How to Calculate Thin Plate Deflection for a Point Load at the Center?

In summary: Roark says in Chapter 11: Flat Plates, Section 1: Common Case:For uniform loading over a very small central circular area of radius r0, those are Roark cases 16 and 17 depending on the boundary conditions.
  • #1
Hi. I have been doing some FEA modelling with solid works and am trying to calculate my deflection for a point load at the centre of a clamped periphery (not simply supported) circular thin plate. I need to calculate the theoretical values to make sure that my FEA is correct

The formula I have found is this :

for r not = to 0

w= deflection
W= load in N
a= fixed max radius (m)
r = variable radius (m)

D=flexual rigidity = Eh^3/(1-v^2)
E=Young's modulus (Pa)
h=plate thickness (m)
v=poissons ratio

When I plug my relevant data into the formula I get stuck because i am using a point load at the centre...therefore my r=0...I cannot find the formula for when the load is at the centre. Can anyone please help?

I have been having no trouble doing this with a distruited load (pressure) but it's the point load that I have been having trouble with.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
You will get a problem using concentrated analytic loadings with erroneously high answers. Roark says in Chapter 11: Flat Plates, Section 1: Common Case:

Concentrated Loading
It will be noted that all formulas for maximum stress due to a load applied over a small area give very high values when the radius of the loaded area approaches zero. Analysis by a more precise method (Ref 12) shows that the actual maximum stress produced by a load concentrated on a very small area of radius [tex] r_0 [/tex] can be found by replacing the actual [tex] r_0 [/tex] by a so-called equivalent radius [tex] r'_0 [/tex], which depends largely upon the thickness of the plate [tex] t [/tex] and to a lesser degree on its least transverse dimension. Holl (Ref. 13) shows how [tex] r'_0 [/tex] varies with the width of a flat plate. Westergaard (Ref. 14) gives an approximate expression for this equivalent radius:

[tex] r'_0 = \sqrt{ 1.6 r^2_0 + t^2} - 0.675t [/tex]

This formula which applies to a plate of any form, may be used for all values of [tex] r_0 [/tex] less than [tex] 0.5t [/tex]; for larger values the actual [tex] r_0 [/tex] may be used.

Use of the equivalent radius makes possible the calculation of the finite maximum stresses produced by a (nominal) point loading whereas the ordinary forumula would indicate that these stresses were infinite.

So, the application of a concentrated loading physically is erroneous. You can try to apply the loading in your FEA as a concentrated surface loading over a finite area. Then use the formula given to get an equivalent radius, thereby which you can get the stresses and deflections.

For uniform loading over a very small central circular area of radius r0, those are Roark cases 16 and 17 depending on the boundary conditions. I can supply those if you would like. I think you have case 17 though (edges fixed rather than simply supported). In that case, the maximum deflection at r=0 is:

[tex] y_{max} = \frac{ -W a^2}{16 \pi D} [/tex]


[tex] W = q \pi r^2_0 [/tex]

q being the "pressure", and a being the radius of the flat plate.
  • #3
thanks for that minger. That solves my problem. :)
  • #4
Glad I could help.
  • #5

Where did you find that formula you first were trying? Could you give me a reference, as I am doing analysis on a microplate and am only finding things for calculating the nodal frequencies.

That could really be useful, although seems to only give the deflection for one state.

FAQ: How to Calculate Thin Plate Deflection for a Point Load at the Center?

1. What is the thin plate deflection formula?

The thin plate deflection formula, also known as the Kirchhoff plate theory, is a theoretical model used to calculate the deflection of thin, flat plates under a distributed load. It takes into account the plate's material properties, geometry, and boundary conditions.

2. How is the thin plate deflection formula derived?

The thin plate deflection formula is derived from the equilibrium equations and the assumptions of small deflections and linear elastic behavior. It is a simplification of the more complex elasticity theory, but it is accurate for plates with a thickness-to-span ratio less than 1/10.

3. What are the assumptions made in the thin plate deflection formula?

The thin plate deflection formula assumes that the plate is thin, has a constant thickness, is made of a homogeneous and isotropic material, and is loaded with a distributed load. It also assumes that the deflections are small and the plate behaves in a linear elastic manner.

4. Can the thin plate deflection formula be used for all types of plates?

No, the thin plate deflection formula is only applicable for plates with a thickness-to-span ratio less than 1/10. For plates with a larger thickness-to-span ratio, other theories such as the Mindlin plate theory or the classical plate theory must be used.

5. Are there any limitations to using the thin plate deflection formula?

Yes, the thin plate deflection formula has limitations. It does not take into account the effects of transverse shear or rotational inertia, which may be significant for thicker plates. It also does not consider nonlinear material behavior or large deflections. Therefore, it is important to assess its applicability and accuracy before using it for a specific plate problem.

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