Highery energy photon on lower band gap semiconductor

In summary: The absorbtion efficiency is larger because the semiconductor is able to better capture and hold the energy of the incoming light.
  • #1
Can a semiconductor absorb a higher energy photon than its Band gap Eg and make a transition from valence band to conduction band? For a example commonly used IR detector is InAs (semiconductor) whose Eg is 0.354 eV, if a blue light falls on it, will it able to absorve that energy and make a transition from valence band conduction band? If it is able to do that then how will we be sure that it is detecting only IR not any other EM waves? And if will not absorve higher energies will it be transparent to visible portion of light?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What you're really asking goes deep into the device physics of a photodetector. For example, the image sensors on most cell phone are made of silicon but clearly they're designed to recognize the entire visible spectrum. I'll just deal with the basics for now...

To answer your question, yes, if you hit a semiconductor with with a photon of energy greater than that of the semiconductor, it will pump an electron to the conduction band. It's important to note that the electron will initially be pumped above the conduction band edge due to the extra energy. Usually the electron will then thermalize back down to the conduction band edge.

I initially meant the above description for a direct band semiconductor, but it easily generalizes to the indirect case.
  • #3
cmos said:
What you're really asking goes deep into the device physics of a photodetector. For example, the image sensors on most cell phone are made of silicon but clearly they're designed to recognize the entire visible spectrum. I'll just deal with the basics for now...

To answer your question, yes, if you hit a semiconductor with with a photon of energy greater than that of the semiconductor, it will pump an electron to the conduction band. It's important to note that the electron will initially be pumped above the conduction band edge due to the extra energy. Usually the electron will then thermalize back down to the conduction band edge.

I initially meant the above description for a direct band semiconductor, but it easily generalizes to the indirect case.

Actually, this is not necessarily the only case. One can get photoemission from semiconductors as well, whereby the excited electrons escape to the vacuum level and leave the bulk material. In fact, in general, photocathodes with the highest quantum efficiency (certainly higher than metals) are semiconductors.

  • #4
I also have that kind of question.
I think it really does. But absorbtion efficiency may be depend on the light. The absorbtion efficiency is larger when the wavelength of the light is close to the bad gap of the semiconductor.
  • #5
shreason said:
I also have that kind of question.
I think it really does. But absorbtion efficiency may be depend on the light. The absorbtion efficiency is larger when the wavelength of the light is close to the bad gap of the semiconductor.



FAQ: Highery energy photon on lower band gap semiconductor

1. What is a higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor?

A higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor refers to a type of light particle (photon) that has a greater energy level and is used in conjunction with a semiconductor material that has a lower band gap. This combination allows for the absorption of more energy, which can be harnessed for various applications in electronics and energy production.

2. How does a higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor work?

When a higher energy photon is directed onto a lower band gap semiconductor, it can excite electrons within the material. This leads to an increase in the energy level of the electrons, which can then be utilized for various purposes such as generating electricity or activating chemical reactions.

3. What are the potential applications of a higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor?

The use of a higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor has many potential applications, including solar cells, LEDs, and photocatalysis. It can also be used in medical imaging and communication technologies.

4. How is a higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor different from a lower energy photon on a higher band gap semiconductor?

The main difference between these two scenarios is the amount of energy that can be harnessed. A higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor allows for the absorption of more energy, while a lower energy photon on a higher band gap semiconductor can only absorb a limited amount of energy.

5. What are the advantages of using a higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor?

Using a higher energy photon on a lower band gap semiconductor has several advantages. It allows for the production of more electricity or the activation of more chemical reactions, making it more efficient for energy production. It also has the potential for a wider range of applications due to its ability to absorb more energy.

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