Status of the Complex Singlet Extensions?

In summary, Chamseddine and Connes have proposed a possible solution to the inconsistency between the spectral Standard Model and the experimental value of the Higgs mass. They suggest the presence of a strongly coupled real scalar field, which was previously neglected, and show that it can stabilize the Standard Model up to the unification scale. Other researchers have built upon this idea, proposing the use of a larger symmetry or taking into account gravitational effects, in order to reconcile the low Higgs mass with the spectral Standard Model. However, further research is needed to fully understand the implications and validity of these proposals.
  • #1
Gold Member
It has be mentioned the real singlet extension of the Standard Model by Chamseddine and Connes. But I favour a pair of charged scalars, so, question: what is the status of the Complex Singlet Extensions of the Standard Model, or their susy versions? Are they still there?
Physics news on
  • #2
arivero said:
It has be mentioned the real singlet extension of the Standard Model by Chamseddine and Connes. But I favour a pair of charged scalars, so, question: what is the status of the Complex Singlet Extensions of the Standard Model, or their susy versions? Are they still there?

At one point in the paper I was just reading, Cham-Connes said real OR complex singlet. It sounded like they were not limiting themselves (at least at that point in the discussion) to real. However I can't answer your question.

I posted the abstract of the new Chamseddine Connes paper here:
together with some related links, in case anyone wants to discuss them.

The August 2012 one could turn out to be quite an interesting paper so I'll post the abstract to make it more clear what is being discussed:
Resilience of the Spectral Standard Model
Ali H. Chamseddine, Alain Connes
(Submitted on 5 Aug 2012)
We show that the inconsistency between the spectral Standard Model and the experimental value of the Higgs mass is resolved by the presence of a real scalar field strongly coupled to the Higgs field. This scalar field was already present in the spectral model and we wrongly neglected it in our previous computations. It was shown recently by several authors, independently of the spectral approach, that such a strongly coupled scalar field stabilizes the Standard Model up to unification scale in spite of the low value of the Higgs mass. In this letter we show that the noncommutative neutral singlet modifies substantially the RG analysis, invalidates our previous prediction of Higgs mass in the range 160--180 Gev, and restores the consistency of the noncommutative geometric model with the low Higgs mass.
13 pages

This consists largely of a re-examination of their April 2010 paper (which is reference [2] and cited repeatedly). The 2010 paper treats the Spectral Standard Model and a sketch of the unification of forces roughly along "Big Desert" lines...
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  • #3
Hmm, at least for v1 of the paper, it is a neutral field. Besides, it could be funcionally the B-L breaking, a U(1) which was used in GUTs to give mass to the neutrino. But it is true that Pepe Gracia has an extra higgs to put massive neutrinos.
  • #4
They build upon Chamseddine-Connes' resilience paper.
Grand Symmetry, Spectral Action, and the Higgs mass
Agostino Devastato, Fedele Lizzi, Pierre Martinetti
(Submitted on 1 Apr 2013)
In the context of the spectral action and noncommutative geometry approach to the standard model, we build a model based on a larger symmetry. This symmetry satisfies all the conditions to have a noncommutative manifold, and mixes gauge and spin degrees of freedom and does not introduce extra fermions. With this "grand symmetry" it is natural to have the scalar field necessary to obtain the Higgs mass in the vicinity of 126 GeV. The spectral action breaks the grand symmetry to the standard model algebra. This breaking also gives the spin structure of spacetime as broken symmetry.
  • #5
Spectral Action and Gravitational effects at the Planck scale
Agostino Devastato
(Submitted on 20 Sep 2013)
We discuss the possibility to extend the spectral action up to energy close to the Planck scale, taking also into account the gravitational effects given by graviton exchange. Including this contribution in the theory, the coupling constant unification is not compromised, but is shifted to the Planck scale rendering all gauge couplings asymptotically free. In the scheme of noncommutative geometry, the gravitational effects change the main standard model coupling constants, leading to a restriction of the free parameters of the theory compatible with the Higgs and top mass prediction. We also discuss consequences for the neutrino mass and the see-saw mechanism.

FAQ: Status of the Complex Singlet Extensions?

1. What is the purpose of studying the status of complex singlet extensions?

The purpose of studying complex singlet extensions is to understand the potential for new physics beyond the Standard Model. These extensions involve adding new particles and interactions to the Standard Model, which could help explain phenomena such as dark matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.

2. What are some current theories that involve complex singlet extensions?

Some current theories include the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), the Singlet Doublet Model (SDM), and the Complex Singlet Extension of the Standard Model (CSESM). These theories all involve the addition of complex scalar singlet fields to the Standard Model.

3. What experimental evidence supports the existence of complex singlet extensions?

So far, there is no direct experimental evidence for complex singlet extensions. However, these theories are motivated by the need to address certain shortcomings of the Standard Model, and they could potentially be tested at high-energy particle colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

4. How do complex singlet extensions affect the Higgs boson?

Complex singlet extensions can modify the properties of the Higgs boson, such as its mass and couplings to other particles. In some theories, the presence of a complex singlet field can even give rise to additional Higgs bosons.

5. What are some challenges in studying the status of complex singlet extensions?

One major challenge is that these theories typically involve a large number of parameters, making it difficult to make precise predictions. Additionally, the experimental signatures of complex singlet extensions may be difficult to distinguish from those of other theories, making it challenging to confirm their existence through experiments.

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