Matrices Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematical physics and mathematics, the Pauli matrices are a set of three 2 × 2 complex matrices which are Hermitian and unitary. Usually indicated by the Greek letter sigma (σ), they are occasionally denoted by tau (τ) when used in connection with isospin symmetries.

These matrices are named after the physicist Wolfgang Pauli. In quantum mechanics, they occur in the Pauli equation which takes into account the interaction of the spin of a particle with an external electromagnetic field.
Each Pauli matrix is Hermitian, and together with the identity matrix I (sometimes considered as the zeroth Pauli matrix σ0), the Pauli matrices form a basis for the real vector space of 2 × 2 Hermitian matrices.
This means that any 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix can be written in a unique way as a linear combination of Pauli matrices, with all coefficients being real numbers.
Hermitian operators represent observables in quantum mechanics, so the Pauli matrices span the space of observables of the 2-dimensional complex Hilbert space. In the context of Pauli's work, σk represents the observable corresponding to spin along the kth coordinate axis in three-dimensional Euclidean space R3.
The Pauli matrices (after multiplication by i to make them anti-Hermitian) also generate transformations in the sense of Lie algebras: the matrices iσ1, iσ2, iσ3 form a basis for the real Lie algebra



{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {su}}(2)}
, which exponentiates to the special unitary group SU(2). The algebra generated by the three matrices σ1, σ2, σ3 is isomorphic to the Clifford algebra of R3, and the (unital associative) algebra generated by iσ1, iσ2, iσ3 is isomorphic to that of quaternions.

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  1. doktorglas

    I Symbol for matrix representative of a tensor

    Hi, I'm simply searching for some standard symbol (in place of an equals sign) to indicate that a matrix is a representative of a tensor in some given basis. Is there any standardized symbol like this, or how is this usually written in literature? E.g. say we have a O(1,1) metric tensor gμν...
  2. M

    A The colorful world of ##2\times 2## complex matrices

    The world of 2\times 2 complex matrices is very colorful. They form a Banach-algebra, they act on spinors, they contain the quaternions, SU(2), su(2), SL(2,\mathbb C), sl(2,\mathbb C). Furthermore, with the determinant as Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean norm, isu(2) is a 3-dimensional Euclidean...
  3. Euge

    POTW Find the Dimension of a Subspace of Matrices

    Given a complex matrix ##A\in M_n(\mathbb{C})##, let ##X_A## be the subspace of ##M_n(\mathbb{C})## consisting of all the complex matrices ##M## commuting with ##A## (i.e., ##MA = AM##). Suppose ##A## has ##n## distinct eigenvalues. Find the dimension of ##X_A##.
  4. tellmesomething

    What does a row matrix represent geometrically?

    I understand that a column matrix of order n×1 is taken as a vector with each element representing the x coordinate (x ##\hat i ##) y coordinate(y ##\hat j ##) z coordinate(z ##\hat k ##) ... n coordinate (n × unit vector in nth dimension) of that vector. I also understand that a matrix of...
  5. redtree

    I The generators of a ``Poincare-type'' group in momentum space

    Can someone share a paper or chapter from a textbook if they know a good one? I'm curious to see the explicit form of these matrices. In position space, the generators of boosts act on the rapidity, which can be related to velocity in X. Assuming the generators of boosts in K act on rapidity in...
  6. Z

    Does there exist a 2x2 non-singular matrix with only one 1d eigenspace?

    Before going through calculations/reasoning, let me summarize what my questions will be - In order to obtain the desired matrix, I impose five constraints on ##a,b,c,d,## and ##\lambda##. - These five constraints are four equations and an inequality. I am not sure how to work with the...
  7. T

    I How can I test for positive semi-definiteness in matrices?

    On a side note I'm posting on PF more frequently as I have exams coming and I need some help to understand some concepts. After my exams I will probably go inactive for a while. So I'll get to the point. Suppose we have a matrix A and I wish to check if it is positive semi definite. So one easy...
  8. M

    Vector Subspaces: Determining U as a Subspace of M4x4 Matrices

    Determine whether the following subsets U of M4x4is a subspace of the vector space V of all M4x4 matrices, with the standard operations of matrix addition and scalar multiplication. If is not a subspace provide an example to demonstrate a property that U does not possess. a. The set U of all 4x4...
  9. crememars

    Identifying matrices as REF, RREF, or neither

    TL;DR Summary: we are given a set of coefficient matrices (shown below) and we need to determine whether they are in REF, RREF, or neither. Hello! I am having a lot of trouble identifying these matrices, and using the criteria checklist is not helping very much. Here is what I am working with...
  10. nomadreid

    I Not all reflections in 2D are 3D rotations?

    Some reflections in the plane can be represented by a rotation in three dimensions, and some cannot: e.g., reflections across the x or y axes can. but a 2D reflection across the line x=y cannot. Thus the question in the summary.
  11. H

    A Finding Eigenvectors for Two Matrices using the Generalized Jacobi Method

    If I have two matrices A and B, how can I find an eigenvector for the two matrices?
  12. T

    I Variant of Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff Formula

    Hi all, I was wondering if there was a clean/closed form version of the following expression: $$e^{X+Y}Ze^{-(X+Y)} - e^{Y}e^{X}Ze^{-X}e^{-Y}$$ where ##X,Y,Z## are matrices that don't commute with each other. I know of the BCH identity ##e^{X}Ye^{-X} = Y + [X,Y] + \frac{1}{2!}[X,[X,Y]] +...
  13. H

    A Exploring the Cabibbo & CKM Matrices

    Hi Pfs, I read a paper about the Cabibbo matrix and the CKM matrix. The first one is a 2*2 real matrix and the other a 3*3 matrix with complex entries. In this article i read that a n*n matrix has 2 n*n real degrees or freedom. The unitarity (orthonormal basis) devides this number by 2. I read...
  14. L

    Mathematica How do you calculate determinants and eigenvalues in Mathematica?

    Hi, In my linear algebra homework, there is a bonus assignment where we are supposed to use Mathematica to calculate matrices and their determinants etc. here is the assignment. Unfortunately, I am a complete newbie when it comes to Mathematica, this is the first time I have worked with...
  15. V

    Is it ok to assume matrices A and B as identity matrix?

    Since ##AB = B##, so matrix ##A## is an identity matrix. Similarly, since ##BA = A## so matrix ##B## is an identity matrix. Also, we can say that ##A^2 = AA=IA= A## and ##B^2 = BB=IB= B##. Therefore, ##A^2 + B^2 = A + B## which means (a) is a correct answer. Also we can say that ##A^2 + B^2 =...
  16. V

    Transformations to both sides of a matrix equation

    I feel if we have the matrix equation X = AB, where X,A and B are matrices of the same order, then if we apply an elementary row operation to X on LHS, then we must apply the same elementary row operation to the matrix C = AB on the RHS and this makes sense to me. But the book says, that we...
  17. Euge

    POTW Prove Hermitian Matrices Satisfy ##H^2 = H^\dagger H##

    Show that an ##n\times n##-matrix ##H## is hermitian if and only if ##H^2 = H^\dagger H##.
  18. R

    B Row reduction, Gaussian Elimination on augmented matrix

    Hi! Please, could you help me on how to solve the following matrix ? I need to replace the value 3 on the third line by 0, the first column need to remain zero and 1 for the third column. I'm having a lot of difficulties with this. How would you proceed ? Thank you for your time and help...
  19. nomadreid

    I Cycles from patterns in a permutation matrix

    In a permutation matrix (the identity matrix with rows possibly rearranged), it is easy to spot those rows which will indicate a fixed point -- the one on the diagonal -- and to spot the pairs of rows that will indicate a transposition: a pair of ones on a backward diagonal, i.e., where the...
  20. Physics Slayer

    Find two 2x2 matrices that multiply to give 0

    One way would be to assume $$A= \begin{bmatrix}a_1 & a_2\\a_3 & a_4 \end{bmatrix}$$ and $$B=\begin{bmatrix}b_1 & b_2\\b_3 & b_4\end{bmatrix}$$ and then multiply but then you end up with 4 equations and 8 variables, how would that work? the other way would be to use trial and error, any help...
  21. James1238765

    A Gamma matrices and Gell-Mann's I - Y categorization

    As there was quite rightly some criticism earlier about not following proper theory, I will first demonstrate what I have understood of the gamma matrices of SU(3). There are 8 gamma matrices that together generate the SU(3) group used in QCD. Gell-Mann used only 2, ##\gamma_3## and...
  22. James1238765

    I Use of Gell-Mann matrices as the SU(3) basis for gluon states?

    The 8 gluon fields of SU(3) can be represented (generated) by the 8 Gel-Mann matrices: $$ \lambda_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} , \lambda_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i & 0 \\ i & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} , \lambda_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0...
  23. C

    I Congruence for Symmetric and non-Symmetric Matrices for Quadratic Form

    I learned that for a bilinear form/square form the following theorem holds: matrices ## A , B ## are congruent if and only if ## A,B ## represent the same bilinear/quadratic form. Now, suppose I have the following quadratic form ## q(x,y) = x^2 + 3xy + y^2 ##. Then, the matrix representing...
  24. Rikudo

    Matrices: if AB=A and BA=B, then B^2 is equal to?

    I have a different way in solving the problem, but strangely, the result is different from that written in the solution manual. My method: Firstly, we will solve the ##AB=A## equation $$AB=A$$ $$B=A^{−1}A$$ $$B=I$$ where ## I## is an identity matrix Similarly, we can solve ##BA=B## using the...
  25. V

    Steepest Descent Method with Matrices

    We are given f(x)=(1/2)(xT)Qx+qTx-B where xk+1=xk+αksk, the search direction is sk=-∇f(xk). Q is a 2x2 matrix and q is 2x1 matrix and B=6. My issue is I'm confused what -∇f(xk) is, is ∇f(xk)=Q(xk)-q? Just like how it is in Conjugate Gradient/Fletcher Reeve's method? Or is it Q(xk)+q? Thank you
  26. A

    I Does a set of matrices form a ring? Or what is the algebraic structure?

    Square matrices are closed under addition and their own form of multiplication, but in general do not commute. What algebraic structure then describes this, along with polynomials of matrices and allows us to amend with other operations, such as differentiation or integration defined on these...
  27. A

    I What are the applications of function-valued matrices?

    I'm glad there's a section here dedicated to differential equations. I've seen in the fundamental theorem of linear ordinary systems, that, for a real matrix ##A##, we have ## d/dt \exp(At) = A \exp(At)##. I'm wondering if there are analogs of this, like for instance, generalizing a system of...
  28. F

    B Positive Definite Cartan Matrices in Quantum Physics

    As I was looking for an example for a metric tensor that isn't among the usual suspects, I observed that the Cartan matrix I wanted to use is positive definite (I assume all are), but not symmetric. Are the symmetry breaks in quantum physics related to this fact?
  29. H

    I How can I convince myself that I can find the inverse of this matrix?

    If I have a ##n\times n## matrix $$ U= \begin{bmatrix} u_{11} & u_{12} &u_{13} & \cdots u_{1n} \\ 0 & u_{22} & u_{23} & \cdots u_{2n} \\ 0&0 &u_{33} &\cdots u_{3n}\\ \vdots & \vdots &\vdots & \cdots \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 &\cdots u_{nn} \end{bmatrix} $$ Now, I don't want to use the fact that it's...
  30. J

    A Tensor product matrices order relation

    We mainly have to prove that this quantity## \bra{\varphi} A^{\otimes n } \ket{\varphi} \pm \bra{\varphi} B^{\otimes n } \ket{\varphi} ## is greater or equal than zero for all ##\ket{\varphi}##. Being ##\ket{\varphi}## a product state it is straightforward to demonstrate such inequality. I am...
  31. TheScienceAlliance

    MHB True or False Question about Square Matrices

    [MHB thread moved to the PF schoolwork forums by a PF Mentor] For every square matrix A, C=A(A^t)+(A^t)A is symmetric.
  32. TheScienceAlliance

    MHB Proving Properties of 2x2 Matrices

    1. A is a matrix of order 2x2 whose main diagonal's entries' sum is zero. Prove that A^2 is a scalar matrix. 2. Given: A and B are two matrices of order 2x2. Prove that the sum of the entries of the main diagonal of AB-BA is zero. 3. A, B and C are three matrices of order 2x2. Given: A^2 is a...
  33. B

    I Does Axler's Spectral Theorem Imply Normal Matrices?

    Going through Axler's awful book on linear algebra. The complex spectral theorem (for operator T on vector space V) states that the following are equivalent: 1) T is normal 2) V has an orthonormal basis consisting of eigenvectors of T and 3) the matrix representation of T is diagonal with...
  34. H

    If ##A^3=0## then ##A-Z## is nonsingular

    I'm really unable to have a start, because I cannot think of any matrix (other than ##O##) such that its cube is the zero matrix. I tried to assume A = ##\begin{bmatrix} a &c \\b &d \end{bmatrix} ## and computed ##A^3## and set it to ##O## to get an idea how the elements would look like, but the...
  35. H

    I The way matrices are written without boxes

    When a matrix is represented as a box it seems all very clear, but this representation $$ A = (a_{ij} )_{i, j =1}^{m,n}$$ Isn't very representative to me. The i -j thing creates a lot of confusion, when we write ##a_{ij}## do we mean the element of i th row and jth column or the other way...
  36. barryj

    Using matrices to balance chemical equations

    I am working with matrices to balance chem equations. I have googled hard equations to balance and find that most, at least what I have found, have the number of elements to be less than the terms in the equation. for example ... FeCr2O4 + ... Na2CO3 + ... O2 -->... Na2CrO4 + ...Fe2O3 + 1CO...
  37. docnet

    I Where do these time derivatives of Pauli matrices come from?

    Wolfgang Pauli's matrices are $$\sigma_x=\begin{bmatrix}0& 1\\1 & 0\end{bmatrix},\quad \sigma_y=\begin{bmatrix}0& -i\\i & 0\end{bmatrix},\quad \sigma_z=\begin{bmatrix}1& 0\\0 & -1\end{bmatrix}$$ He introduces these equations as "the equations of motion" of the spin in a magnetic field. $$...
  38. C

    I Factoring Matrices with Elementary Row Operations

    Dear Everybody, I have some trouble with this problem: Finding a sequence of elementary matrix for this matrix A. Let ##A=\begin{bmatrix} 4 & -1 \\ 3& -1\end{bmatrix}##. I first used the ##\frac{1}{4}R1##-> ##R1##. So the ##E_1=\begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{4} & 0 \\ 0& 1\end{bmatrix}##. So the...
  39. H

    B Peculiar View of Density Matrices: Is There a Problem?

    Hi Pfs , happy new year. I wonder if there is a problem with the manner i see density matrices: I use to consider them without a statistical point of view , just like i do with Hilbert vectors. no more no less. So the points on the Block sphere are only pecular points of those which are inside...
  40. L

    I Basis of 2x2 matrices with real entries

    What is the basis of 2x2 matrices with real entries? I know that the basis of 2x2 matrices with complex entries are 3 Pauli matrices and unit matrix: \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\[0.3em] 1 & 0 \\[0.3em] \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\[0.3em] i & 0...
  41. Ale_Rodo

    I Why are determinants in 2x2 matrices and 3x3 matrices computed the way they are?

    Hi, I'd like to have a little insight about why the determinants of ℝ2x2 and ℝ3x3 matrices are computed that way. I know how to calculate said determinants in both the cases and I also know what's the meaning behind it thanks to "3blue1brown"'s youtube channel, which states that they are a...
  42. Poetria

    Finding Orthogonal Matrices: 2 Solutions and Help

    I have found two such matrices: ##\begin{pmatrix} -cos( \frac {\pi} {4}) & sin(\frac {\pi} {4})\\ sin(\frac {\pi} {4}) & cos(\frac {\pi} {4})\end{pmatrix}####\begin{pmatrix} -cos( \frac {\pi} {4}) & -sin(\frac {\pi} {4})\\ -sin(\frac {\pi} {4}) & cos(\frac {\pi} {4})\end{pmatrix}## Any hint...
  43. Poetria

    How can we interpret the inverse matrix of a robot's arm?

    If I understand this correctly, this is the right answer: ##M \begin{pmatrix} 0.2\\ 0.1\end{pmatrix}## There is an inverse matrix in the next question: Continuing with the previous problem, let ##\vec v = M^{-1} \begin{pmatrix} 0.2\\ 0.1\end{pmatrix}##, where ##M^{-1}## is the inverse matrix of...
  44. Eclair_de_XII

    B Any square matrix can be expressed as the sum of anti/symmetric matrices

    Let ##A## be a matrix of size ##(n,n)##. Denote the entry in the i-th row and the j-th column of ##A## by ##a_{ij}##, for some ##i,j\in\mathbb{N}##. For brevity, we call ##a_{ij}## entry ##(i,j)## of ##A##. Define the matrix ##X## to be of size ##(n,n)##, and denote entry ##(i,j)## of ##X## as...
  45. Avatrin

    Trainable matrices in Tensorflow/Keras

    Hi Several attention mechanisms require trainable matrices and vectors. I have been trying to learn how to implement this in Tensorflow w/ Keras. Every implementation I see use the Dense layer from Keras, but I have a tendency to get lost trying to understand why and what they do afterwards...
  46. Gere

    I Are density matrices part of a real vector space?

    Is the following a correct demonstration that quantum mechanics can be done in a real vector space? If you simply stack the entries of density matrices into a column vector, then the expression ##\textrm{Tr}(AB^\dagger)## is the same as the dot product in a complex vector space (Frobenius inner...
  47. JD_PM

    Proving statements about matrices | Linear Algebra

    Hi guys! :) I was solving some linear algebra true/false (i.e. prove the statement or provide a counterexample) questions and got stuck in the following a) There is no ##A \in \Bbb R^{3 \times 3}## such that ##A^2 = -\Bbb I_3## (typo corrected) I think this one is true, as there is no squared...
  48. J

    Fortran FORTRAN 90 - Insert Matrices into Other Matrices

    Hi, I haven't made a code for it yet, however I will be making a Gauss-Seidel algroithm in Fortran 90, for solving very large matrices (actually to initiate the multi-gird method but that's irrelevant for this). As part of this, I wish to insert matrices into other matrices. in MATLAB this...
  49. I

    ODE solver for second Order ODE with Stiffness and Mass Matrices

    i am new to MATLAB and and as shown below I have a second order differential equation M*u''+K*u=F(t) where M is the mass matrix and K is the stifness matrix and u is the displacement. and i have to write a code for MATLAB using ODE45 to get a solution for u. there was not so much information on...
  50. S

    A Multinomial functions of matrices

    What branch of mathematics studies multinomial functions of matrices? ( i.e matrix valued functions of square matrices such as ##f(A,B,C) = ABC + BAC + 2A^2 + 3C##)