Bubbles Escaping from Submerged Container

In summary, the lid of the container needs to be flat, and adding two tubes going in different directions may help to ensure that bubbles escape. If the two holes in the lid are at the same depth in the water, how do the water and air "know" which hole is supposed to be the way in and which is the way out? We can't use straws, but we'll try and ensure that there aren't any residues around the holes.
  • #1
We have a problem at work where we need to store a metal container under water. The container is to have small holes in the lid to ensure that it floods when submerged but we must minimise the size of these holes. Intuitively, if you have more than one hole in the lid then water will enter one while the air escapes through another but when we've tried it, this is not the case. I'm guessing that surface tension is preventing the bubbles from escaping. So I'm wondering if there is a way to calculate the minimum hole size for a given depth of water to ensure that bubbles will escape from the container.

Hope someone can help.


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  • #2
Does the lid have to be flat? I wonder if adding two tubes going in different directions (one inside the container, the other outside) won't help, generating small pressure difference.

But I can be completely off.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply. Yes the lid has to be flat and we don't really have time to make any complex modifications to the can or lid unfortunately.
  • #4
Or, put the container on its side, or tilt it, so the holes are at different levels.

If the two holes are at the same depth in the water, how do the water and air "know" which hole is supposed to be the way in and which is the way out? (there's serious point about the physics and symmetry there, as well as a joke)
  • #5
Can't you use straws?
  • #6
AlephZero, yes, it makes sense that holes would need to be at different heights. That explains why slightly tilting the container causes bubbles to start to appear. We may be able to put a hole in the side as well as one on the top.

JanEnClaesen, no, straws or any similar tube wouldn't be possible.
  • #7
Maybe a waxy surface on the can is preventing wetting of the small hole. You might put one drop of detergent on one hole to see if it makes a difference. If you punch the holes, lubricate the punch with detergent, avoid oil.

There are adjuvants or wetting agents, (eg “pulse”), used with herbicides to break the waxy surface of weeds, maybe adding some such agent to the water before sinking the can will solve the problem.
  • #8
Why can't you have at least one hole in the container itself?
  • #9
I'll try and reply again. For some reason my replies aren't showing up here.

AlephZero, you make a good point. This would explain why we see bubbles being released when the container is tilted as it is lowered.
JanEnClaesen, we can't use straws or anything similar, we have to rely on holes.
Baluncore, unfortunately we can't add anything to break the surface tension but we'll ensure that there aren't any residues around the holes.
SteamKing, yes, based on AlephZero's suggestion I think we will have to put at least one hole in the side.

Thanks to all who have replied.

FAQ: Bubbles Escaping from Submerged Container

What causes bubbles to escape from a submerged container?

Bubbles escaping from a submerged container are caused by the release of excess gas or air trapped within the liquid. This can occur due to a change in pressure, temperature, or agitation of the liquid.

Why do bubbles form in liquids?

Bubbles form in liquids due to the presence of dissolved gases, such as oxygen or carbon dioxide. These gases are released when the liquid is agitated, heated, or subjected to changes in pressure.

What factors affect the rate at which bubbles escape from a submerged container?

The rate at which bubbles escape from a submerged container can be affected by several factors, including the type of liquid, temperature, pressure, and the size and shape of the container. Additionally, the presence of impurities or surfactants in the liquid can also impact the bubble formation and release.

Can bubbles escaping from a submerged container be controlled?

In some cases, the rate at which bubbles escape from a submerged container can be controlled by adjusting the environmental conditions, such as temperature and pressure, or by adding substances that reduce bubble formation, such as defoamers. However, in other cases, the bubble release may be a natural and necessary process that cannot be controlled.

What are the applications of studying bubbles escaping from a submerged container?

Studying bubbles escaping from a submerged container has various applications in industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and wastewater treatment. It can also have implications in scientific research, such as understanding the behavior of gases in liquids and their effects on the environment.
