Practical Uses of NOT, OR, and AND Gates

  • Thread starter eku_girl83
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In summary, the NOT, OR, and AND gates can be used in various practical situations such as automatic doors in a supermarket to control air flow and energy costs, using a float switch to detect water in a basement and trigger an alarm, and preventing a dog from running away by sounding an alarm when both doors are open at the same time.
  • #1
Can someone give me an example of where the following types of gates should be of practical use?

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  • #2
Ok, the automatic doors at a supermarket, the idea is to use two sets of doors to minimize the amount of air that can transfer in/out to minimize heating/cooling costs.

If one door is open then you do NOT want the other door to automatically open.

If one door OR the other door is open turn on the lights promo music in the space between the doors.

If one door AND the other door is open turn on the blower fan to keep the air moving in the desired direction and heat/cool it appropriately.

That help?

  • #3
not: let's say, you have a float in your basement that is nc (normally closed, like a light switch turned on, when not under water). you want to use this float for an alarm. if you wire this float directly to the alarm panel it will be on when the basement is dry! therefore we reverse the incoming signal to the alarm panel through a not gate. consequently; 0=1, and 1=0, so the alarm will only sound when your feet are wet.
or: let's say, you have a large basement with two water infiltration areas, and also two float switches wired no (normally open, like a light switch off when dry). we really don't care which area has water when we are asleep, we just want to know that there is a problem. therefore; we require an alarm whether float # 1 OR float # 2 is under water, and consequently apply these float signals to an OR gate for an alarm.(0 with 0 input=0 output feet dry/no alarm, 0 with 1 input=1 output, feet wet/ alarm, 1 with 0 input= 1 output, feet wet alarm.
and; let's say your dog runs away through two doors every time they are both open at the same time.
we will place a no switch on each door, so that an alarm will sound every time both doors are open, using an AND gate. [0 with 1 input = 0 dog ok & no alarm, 1 with 0 input = 0 dog ok & no alarm, 1 with 1 input = 1 dog may be run over & alarms go off like gang busters (whatever that is) so you to save him/her from peril]
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FAQ: Practical Uses of NOT, OR, and AND Gates

What are NOT, OR, and AND Gates?

NOT, OR, and AND Gates are basic logic gates that are used in digital electronics to process logical operations. They are the building blocks of more complex logic circuits and are essential in the design and functionality of computers and other electronic devices.

How are NOT, OR, and AND Gates used in practical applications?

NOT, OR, and AND Gates are used in practical applications for controlling the flow of information and making decisions in electronic systems. They are commonly used in digital signal processing, computer memory, and microprocessors. They can also be found in everyday devices such as calculators, remote controls, and traffic lights.

What is the difference between NOT, OR, and AND Gates?

NOT Gates, also known as inverters, produce an output that is the opposite of the input. OR Gates produce an output of 1 if any of the inputs are 1, otherwise the output is 0. AND Gates produce an output of 1 only if all of the inputs are 1, otherwise the output is 0. In other words, NOT Gates perform negation, OR Gates perform disjunction, and AND Gates perform conjunction.

How do NOT, OR, and AND Gates work together in logic circuits?

NOT, OR, and AND Gates can be combined to create more complex logic circuits to perform a variety of logical operations. For example, by connecting multiple NOT Gates in series, the output can be inverted multiple times. By combining OR and AND Gates, more complex logical operations such as XOR (exclusive OR) and NAND (not AND) can be performed.

Can NOT, OR, and AND Gates be physically implemented with electronic components?

Yes, NOT, OR, and AND Gates can be implemented using electronic components such as transistors, diodes, and resistors. These components are arranged in a way that mimics the logical operations of the gates. However, with the advancement of technology, these gates are now primarily implemented using digital logic chips which contain thousands of transistors on a single chip.
