the Cosmos" discusses the concept of "now slices" in relation to time dilation and special relativity. The idea is that a moving observer's "now slice" can angle towards the past or future of a stationary observer, depending on the direction of their movement. This can create a sense of cognitive dissonance, as it seems to contradict the idea of time dilation occurring at the same rate regardless of direction. However, this effect is simply due to the observer's surroundings and the distance they are looking into space, not actual time travel. Brian Greene's use of a loaf of bread to explain this concept can be misleading, as it does not take into account that we are always looking
  • #1
i read brian greene's book 'the fabric of the cosmos' a long while ago, and i remember being surprised by the notion that one's 'now slice' of reality can angle toward the past OR the future of someone else's. (toward past if moving away, toward future in moving toward someone who is 'stationary'). this doesn't seem to mesh with my understanding of special relativity, because i thought time dilation occurred the same regardless of what direction you were moving-- just as long as you are moving relative to someone else. hence, the whole twin's paradox, which includes a trip away from earth, then a trip back. i would think that 'now slices' should always angle toward the past as someone moves through spacetime.

i just watched the nova program (based on the book), and this cognitive dissonance has been reawakened in me. could some please explain, in layman's terms, how this is so? i don't question the truth of brian greene's statements, i just want to fully understand them.

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  • #3
I could be wrong... but... I believe this is an observed effect of the moving observer's surroundings relative to the observer at rest. The further the moving observer looks into space the greater further into the future (looking forward) or past (looking backwards) he will see in relation to the observer at rest. This isn't really a hard concept to grasp when you think about it.

The clincher here is that when you look deep into space you’re looking deep into the past. The Andromeda galaxy is 2.41 Mlys away. This means that when you are looking at this galaxy, you are looking 2.41 million years into the past. Brian Greene is giving the impression that you could literally look into the future prior to the events occurring (not possible), the only truth here is that you can look into the past after the event occurs.

If you were to move towards the Andromeda galaxy, you would observer events occurring sooner than the person who is standing still. And vice versa, if you were moving away from the galaxy, you would notice events occurring later than the person standing still. When a star explodes - this is an event. If you observer this event occurring in the Andromeda galaxy, this event occurred over 2 million years ago. Events are observable because the light from that event moves outward into space. Think about that event like a wall that is moving towards you. If you ride a bike towards that wall - you will hit the wall sooner than if you were standing still, and if you move away from the wall, it will hit you later.

Its simple logic - not time dilation. Brian Greene merely makes it sound fancy by showing you a loaf of bread and cutting it in different angles. He doesn't mention, however, that you are already looking into the past.
  • #4
I would suggest just drawijng a space-time diagram, scaled such that light beams always travel at 45 degree angles.

Then just draw a moving observer, a light beam emitted from him towards some object, which gets reflected.

The event on the moving observer's worldline that's simultaneous with the radar event is at the midpoint between the transmission and reception, and a line from said midpint to the radar event defines the "line of simultaneity" for the moving observer.


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FAQ: Time dilatation and 'now slices'

1. What is time dilatation?

Time dilatation refers to the phenomenon where time appears to pass more slowly for an object or observer who is moving at high speeds relative to another object or observer. This is a consequence of Einstein's theory of relativity and is a fundamental aspect of our understanding of the universe.

2. How does time dilatation work?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time and space are not absolute, but rather are intertwined in a four-dimensional fabric called spacetime. The speed of light is constant in this fabric, and as an object moves through spacetime, its velocity in one direction affects its velocity in other directions. This results in time passing more slowly for objects moving at high speeds, a concept known as time dilation.

3. What are 'now slices'?

'Now slices' refer to the idea that time can be divided into infinitely thin slices, with each slice representing a single moment in time. These slices are constantly shifting and moving, and what we perceive as the present moment is simply our perception of a particular 'now slice' at a specific point in our own spacetime.

4. How does time dilatation affect our everyday lives?

Time dilatation is only noticeable at extremely high speeds, such as those reached by objects traveling near the speed of light. At everyday speeds, the effects of time dilatation are negligible and have no significant impact on our lives. However, technologies such as GPS must take into account the slight time dilatation caused by the speed of satellites in orbit.

5. Can time dilatation be observed or measured?

Yes, time dilatation has been observed and measured through various experiments, such as the famous Hafele-Keating experiment in 1971. In this experiment, atomic clocks were flown on airplanes in opposite directions and were found to have different elapsed times upon returning to their starting point. Additionally, the effects of time dilatation are essential in understanding and predicting the behavior of particles in particle accelerators.

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