Website for the hilarious things students submit?

  • Thread starter Pengwuino
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In summary, there are websites where people submit just the most god awful things students have made.
  • #1
Gold Member
The name says it all, does anyone know any websites where people submit just the most god awful things students have made? I have a great one that needs to be made public!
Physics news on
  • #2
I don't know of any dedicated to that. I usually see those things on facebook. But you should post yours here so we can see.
  • #3
I believe youtube might be what your looking for?
  • #5
More please! These are great.
  • #6
I think it is a good idea to start a thread at PF.
  • #7
Borek said:
I think it is a good idea to start a thread at PF.

Why ? So we can have fun on some poor students ? It's wrong on so many different levels.
Their work should remain in the safe custody of their school/ instructor, or destroyed, regardless of how hilarious it is. The instructor doesn't have the right to use their work to make fun of them or provide entertainment to the masses (that include you and me ) :P
  • #8
Ya I have to agree if this student sees his work online poking fun at him I am sure he could find lawyer that would take the case.
  • #9
As a student who has doodled smart-donkey answers on questions I didn't know in the past, I would be incredibly flattered if my answer ended up on the internet. Putting the teacher in a better mood while grading my lack-luster paper has been a last ditch effort on several tests in the past.
  • #10
Pattonias said:
As a student who has doodled smart-donkey answers on questions I didn't know in the past, I would be incredibly flattered if my answer ended up on the internet. Putting the teacher in a better mood while grading my lack-luster paper has been a last ditch effort on several tests in the past.

Yeah, but its your call to do that. Not the instructor's call. If you are OK with it and happy it makes ppl smile, you publish it =)
  • #11
Nobody asks for the publication of the student name, as long as it is anonymous I don't see much harm.
  • #12
It would be one thing if the student made an honest attempt at an answer, and found his work was posted for people to laugh at. The smart-alec answers given in that link are clearly meant as jokes, and I don't see any harm in them being posted (like Borek said, anonymously).
  • #13
lisab said:
It would be one thing if the student made an honest attempt at an answer, and found his work was posted for people to laugh at. The smart-alec answers given in that link are clearly meant as jokes, and I don't see any harm in them being posted (like Borek said, anonymously).

Anonymity doesn't make it any less of an issue. If you would wrote me an e-mail containing jokingly answers to some issues, I would never break your trust by publishing it on internet, even anonymously, without your consent.

The fact that a student is immature enough to write jokes in examination papers, or simply give hilarious answers, also doesn't serve as a valid excuse. An instructor's role is not to provide entertainment for the masses.

Its not a issue of harm, is one of integrity IMO.
  • #14
This doesn't really qualify as an issue worth making a moral stand on to me. I'm unaware of any teacher student confidentiality laws.
  • #15
The best part is the student didn't even put their name on the assignment I'm thinking of sharing. Probably for the best considering how god awful their grammar was.
  • #16
lisab said:
It would be one thing if the student made an honest attempt at an answer, and found his work was posted for people to laugh at. The smart-alec answers given in that link are clearly meant as jokes, and I don't see any harm in them being posted (like Borek said, anonymously).

I agree with this. Post what you wanted to show the world OP!
  • #17
DanP said:
Anonymity doesn't make it any less of an issue. If you would wrote me an e-mail containing jokingly answers to some issues, I would never break your trust by publishing it on internet, even anonymously, without your consent.

The fact that a student is immature enough to write jokes in examination papers, or simply give hilarious answers, also doesn't serve as a valid excuse. An instructor's role is not to provide entertainment for the masses.

Its not a issue of harm, is one of integrity IMO.

Actually, yes, I would check with the student first. But my guess is, they would be somewhat flattered. I'm thinking specifically of the student who drew the elephant into the question - I bet that guy/gal is a class clown.
  • #18
Lol I one time did the expand thing back in grade 9. Just for jokes, it was the funniest thing. People in my school were talking about it for the entire year. On a physics test in grade 12 I drew an elephant in front of a spring because I'm pretty sure I was absent when we got the equation we neede to answer the question. So I wrote something like 'the spring couldn't shoot the ball because of the elephant in the way'. Yeahhh that teacher wasn't too impressed LOL Imagine, a grade 12 academic level student writing that.

I used to add letters to multiple choice questions ALL the time.

LOL One time a friend of mine filled in all c answers on the scantron card and he passed the multiple choice. :smile:. Out of 30 questions 17 of the answers were c. Oh how I miss high school. :cry:
  • #19
lisab said:
Actually, yes, I would check with the student first. But my guess is, they would be somewhat flattered. I'm thinking specifically of the student who drew the elephant into the question - I bet that guy/gal is a class clown.

LOL wow! There's an elephant guy out there JUST LIKE ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT'S AWESOME. His spring question was on the contraction of the spring though mine was of the force it would exert. I believe hahahaha. That's the funniest thing I've ever seen, it's a shame I threw it out. I agree it would be completely flattering to have it on the internet. Funny stuff.
  • #20
Pattonias said:
I'm unaware of any teacher student confidentiality laws.

And do you require a law to act morally ? Is there any law to stop you from adultery ? The absence of a law makes it OK to cheat on your women ?

Rhetoric question, I am not saying you do this.
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  • #21
You saying there isn't a teacher confidentiality law? Holy crap I hope my doodles never make it out...
  • #22
DanP said:
And do you require a law to act morally ?

What is immoral about sharing a joke?
  • #23
General_Sax said:
What is immoral about sharing a joke?

Publishing anything which you don't ownership of and you don't have permission from the owner. Besides, those are not jokes who are published this way, they are fragments from examination papers.

Ask your student for permission, and if you have it, yeah, put them on WEB.
  • #24
I got some great videos I could put on youtube but if the people who they are of saw them I'd be over for sure so...
  • #25
DanP said:
And do you require a law to act morally ? Is there any law to stop you from adultery ? The absence of a law makes it OK to cheat on your women ?

Rhetoric question, I am not saying you do this.

The typo in your 3rd question makes it doubly funny! :smile:
  • #26
DanP said:
The absence of a law makes it OK to cheat on your women?
Never mind the typo, I'm still working on this one.
  • #27
I say he posts it here or he's chicken!
  • #28
magpies said:
I say he posts it here or he's chicken!

But what if his women find out? :-p

EDIT -- Oops, had to give myself an infraction for off-topic posting. Ack.

Okay, back on-topic. Show us what you got, Pengwuino. Just make sure it's anonymous.
  • #29
berkeman said:
But what if his women find out? :-p

EDIT -- Oops, had to give myself an infraction for off-topic posting. Ack.

Okay, back on-topic. Show us what you got, Pengwuino. Just make sure it's anonymous.

Since when do we get infractions for off-topic posts in GD?

  • #30
I'd be against it only because children old enough to draw/make stuff are old enough to understand when they see an adult laughing at something similar. Kids are pretty sensitive to being criticized and smart enough to make the connection that the stuff they make at art class/bring home to give to their parents might actually be a joke.

If seen, it discourages creativity at the age where praise is most needed and can do permanent emotional damage by replacing other approval experiences with distrust and assumptions of patronization.

That being said :"

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  • #31
berkeman said:
The typo in your 3rd question makes it doubly funny! :smile:

  • #32
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FAQ: Website for the hilarious things students submit?

1. What is the purpose of the website?

The purpose of the website is to showcase and share funny submissions from students, providing a platform for them to express their humor and creativity.

2. How can students submit their content?

Students can submit their content through a submission form on the website or by emailing it to the website's designated email address.

3. Is there a specific type of content that can be submitted?

The website accepts a wide range of content, including memes, jokes, funny videos, and humorous essays. As long as it is appropriate and school-friendly, it can be submitted.

4. Are submissions from all students accepted?

Yes, all submissions from students are accepted as long as they follow the guidelines and are appropriate for the website's audience.

5. Can users comment on and share submissions?

Yes, users can comment on and share submissions through social media platforms. However, all comments are moderated to ensure they are respectful and appropriate.

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