Vortex Definition and 140 Threads

The Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment or VORTEX are field experiments that study tornadoes. VORTEX1 was the first time scientists completely researched the entire evolution of a tornado with an array of instrumentation, enabling a greater understanding of the processes involved with tornadogenesis. A violent tornado near Union City, Oklahoma was documented in its entirety by chasers of the Tornado Intercept Project (TIP) in 1973 and visual observations led to advancement in understanding of tornado structure and life cycles. VORTEX2 utilized enhanced technology allowing scientists to improve forecasting capabilities to improve advanced warnings to residents. VORTEX2 sought to elucidate how tornadoes form, how long they last and why they last that long, and what causes them to dissipate.VORTEX1 and VORTEX2 involved large surface fleets of instrumented vehicles as well as aircraft and mobile radars. Important work on developing and coordinating mobile mesonets came from the field projects, and analysis of data collected in subsequent years led to significant advancement in understanding of supercell and tornado morphology and dynamics. The field research phase of the VORTEX2 project concluded on July 6, 2010.

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  1. H

    A Magnetic Vorticies In Superconductors Don't Confine Electrons

    https://physics.aps.org/articles/v17/117 Small one-quantum magnetic vorticies form in Type 1.5 and 2 superconductors. It was thought that such vorticies would confine the non-superconducting electrons inside them. This experiment shows that this is not the case. The vortex can move for the...
  2. A

    I Light curving around vortex simulating a black hole

    So I just had a question. In a Netflix documentary, they showed these people trying to simulate the conditions of a black hole by having a vortex in a pool of water. they said that light cannot pass through the hole and the physics around is essentially adjacent to the event horizon and what...
  3. B

    B Why Do Poached Eggs Stay In The Center?

    I cracked an egg into water and it sank implying the egg matter is average more dense than water. If this is the case, a vortex should force the egg (when on the surface) off to the edges via the difference in centripetal force. Why then does the egg stay in the center when the water is swirling?
  4. S

    I What is the most efficient way to cool air using a Vortex Tube (Ranque-Hilsch)?

    Ref: https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/44/2015/12/VortexTubeOptimizationTheory.pdf The above paper says that the initial separation of hot and cold air is complete once the flow is partly deflected backwards at the left hand side (HOT) end. See Fig. 1 in the paper. It also says that the...
  5. Jarvis323

    Tesla's Vortex (Mathologer Coding Competition)

    Mathologer made a cool video recently about "Tesla's Vortex", or rather a cool method of generating patterns using repeated multiplication and modulus to generate repeating sequences, and then plotting those sequences around a circle. This creates cardiods and other related patterns, a different...
  6. watersplit

    Can a Vortex Effectively Purify Water by Utilizing Gravity?

    What do you think of purifying water by using a vortex / law of gravity? Here is what I am thinking: 1. Build a funnel-like jar, clog it on the bottom and fill the jar with water. Now wait for several hours. 2. Unclog the bottom, wait for a few seconds (depending on the size of the jar) and...
  7. R

    B Are BEC vortex lattices individual atoms?

    Can anyone tell me what are those vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC)? Images of these vortex lattices in BEC can be seen here http://www.iap.tu-darmstadt.de/fileadmin/apq/apq_teaching/apq_teaching_ws1213/GESPERRT_moderne_optik/Ketterle_Vortex_Lattices_Science.pdf. Are those...
  8. R

    Explaining how a Vortex Tube works

    I have an interesting(IMHO) approach to explaining how the vortex tube works. There are a few explanations on wiki, but not a simple and convincing final one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex_tube Normally a vortex tube, that runs well, howls very loud. It is a kind of aerodynamically...
  9. S

    Will a vortex form if you pump water up via the bathtub drain?

    ... And if it won't form spontaneously with reversed flow, then will a vortex at least sustain itself once we nudge it in one direction?
  10. Spinnor

    Dolphins blow vortex rings, apparently because they enjoy doing it.

    https://d2r55xnwy6nx47.cloudfront.net/uploads/2020/09/0903_TurbulenceBlobs_Dolphins-1920x1080.mp4 From, https://www.quantamagazine.org/an-unexpected-twist-lights-up-the-secrets-of-turbulence-20200903/
  11. T

    Vortex Nucleation Critical velocity using the Uncertainty Principle

    Hi there, I'm very stuck on this problem when approaching it like this. I know I could use the Landau Criterion for rotons but that's not accepted here, it wants the approach to come from the uncertainty principle. My thinking is along these lines: There will be a change in chemical potential...
  12. Death eater

    Free Vortex Flow: Vorticity & Streamlines at Eye of Vortex

    In free vortex what does it mean " non-trivial component of velocity vector is tangential"? I know only the tangential component of velocity exists in free vortex flow, so what happens at the eye of the vortex ( what happens to vorticity and streamlines to be specific)?
  13. K

    Piezoelectric Quartz with Pressurized Mercury Vortex

    I am curious if it would be possible to put a quartz crystal at the bottom of strong cylinder vial with half the crystal hanging out the bottom (but sealed) and have mercury on top of it and then pressurized if it would create a constant vortex? If the mechanical force of the pressure from the...
  14. I

    Where does the equation of the velocity of a free vortex come from?

    I am aware of the equation of the velocity of a forced vortex, which is simply ## v = r\omega ##. However, the velocity for a free vortex is ## v = \frac{c}{r} ## (## c ## is the 'circulation constant', ## r ## is the radius, ## v ## is the velocity and ## \omega ## is the angular velocity). I...
  15. K

    Energy of a single vortex in BEC

    I am trying to solve for the density variation due to a single vortex. The order parameter looks like. \Psi_0(\vec{r},t)=\sqrt{n}f(\eta)e^{i(s\phi-\mu t)} where f satisfy the ODE \frac{1}{\eta}\frac{d}{d\eta}\left(\eta\frac{df}{d\eta}\right)+\left(1-\frac{s^2}{\eta^2}\right)-f^3=0 I realized...
  16. A

    At what critical Reynolds number does vortex shedding begin?

    In: "Fluid Dynamics", Chapter 3 (Turbulence), Section 26, Landau and Lifchitz analyze the problem of the stability of a steady flow past a body of finite size. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible and they reach the conclusion that perturbations that deviate from steady flows start to...
  17. Domenico94

    Speed of fluid in a turbulent flow

    Suppose a fluid passes from having laminar flow, to having a turbulent flow (like when passing after an object). How do fluid speed and fluid density change after that?
  18. Domenico94

    I How does a fluid behave inside of a spherical cavity?

    Suppose you have a spherical cavity, with a flow of a fluid ( in particular water), entering it from one side. What will happen to this flow? Will it create turbulences? Will speed increase? Will eventual waves entering the cavity be reflected, so creating waves with bigger amplitude? Suppose...
  19. T

    Some points about a vortex tube

    in this link here you can see the hot exhaust temperature and cold exhaust temperature at different ratio (hot to cold) with input air/gas at different pressure level. I want to discuss the top here i.e. the data where the input air/gas is at 20 PSIG pressure. You can see that with a 80:20 ratio...
  20. T

    Angular velocity inside a vortex tube

    I hope many here know about vortex tube and its application. I myself have done some study but were unable to find one answer. If we know the speed of the inlet fluid, then how can the angular velocity of the fluid during its rotational motion can be determined.
  21. S

    A What is the significance of tilted vortex lines in superconductor vortexes?

    I have read a few parts in various papers where they refer to tiltered vortex lines in superconductor vortexes, however it is not clear what these lines really mean physically. Can anyone suggest a source or a description to this? Thanks
  22. A

    Why does bathwater in a plughole spin AT ALL

    I don't care whether it goes clockwise or anticlockwise so this is not the usual Coriolis conversation. Why doesn't it just go down straight?
  23. I

    Active aero/active vortex generator?

    So, drag vs downforce on race cars is the equation. We all know vg's will help airplanes from stalling by keeping the air attached past the point of stall. At stall the air has no (?) major drag? (This is a question). So let's say your race car has a flat bottom, front splitter and a rear...
  24. I

    Vortex generators under your racecar question

    let's say you have a street legal racecar, flat front splitter with undertray going back to front tire stock undercarriage with crooked exhaust and couplings and then a badass rear difuser from the rear tire to the bumper. Let's keep this about "under the car" question. Vortex generators do some...
  25. Rodrigo Schmidt

    Doubt about irrotational flows

    So, i just started an elementar study on hidrodynamics and I'm stuck with something. We have that the circulation in a closed path Γ is given by: ##C_Γ=\oint_Γ \vec v⋅\vec {dl}## And that, in a irrotational flow, ##C_Γ = 0## for any given Γ. But if we have an irrotational vortex wouldn't...
  26. F

    Compressible inviscid vorticity convection w Rankine Vortex

    Homework Statement The compressible inviscid vorticity convection equation: $$\frac{D(\frac{w}{\rho})}{Dt}=(\frac{w}{\rho})\cdot \nabla U + \frac{1}{\rho}\nabla P \times \nabla (\frac{1}{\rho})$$ differs from the incompressible version in two important ways : 1) The convected quantity is...
  27. P

    Saturated steam inside a vortex tube

    We all are more or less familiar with the performance of vortex tubes regarding how they can make hot and cold flow by pressurised and/or air/gas at high speed. What I am wondering is the performance of saturated steam inside vortex tube. As for example, suppose we are using saturated steam at...
  28. Kevin Halagan

    Turbulence issues within tubing (Exair Vortex system)

    Hello, I used the Darcy Friction Factor from the Moody Diagram along with the Reynolds number to find energy losses inside the cold air tubing of our vortex system. My calculations showed that I should decrease transitions, length, diameter, and velocity. I am mainly concerned with the figuring...
  29. P

    Can Cold Air Be 100% Humid in a Vortex Tube?

    I hope most here are familiar with vortex tube i.e. Ranque-Hilsch tube. I just want to guess if humid air used. We can get some idea about functionality of vortex tube from this http://www.airtx.com/how-does-a-vortex-tube-work.htm. Now take the example for the lowest pressure level mentioned in...
  30. R

    A Change in the height of a fluid vortex

    I'm currently struggling slightly with finding some information regarding a vortex. If I have a fluid in a cylindrical container and the fluid is then rotated at a constant speed, the vortex will displace the water and raise it relative to the initial level of the fluid. Is there any formula...
  31. F

    Looking for info about 2002 polar vortex rupture

    Hello everybody. I am currently doing some research about the evolution of ozone holes over antartica. I am interested in 2002's season, since strong winds from the stratosphere managed to alter the wind's clockwise circulation about the continent making it one of the weirdest recorded. So...
  32. T

    Bathtub Vortex Pressure difference

    The problem statement Example 1 A single particle I have a particle being forced by a radial centripetal force onto a smaller radius $$l_1=m_c.v_1.r_1$$ $$L_1=L_2$$ $$L_2=m_c.v_2.r_2$$ $$m_c.v_1.r_1=m_c.v_2.r_2$$ $$v_1.r_1=v_2.r_2$$ $$v_2=v_1\frac{r_2}{r_1}$$ Its increase from ##v_1## to...
  33. Einj

    A Can the Vortices in a Superfluid Form a Triangular Lattice?

    Hello everyone, I am not an expert in the topic so I apologize in advance if the question has an easy answer. I think it is well known that if we have a set of N vortices in a superfluid their mutual interaction is logarithmic. Meaning that if \vec x_n is the position of the n-th vortex, then...
  34. N

    Why doesn't a ring vortex immediately float to the surface?

    If you look at this YouTube video you will see an example of a ring vortex made by a dolphin (there are quite a few other examples). The problem is I can't understand why the ring doesn't immediately float to the surface. Only when it breaks up do the bubbles rise. The ring appears to...
  35. K

    I Vortex Experiment: Can Vacuums Create a Vortex?

    I set up two canister vacuum cleaners facing each other: I had the idea that if there was some circulation in the air (provided by the small fan) then a vortex would form between the inlets. This does not seem to work. I don't have much knowledge or intuition about aerodynamics. Would this...
  36. B

    I Forces that keep a free vortex turning

    I am trying to understand what forces keep a free vortex, (i.e. a vortex ring). Its rotating particles must have a force to avoid them going out (like gravity on planets). I have read about vortices and vorticity, but get lost in equations. Is it possible to explain the force that keep the...
  37. A

    Challenges in Implementing McCormic's Vortex Theory of Propellers

    Hello all, I have been attempting to perform the iterative procedure outlined in McCormic's textbook (1995) for the vortex theory of propellers. However, I have become stumped when attempting to get tangential velocity relative to tip speed after the first iteration as a part of the equation is...
  38. S

    Does the Sun's Movement Create a Solar System Vortex Motion?

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the Physics Forum, so this is my first post. I heard somewhere that the Sun moves through space at a certain velocity. If that is true, then wouldn't the Solar System be a system of vortex motion, and not simply gravity being a centripetal force holding the planets...
  39. P

    Maximizing Lift Through Vortex Generation on Airplanes

    For an airplane, their are multiple types of lift, camber, angle of attack, pressure difference, and vortex lift. I understand that at the end of wings the low pressure at the top, and high pressure on the bottom causes their to be a vortex formed. My question is, how exactly do they use that...
  40. H

    Does a moving Submarine Create a Toroidal Vortex?

    Today I learned how easy it is to create and visualize toroidal vortices in a swimming pool. I bet this could be done in a bathtub. Do moving submarines create a big toroidal vortex around themselves?
  41. sevenperforce

    Sustained nuclear criticality in liquid vortex

    In 1958, chemical operator Cecil Kelley was killed by a nuclear excursion in a mixing tank. A tank intended to reprocess trace amounts of dissolved plutonium-239 accidentally had dramatically more radioactive material dumped into it. The plutonium, being dissolved in a lower-density fluid than...
  42. W

    Conical vortex regulators calculation?

    http://www.pjoes.com/pdf/19.4/749-756.pdf i would like to learn about the calculations formulas involve in this mechanism. Any notes or formulas with explanation on the calculations of pressure loss, volumentric velocity, velocity, ect. will be very much helpful. In the pdf of the given link...
  43. P

    Circulation Around an Airfoil and Starting Vortex

    Homework Statement Using Kelvin’s circulation theorem, find the qualitative and quantitative relation between the circulation around an airfoil and the circulation of the starting vortex. Homework Equations Kelvin's circulation theorem: DΓ/Dt=0 The Attempt at a Solution I don't really know...
  44. E

    Can a Vortex Tube Be Reversed to Generate Compressed Air?

    If atmospheric pressure hot and cold air are sent into the opposing sides of a vortex tube (the ports normally used for gas outlet), will compressed air be generated/released from the hole/port normally used for gas input? The reverse of the system above (cold and hot air enter from opposing...
  45. R

    Miniature Vortex Tube Design Question

    Need help with an application I am thinking of. In this application just 10 cubic inches per second of cold air is needed, that too for 2-5 seconds only. Also, not a lot of cooling/heating capacity is needed, just 30C of air cooling should be sufficient. How would we construct such a device? I...
  46. S

    Vortex Physics Explained: Bernoulli's Principle & Beaker Resistance

    Hi Guys, Please excuse my ignorance. I was wondering about the physics involved in the vortex created by using a stirrer bar in a beaker of water. Is this Bernoulli's Principle, of balancing speeds and pressures? And does the resistance offered by the sidewall of the beaker completely change...
  47. A

    Discover the Lagrangian for 2D Vortices | Essential Homework Equations

    Homework Statement Hello, Do you know how to find Lagrangian for 2D Vortices? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  48. T

    Vortex Shedding, Cylinder vs. Cuboid

    I have been reading papers now for the last few weeks and I have taken from all the information so far that vortex shedding from a cylinder happens periodically for reynolds numbers anywhere between 90 and 1000. It seems to me that there is no actual way of defining the specific parameters of...
  49. Justice Hunter

    How Does Extreme Rotation Affect Space-Time Around Massive Objects?

    So i just had a thought. A rotating object creates a small but identifiable vortex in space-time. I would imagine that the faster the object rotates, the more drastic the vortex becomes. My question is, if you were to have a massive object rotate very fast, at near the speed of light, how does...
  50. S

    Contradictions in Irrotational Vortex?

    So I was reading about Vortices in Wikipedia, when I stumbled upon the explanation about Irrotational Vortices. It states there that in Irrotational vortices, the fluid's flow velocity u, is inversely proportional to the distance r, from the vortex's axis. Then, at the end of the...