Audio Transformers: Power Source for Coilgun?

In summary, the next step in my coilgun is a decent power source. I have been using a transformer to generate power, but I can't seem to wire it right. I was wondering if it is possible for someone to help me. I already did some searching around, but all I could find was information on main transformers.
  • #1
Evil Genius
Well the next step in my coilgun is a decent power source i every camera circuit that i use is burned up so i thought that i use a transformer well a audio transformer as the voltage multiplier but i can't seem to wire it right it actually doesn't charge the capacitors so i was wondering if it is possible for someone to help me i already did some searching around but all i could fine where main transformers.
Engineering news on
  • #2
What circuit schematic are you using now? If for example, you are trying to charge twenty 120-uF capacitors in parallel to 300 volts, the total stored energy is ~5.4 joules, so you will need a dc-dc converter that will run on a 12-volt battery and run @1 amp input for 1 sec (12 joules), or @100 mA for 10 sec to charge the caps. Ideal dc-dc converters made for this purpose are in the automotive CD (capacitor discharge) ignition circuits, such as the old (now discontinued) "Mark Ten B" kits made by Delta (or equivalent).

[added] here is a possible dc dc converter circuit for 12 volts to 300 volts.

The transformer appears to be a standard 60 Hz 120 V to 12 V CT (center-tapped) transformer.

Bob S
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  • #3
Here in thumbnail is a LTspice simulation of the circuit suggested in the previous post. The voltage output into the transformer is a 24-volt square wave at ~150 Hz. If a standard 60-Hz 120V to 12V (10:1 turns ratio) transformer is used, the 24-volt square wave represents about 2.2 times more volt-seconds at 60 Hz and would saturate the transformer core, so the LTspice circuit is running at ~150 Hz. This would increase the lamination losses (which scale as ω2) by a factor of ~6.3, so a standard 120V to 12V transformer is probably not appropriate.

The transformer in the simulation has a 1:10 pri-sec turn ratio with a center-tapped primary. The rectified dc output is about 360 volts into 10,000 ohms (36 milliamps).

More appropriate transformers would be a 120V-to-24V CT 60-Hz transformer (which would reduce the dc output to ~180V), or an audio output transformer with thinner laminations. In either case, a spice simulation and/or bench test is recommended.

[added] The waveform in the second thumbnail represents the first 250 ms of the Vac (unrectified) output.

(Request to moderator- Pls move to the EE forum. Thanks)

Bob S


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FAQ: Audio Transformers: Power Source for Coilgun?

1. What is an audio transformer?

An audio transformer is a type of transformer that is specifically designed to transfer power between audio devices, typically for amplification or impedance matching purposes.

2. How is an audio transformer used in a coilgun?

In a coilgun, the audio transformer serves as the power source for the electromagnetic coils. It steps up the voltage from the power source to a high enough level to create a strong magnetic field in the coils, which propels the projectile forward.

3. Can any audio transformer be used in a coilgun?

No, not all audio transformers are suitable for use in a coilgun. The transformer must have a high turns ratio and be able to handle high currents in order to generate the necessary magnetic field for the coilgun to work effectively.

4. How does the power source affect the performance of a coilgun?

The power source, including the audio transformer, plays a crucial role in the performance of a coilgun. A higher voltage and current output from the transformer will result in a stronger magnetic field and faster projectile velocity, while a lower output will result in weaker performance.

5. Are there any safety concerns with using an audio transformer for a coilgun?

Yes, there are potential safety concerns when using an audio transformer for a coilgun. The high voltage and current levels involved can be dangerous if not handled properly. It is important to follow proper safety protocols and use caution when working with any electrical components in a coilgun.
