Minority carriers in a Schottky diode

  • Thread starter AMsolar
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In summary, the valence band of an n-type semiconductor is full, making it impossible for electrons from the metal to flow into it. Additionally, a potential barrier forms at the contact between the metal and the semiconductor, making it difficult for electrons to cross into the conduction band. Even with reverse bias, the potential barrier height does not change, but the width may become smaller, increasing the chance of tunneling and thus the current. However, if the reverse voltage is too high, breakdown can occur and destroy the diode.
  • #1
Say I have a schottky diode with n type semiconductor. Why can't electrons from the metal flow to the valance band of the semiconductor?

If I reverse bias the schottky diode, the valance band may be higher than the fermi level at the contact, and electrons should be able to flow from metal to the semiconductor. Consequently the reverse saturation current should increase. Could anyone explain?

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  • #2
AMsolar said:
Say I have a schottky diode with n type semiconductor. Why can't electrons from the metal flow to the valance band of the semiconductor?

The electrons cannot flow from the metal to the valence band of the semiconductor because the valence band of the semiconductor is full. It's a n-type semiconductor, so it has an excess of electrons and thus electrons in the conduction band but no holes in the valence band.

In case you meant the conduction band and not the valence band of the semiconductor : the electrons cannot flow from the metal to the conduction band of the semiconductor because a potential barrier forms at the contact between the metal and the semiconductor. In theory, it's height can be calculated as the difference between the work function of the metal and the electron affinity of the semiconductor. (In practice, the height depends more on the microstructure of the contact layer.) In order to cross this barrier, the electrons either have to tunnel through it or be thermally activated to jump over it. Only extremely few electrons manage to do it.

AMsolar said:
If I reverse bias the schottky diode, the valance band may be higher than the fermi level at the contact, and electrons should be able to flow from metal to the semiconductor. Consequently the reverse saturation current should increase. Could anyone explain?

It doesn't matter how much you reverse bias the diode, the potential barrier height (as seen from the side of the metal) always stays the same as it is caused by the surface charge double layer at the contact. Thus, the Fermi level of the metal which raises with increasing reverse bias pulls up the edge of the conductance band correspondingly. This is for example shown in Figure 2.9 in


However, even if the height of the potential barrier stays the same, I guess (but I'm not sure) that its width becomes smaller making the tunneling more probable and thus increasing the current. (Maybe somebody else can comment on this?) Finally, if you increase the reverse voltage high enough. a breakdown occurs which usually destroys the diode, see


Very interesting is also


Hope that helps.
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FAQ: Minority carriers in a Schottky diode

1. What are minority carriers in a Schottky diode?

Minority carriers are electrons or holes that are present in a semiconductor material but are less abundant than the majority carriers. In a Schottky diode, the majority carriers are electrons, so minority carriers would refer to holes.

2. How do minority carriers affect the performance of a Schottky diode?

Minority carriers can decrease the efficiency of a Schottky diode by creating recombination currents, reducing the overall current flow through the diode. They can also contribute to leakage currents, which can decrease the accuracy of the diode's output.

3. How are minority carriers created in a Schottky diode?

Minority carriers can be created in a Schottky diode through the process of thermal generation, where high temperatures cause electrons to break free from the valence band and become minority carriers. They can also be created through the process of impact ionization, where high electric fields cause electrons to gain enough energy to become minority carriers.

4. How can minority carriers be controlled in a Schottky diode?

One way to control minority carriers in a Schottky diode is by using a process called doping, where impurities are added to the semiconductor material to increase the concentration of either electrons or holes. Another way is by using a process called barrier height engineering, where the metal-semiconductor interface is modified to reduce the number of minority carriers.

5. What is the role of minority carriers in reverse biasing a Schottky diode?

In a reverse biased Schottky diode, minority carriers are responsible for the reverse saturation current, which is the small amount of current that flows through the diode even when it is reverse biased. This is because minority carriers can still exist and contribute to current flow in the depletion region of the diode, even when there is no majority carrier flow.

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