Are F5[x]/(x^2 + 2) and F5[x]/(x^2 +3) Isomorphic Polynomial Rings?

In summary, the person is asking for a hint on how to show that F5[x]/(xsqd+2) and F5[x]/(xsqd+3) are isomorphic. They are given two hints, one being that 3=-2 mod 5 and the other being that 4=-1 mod 5. The hints are meant to help the person get started, and they should be able to figure out the rest on their own.
  • #1
I am required to show that F5[x]/(xsqd + 2) and F5[x]/(xsqd +3) are isomorphic, any hints on how to go about this question?
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  • #2
Hint: 3=-2 mod 5. I can give a second hint later if need be
  • #3
okay, so i have done similar questions where i show e.g F5[x]/xsqd+3x+3 isomorphic to C24 would it be an appropriate course of solution to attempt to show that both of the above fields were isomorphic to a group and then conclude isomorphic to each other?
  • #4
No. You're asked to show they are isomorphic as polynomial rings. That means more than just isomorphic as groups (under what operation?). So your previous example is not correct, unless you want to cite some big result to do with fields or something. You can do this by just writing down the isomorphism. Hint, again: 3=-2 mod 5.

EG. Why is Z[x]/x^2 isomorphic as a ring to Z[x]/(x-2)^2? Just send x to x-2.
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  • #5
also I've been given as a hint that 'both dim=2 over F3 basis 1,x H=(aij)

elements of matrix a11=1, a12=b, a21=0, a22=a

that we must have 1=1 and i am to check H(xy)=H(x)H(y) so x=ax + b

but i am still confused!
  • #6
What's confusing? You're writing it as a vector space, and writing down a map. You're asked to show it is a ring homomorphism too. It wouldn't be the way I'd do it (though it is equivalent).If you know these are fields, it suffices to count elements. If you don't then you need to write down a ring homomorphism, so you need to get your hands dirty and do it. Any ring map sends 1 to 1, and must send x to ax+b for some choice of a and b. So figure out what, if any, choices of a and b mean this is an isomorphism.

There are only two things to remember: 2=-3 mod 5 (why do I keep writing that I wonder...) and 4=-1 mod 5 (that is the second hint).
  • #7
i don't get it I've got order x=ordery=8 and so defined a homomorphism H(x)=y and it seems to give a perfectly good isomorphism, so where do all these hints and stuff come in?
  • #8
What is x, what is y? So what that the order of x and y are the same? What do you mean by order? I will guess that you mean the map from

F_5[x]/(x^2+2) ---> F_5[y]/(y^2+3)

sending x to y is an isomorphism. This I doubt. For instance this map sends x^2+3 to 0, and x^2+3 is not zero in F_5[x]/(x^2+2). It is in fact equal to 1, so your map sens 1 to 0.

Let me explain the hint. The two rings are isomorphic to F_5[a] and F_5 where a^2=3=-2 and b^2=2. Notice that -1 is square mod 5 so multipliying a by a square root of -1 is an isomorphism (it is an invertible ring homomorphism). This corresponds to multiplying x by the square root of -1 in the polynomial ring case.
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  • #9
to show rings are isomorphic, find a map from one to the other,a nd then show it is an isomorphism.

a ring map from a quotient ring to another ring i a ring map from th top tht sends to bottom to zero.

i.e. A map R[X]-->S induces one from R[X]/(f)-->S if it sends X to a root of f . that should do it.

FAQ: Are F5[x]/(x^2 + 2) and F5[x]/(x^2 +3) Isomorphic Polynomial Rings?

1. What is an isomorphic polynomial ring?

An isomorphic polynomial ring is a mathematical structure that is composed of polynomials with coefficients from a given field or ring, along with operations of addition and multiplication defined on those polynomials. It is isomorphic, meaning it has the same structure and properties, to another polynomial ring.

2. How is an isomorphic polynomial ring different from a regular polynomial ring?

An isomorphic polynomial ring may have a different set of generators than a regular polynomial ring, but it has the same algebraic properties. This means that the two rings are structurally similar, but the elements within them may be represented differently.

3. What is the significance of isomorphism in polynomial rings?

Isomorphism in polynomial rings allows mathematicians to study and understand different rings by finding similarities between them. It also allows for the translation of results and properties from one ring to another.

4. How does one prove that two polynomial rings are isomorphic?

To prove that two polynomial rings are isomorphic, one must show that there exists a bijective ring homomorphism between them. This means that the map between the two rings must preserve the algebraic operations and maintain a one-to-one correspondence between the elements.

5. What are some applications of isomorphic polynomial rings?

Isomorphic polynomial rings have many applications in mathematics, including in algebraic geometry, number theory, and coding theory. They are also useful in computer science, as they can be used to represent and manipulate data in algorithms and programming languages.

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