Admission Definition and 168 Threads

University admission or college admission is the process through which students enter tertiary education at universities and colleges. Systems vary widely from country to country, and sometimes from institution to institution.
In many countries, prospective university students apply for admission during their last year of high school or community college. In some countries, there are independent organizations or government agencies to centralize the administration of standardized admission exams and the processing of applications.

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  1. Luca Moraglio

    Admissions What are my chances of being admitted into good graduate schools?

    I've just finished my third year at a spanish university, majoring in Physics, next year being my last one (4 years major). The issue I have is that I have a pretty low average score, of 6.3/10. I failed 3/10 classes in my first year, and instead of taking less classes and finishing in 5 years...
  2. U

    Admissions How to be a competitive applicant with a low GPA?

    I have gone through some posts on a low GPA on this forum but I need more personal response on my profile. My BS (3.37/4.0) and MS (3.58/4.0) in Physics from a university in Africa (Nigeria). I am interested in theoretical condensed matter physics and I have 4 years experience in ordering and...
  3. Mousa Kandah

    Admissions Advice for an Engineer seeking a Masters in Physics in Germany

    Hello, I recently Graduated as a Mechanical Engineer from the University of Jordan and I am looking to do a Masters in Physics in Germany obviously I am at a disadvantage when it comes to admission due to my Bachelors, but I am currently fixing that. I am currently taking Courses in Quantum...
  4. 0

    Studying Wrong Mindset to Study: Tips from an Engineer's Journey

    There is a brazilian lady that created a youtube channel with tips to succeed in local admission exams. She is focused on high competition, such as engineering (she is one) and meds (she passed by studying 3 months prior then dropped out in the first month). She skipped MA and went from BC...
  5. X

    Admissions Failed Freshman Year: Will It Affect My Graduate Admission?

    I failed all classes in my freshman year first semester. I am going to retake them.Does that affect my graduate admission?
  6. N

    Admissions International Student Applying to Physics Grad Program: Can I Get Accepted?

    Hi all. I am an international student. I am considering applying for physics grad program in North America. I had very low GPA in my first two years in university (around 2.00) and later dropped out of school voluntarily. I managed to get into a university few years ago and ended up with...
  7. H

    How to get admission into Master's in Astronomy after electrical engineering

    Hello, I am Harshil from india. I have completed my Bachelor's in electrical and now i want to do Master's in Astronomy, so i have few questions please answre it... 1) Can i get the admission in MS/Msc astronomy if i have done electrical engineering? 2) If the answer of first question is...
  8. pahizix

    Admissions Do I have a strong enough profile for applied math grad school?

    Hi All, I just completed a degree in physics and (pure) math and I am planning on applying to grad school in the fall. I'm mostly interested in applying to physics graduate programs, but I was wondering if my background was strong enough to the following applied math programs: Stony Brook...
  9. Q

    Admissions Going BACK to graduate school after failing.... How hard will it be?

    Hi everyone. In 2017, I received a bachelors degree in physics. I liked the subject and wanted to go to graduate school for something more practical, so I did. A year ago, I failed out of a PhD program in engineering. I was the worst student at that point. I was too shy to ask questions in...
  10. Rlaneholliday

    Admissions I'm accepted as a PhD student. Interview for funding/RA -- Any Advice?

    First post, so I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this. I have been accepted as a PhD student at the Stevens Institute of Technology. It's my ideal institute as my area of interest is in nanofabrication/nanophotonics and their lab is top tier in this regard. I was not...
  11. J

    What Are My Chances of Acceptance Into a Statistics or Math PHD Program?

    I Know this is prob the wrong site to post this but... Hello, I am a student at a low-ranked college in New York State actively pursuing a bachelors (BA) in Math in my junior year. I have a 3.7 GPA overall and a 3.73 in Math. I am looking to apply to PHD programs next year in Statistics or in...
  12. Adesh

    Schools Will I get admission into the University of Denver?

    I’m an Indian student studying in class 12th and I need admission in UG courses (BS PHYSICS, BS MATHS) and I want University of Denver. I mailed my query about admission sort listing and they replied they would consider students for admission process if they get more than 90% in their academic...
  13. P

    Schools Does the university's prestige matter? [PhD admission]

    Hi! I'm currently applying for a masters program in theoretical physics, more specifically in String and Quantum Field theory. I will apply for Oxford, Kings college, Imperial college and Perimeter Institute among other universities and institutions. However, I also want to go to Uppsala...
  14. Adgorn

    Admissions MIT admission: weight of core subject grades

    Hello and thank you for bothering to read this long mess . I have just finished high school and after researching the best universities for majoring physics I've decided to try getting admitted into MIT (I don't live in the states and my country [Israel] has mandatory military service so don't...
  15. I

    Admissions Admission to top school a possibility? (undergrad)

    Hi! I'm currently a junior in high school, and going to a top school for physics has been my dream forever. I go to an extremely difficult prep school in New England, so I don't have perfect grades (no one in my school does), but colleges usually know my school's rigor. Anyways, I got a...
  16. A

    Other Previous Research experience and contribution essay

    I'm trying to write an 1800 character (including spaces) essay that describes my previous research experience and contribution. I'm using a GRF previous research experience document as a guide line but I think it's impossible to include all of that into 1800 characters. I have provided a link...
  17. ISamson

    Admissions Finding GATE Exam Practice/Samples --

    Hello. My Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) exam is upcoming in a few months, and I am having trouble finding practice and samples. I am in Y7 right now, exam is next year and I am trying to enter an advanced school for year 9. I live in Western Australia, but please do not restrict an answer...
  18. L

    Schools What would be my chance of admission for graduate school

    Hello, I am planning to apply for grad school with research interest in Astrophysics, specifically data analysis aspect of Astronomy, mainly in Pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts, or Computational Astrophysics, mainly in Fluid Dynamics or.Plasma Physics. Basically, interested in Data science...
  19. R

    Admissions Have MS admission offer but still waiting for other Unis

    So currently, I already have a graduate admission offer I am satisified with. However, there are some other US universities (I had only applied in the US) which still have to reply. I have to respond to the offer, I currently have, soon. I am not sure what I should do in case the remaining...
  20. Z

    Admissions Bsc in Physics after Bachelors in Computer Science

    Can anyone tell me if its possible to do a BSc in physics and astronomy after doing bachelor's in computer science? I was looking at applying for a Masters in physics and astronomy but looks like BSc is kind of a must because of the lack of training in physics I have. I looked at schools like...
  21. R

    Schools Admission into an American University

    I want to study physics at great depth. Our University does not hold such a good rank in world ranking. I am planning to go to America. I am from India. Advice me about what should I do?
  22. R

    Admissions Got an MS admission offer -- Have some questions

    I had applied to several universities and got a positive reply from the University of Florida for the program in MS Nuclear Engineering. Anyway, these are my questions: Is there anything I should be aware of in particular about the university or the program at this university? Whatever you...
  23. PeanutButterPuffin

    Admissions Will a mediocre GRFP proposal hurt my Grad admission chances

    Hi All. I was pretty idiotic and waited until last minute to prepare my NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Proposal. In under 2-weeks time, I 'slapped together' my application, figuring that even if I didn't win, I would at least obtain valuable feedback. I just submitted it. The problem is, I am...
  24. C

    Schools Will my minor affect grad school admission?

    Hello, I am currently an undergrad aiming for a B.S in Physics and a minor in Space and Planetary Sciences. I have only had the chance to take one astronomy class towards my minor and I am wondering how much a minor is considered in grad school admissions? My end game is to continue on through...
  25. N

    Schools Graduate School Admissions for Astronomy Program

    Hi Everyone! I am a senior student going at a liberal arts college currently majoring in Physics. I am applying to graduate schools in Astronomy this fall semester. I would like to ask what are the odds of getting into the best astronomy programs with the following background: Major GPA: 4.00...
  26. J

    Physics What Steps Should I Take to Pursue a Career in Medical Physics in the US?

    I am from India. I have completed my masters in physics (cgpa 7) from IIT Bombay and Bachelors in Physics(75%) from University of Delhi. toefl=93, gre=304 I am planning to pursue career in medical physics (radiation therapy) in US. For that what should i do either masters or PhD in medical...
  27. S

    Admissions Best course of action for admission.

    Hello, I have been reading through the forum recently and just made an account. This seems like a very helpful community of like-minded people! I'm interested in engineering, specifically aerospace thus far but of course I have not ruled out any field. I'm interested in a lot of things although...
  28. S

    Physics Age as a factor in PhD admission

    Hi, I am a 27 year old Physics Masters student and I have completed one year of my Masters degree in theoretical high-energy/cosmology from one of the top universities in Canada. I would like to apply for PhD admission to the top 20 universities in the US for a phd in theoretical...
  29. G

    Admissions AP or IB for admission to CalTech?

    I want to study Computer Science at CalTech and I wanted to know whether getting an IB diploma is worth it. Is it better to get IB or sacrifice a bit of rigor for more flexibility in the classes I choose? I know CalTech doesn't accept credit aside from their own placement test so purely in terms...
  30. S

    Admissions Is a delay in getting BSc important for admission to MSc?

    I'm currently doing my Bachelor of Physics in Italy, my projects for the future are to apply for a MSc in Physics in some good European universities in Germany or in the UK. (Just to say, I was thinking about München or London). Unfortunately I'm not sure I will be able to end my studies in the...
  31. Marlon Mazola

    Admissions Plasma Physics PhD program admission

    Hello, I'm new so I couldn't find a spot to put this in. I was wondering what's the minimum GPA for a plasma physics grad program especially fusion, I don't want good schools, I just want something that is enough to take me further. The thing is I dropped the ball hard my first year of college...
  32. A

    Admissions Can you guys who got admitted post their "Why <univ>" essays

    Hello PhysicsForum Community, I know the questions seems to be weird but can you guys who have been admitted to MiT,STanford,etc,care to upload their "Why I" or "Why this ,<univ> is for me" essay" (if guys have a copy with you) because country I...
  33. Sirsh

    Schools Admission into UC University from Australia

    Hey all, Due to circumstances, I have been researching into universities within California to attend after I complete my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering (B.Eng) to pursue a masters degree in engineering. I am under the assumption that it would be more difficult for myself to get...
  34. P

    Schools Is It Acceptable to Extend Undergraduate Studies for Financial Aid Eligibility?

    I have transferred from community college, so I am supposed to finish in two years. However, some people can petition to stay for three years I believe. I'm an undergraduate physics major thinking of staying for three years, where there is guaranteed financial aid during that time frame, to take...
  35. Abhishek Sethi

    Is Pursuing Quantum Computing Feasible with a Mechanical Engineering Background?

    Hi, I am an undergraduate student from India. Pursuing double major in Physics and Mechanical Engineering. I have completed 4 semesters(2 years) of my college. I had taken a class titled "Quantum information and computing" and it interested me a lot. I really love math and computations...
  36. R

    Admissions How to turn down an admission offer already accepted

    I applied for graduate admission in Canadian universities for fall entry. One of the graduate programs offered me admission in February and furthermore offered me a prestigious scholarship to motivate me to accept the offer of admission. I accepted the offer of admission and the offer of...
  37. M

    Admissions Accept Offer from Safety School or Reapply?

    I've been accepted by the PhD program at my safety school (where I am completing my undergrad), and have been declined admission at my reach schools. While my safety school's offer is solid, I would prefer to attend a better school in a different city. I am still completing research for my...
  38. P

    Admissions Can You Get Admitted to a University Without Being Able to Afford It?

    Does the university ask you if you can afford studying there before you get admitted? In other words can you get admitted without being able to afford it? Does they ask you if you can afford the university after being admitted or before?
  39. MarkCJ

    Schools Can International Students with a GED Secure Scholarships at Top U.S. Colleges?

    Hi, I'm Mark. Currently I self-study Physics and Mathematics. I have secondary school and GED degree, and I'm not a native English speaker. I'm wondering if I want to apply to college for 2017, what I have to do? What test do I need. Who am I suppose to get a recommendation letters from, can I...
  40. Rick Bosley

    Schools Graduate school admission timeline question....

    I have been asked to interview for a job that entails no access to internet for a few months. I am also currently in the application process for engineering graduate school phD programs. I have applied to the schools I am interested in, but have not began the interview process yet for those...
  41. E

    Will Low Grades in a Non-Related Major Affect My Grad School Application?

    In short, I have great grades and research experience in physics, but my second major, music, brings my GPA way down. Also, I'm a 3rd year undergrad, and I'm wondering whether this will be a significant problem when I apply to schools next year. This is a problem that I haven't seen often or...
  42. D

    Schools Is Spring admission for Graduate School common?

    Hi it's too late for me to apply for Fall admission since it's already December and I haven't started my applications. Can I apply for Spring admission since I don't want to wait a whole other year to apply for graduate schools and get in again.
  43. ujjwal3097

    Schools Is it Okay to Write Broadly About Future Goals for a College Physics Essay?

    hi i am applying to Georgia tech and there a question that asking about what you want to do in future . so i am writing that i will get physics degree then for advance study i will enroll in grad school and after my phd i would like to work as a scientist in NASA astronomy department . what I...
  44. S

    Non-US Citizen Admission to Ivy League Schools

    How much difficult it is for a Non US citizen to get into IVY league..?? (Other than Dartmouth)
  45. R

    Admissions Admission criteria for theoretical physics PHD

    What is the most important factors that determine if a candidate can be admitted into top theoretical physics PHD program? Since undergraduate students are most likely not able to produce significant research paper, will universities put more emphasis on GRE and GPA?
  46. C

    Schools Reputation of the university for graduate admission?

    Hi, I'm an undergraduate physics student in Turin (Northern Italy), currently in the first year of my bachelor degree. Before enrolling here in Turin, I thought a lot about going to sudy abroad because I would like to get a job somewhere in Europe or even outside it. But then, for several...
  47. M

    Accepted without reference letter

    Hello, I will be applying to universities in England for fall 2016 entry and I have one particular concern. I have studied independently instead of attending an ordinary high school, but I've taken and will be taking various exams. Because of this I have no one who can write a reference letter...
  48. Max Genkin

    Admissions Spring, Summer Admission Opportunities

    Well, my request is for international undergraduate programs (phys&math) with timing not more than 4 months between application deadline and the start of studying in university. Help, cause I don't see one
  49. S

    Admissions Am I screwed graduate admission?

    I am currently studying math (honours) in a university in Canada. Due to family issues that made my first and second year of very stressful,which caused problems to my mental health Anyway here is my full transcript:First Year: Mechanics 1: 86 Calc 1: 90 C++ programming: 91 Economics: 82 Optics...
  50. Lagraaaange

    Schools Apply to Graduate school this year or wait until graduation?

    Ideally I'd like to apply to graduate school for physics (leaning towards Astrophysics or Condensed matter); however, I don't think my course work or research is sufficient. I'm already using an extra year to complete the degree (I changed to physics the end of my Sophomore year) and wouldn't...