What is Lagrangian: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Introduced by the Italian-French mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1788, Lagrangian mechanics is a formulation of classical mechanics and is founded on the stationary action principle.
Lagrangian mechanics defines a mechanical system to be a pair


{\displaystyle (M,L)}
of a configuration space


{\displaystyle M}
and a smooth function


{\displaystyle L=L(q,v,t)}
called Lagrangian. By convention,



{\displaystyle L=T-V,}


{\displaystyle T}


{\displaystyle V}
are the kinetic and potential energy of the system, respectively. Here



{\displaystyle q\in M,}


{\displaystyle v}
is the velocity vector at


{\displaystyle q}


{\displaystyle (v}
is tangential to


{\displaystyle M).}
(For those familiar with tangent bundles,






{\displaystyle L:TM\times \mathbb {R} _{t}\to \mathbb {R} ,}





{\displaystyle v\in T_{q}M).}

Given the time instants



{\displaystyle t_{1}}




{\displaystyle t_{2},}
Lagrangian mechanics postulates that a smooth path











{\displaystyle x_{0}:[t_{1},t_{2}]\to M}
describes the time evolution of the given system if and only if



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
is a stationary point of the action functional













{\displaystyle {\cal {S}}[x]\,{\stackrel {\text{def}}{=}}\,\int _{t_{1}}^{t_{2}}L(x(t),{\dot {x}}(t),t)\,dt.}


{\displaystyle M}
is an open subset of



{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}




{\displaystyle t_{1},}



{\displaystyle t_{2}}
are finite, then the smooth path



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
is a stationary point of


{\displaystyle {\cal {S}}}
if all its directional derivatives at



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
vanish, i.e., for every smooth











{\displaystyle \delta :[t_{1},t_{2}]\to \mathbb {R} ^{n},}
















{\displaystyle \delta {\cal {S}}\ {\stackrel {\text{def}}{=}}\ {\frac {d}{d\varepsilon }}{\Biggl |}_{\varepsilon =0}{\cal {S}}\left[x_{0}+\varepsilon \delta \right]=0.}
The function


{\displaystyle \delta (t)}
on the right-hand side is called perturbation or virtual displacement. The directional derivative



{\displaystyle \delta {\cal {S}}}
on the left is known as variation in physics and Gateaux derivative in Mathematics.
Lagrangian mechanics has been extended to allow for non-conservative forces.

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  1. fluidistic

    Lagrangian of an isolated particle, independant from Newtonian Mechanics?

    I don't have the books in front of me so I only use my memory. According to my professor and if I remember well, Landau and Lifgarbagez, the Lagrangian of an isolated particle can in principle depend on \vec q, \vec \dot q and t. Therefore one can write L(\vec q, \vec \dot q , t). With some...
  2. fluidistic

    Solving Euler-Lagrange Equation for Conservative Field Motion

    Homework Statement The main problem is that I do not understand the problem. Here it is: A particle describes a one-dimensional motion under the action of a conservative field: \ddot r =-\frac{dU(r)}{dr}. Consider now the following coordinates transformation: r=r(q,t). Demonstrate that the...
  3. fluidistic

    Lagrangian of a system of several masses and springs

    Homework Statement I challenged myself with a problem I invented, but I'm stuck. Consider a 1 dimensional problem consisting of 3 masses, each one separated by a spring. So that from the left to the right of my sketch we have m_1, a spring (k_1 with natural length l_1), m_2, another spring...
  4. fluidistic

    Lagrangian of a system (First pages of L&L)

    Homework Statement The problem can be found in L&L's book "Mechanics" in the end of the first chapter. (See the last picture of page 12 of http://books.google.com.ar/books?id=QkYRDGH5tg0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22Lev+Davidovich+Landau%22&cd=2#v=onepage&q&f=false ). The mass m1 is...
  5. C

    What are the equations of motion for a time dependent Lagrangian?

    Let's say that L=((1/2)m*v^2-V(x))*f(t), or something similar. What are the equations of motion? For time independent it should be: (d/dt) (dL/dx_dot)=dL/dx . Using this I get m\ddot{x}+m f_dot/f x_dot+dV/dx=0. Is this right? I keep thinking about the derivation of the equations and it...
  6. C

    Help with example from goldstein (lagrangian)

    Homework Statement From pages 124-125 in edition 3. This is about the restricted three body problem (m3 << m1,m2) http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/7012/3bdy.jpg Homework Equations L = T-V Euler-Lagrange equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm interested in m3, the...
  7. 1

    Classical mechanics - Time dependent Hamiltonian and Lagrangian

    Homework Statement A system with only one degree of freedom is described by the following Hamiltonian: H = \frac{p^2}{2A} + Bqpe^{-\alpha t} + \frac{AB}{2}q^2 e^{-\alpha t}(\alpha + Be^{-\alpha t}) + \frac{kq^2}{2} with A, B, alpha and k constants. a) Find a Lagrangian...
  8. H

    Physical meaning of lagrangian

    i have some question about lagrangian ...here are those 1) what is the physical meaning of L=0 .. from wiki ..i have found .."The Lagrangian, L, of a dynamical system is a function that summarizes the dynamics of the system." that means when L=0 ..the system has no dynamics ..as far as i...
  9. N

    Double Pendulum Problem - Lagrangian

    Homework Statement Rather than solve the double pendulum problem with two masses in the usual way. Instead express the coordinates of the second mass, in terms of the coordinates of the mass above it. $ x2=x_1+\xi = L_1Sin[\theta]Cos[\phi]+L_2Sin[\alpha]Cos[\beta]$\\ $ y2=y_1+ \eta =...
  10. E

    Understanding the Lagrangian of a Free Particle?

    Hello, I'm trying to follow an argument in Landau's Mechanics. The argument concerns finding the Lagrangian of a free particle moving with velocity v relative to an inertial frame K. (of course L=1/2 mv^2, which is what we have to find). I'll state the points of the argument: (0) It has...
  11. J

    E&M if there were monopoles (Lagrangian?)

    I've seen in textbooks before, there if there were monopoles, Maxwell's equations would look more "symmetric" between the E and B fields. Such that (in cgs units): \begin{align*} \nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} &= 4 \pi \rho_e \\ \nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} &= 4 \pi \rho_m \\ -\nabla \times...
  12. O

    Lagrangian of a particle moving on a cone

    Homework Statement A particle is confined to move on the surface of a circular cone with its axis on the vertical z axis, vertex at the origin (pointing down), and half-angle a. (a) Write the Lagrangian L in terms of the spherical polar coordinates r and ø. (b) Find the two equations of...
  13. Q

    How do you interpret quadratic terms in the gauge field in a Lagrangian?

    Consider a one dimensional gauge theory where the field has mass. The term, m^{2}A^{\mu}A_{\mu} is the conventional mass term. What if you find terms in your Unified Field Theory lagrangian of the form M_{\mu\nu}A^{\mu}A^{\nu} ? In this case M_{\mu\nu} is constant. When it is...
  14. M

    Lagrangian Problem - Degrees of Freedom & Solution

    Homework Statement Consider a particle of mass m sliding under the influence of gravity, on the smooth inner surface of the hyperboloid of revolution of equation x^2 + y^2 = z^2 -a^2 where (x,y,z) are the Cartesian co-ordinates of the particle (z > 0) and (a > 0) is a constant. The...
  15. R

    What Does the Kinetic Term of the SO(10) GUT Lagrangian Look Like?

    Can you please tell me some resource or link that has the lagrangian for SO(10) GUT written explicitely term by term? Any version of SO(10) GUT is fine(I mean based on the way the symmetry is broken)
  16. C

    Commutativity of Differential Operators in Lagrangian Mechanics

    Hello. I am having trouble realizing the following relation holds in Lagrangian Mechanics. It is used frequently in the derivation of the Euler-Lagrange equation but it is never elaborated on fully. I have looked at Goldstein, Hand and Finch, Landau, and Wikipedia and I still can't reason...
  17. N

    Advice on a derivation from Guage Fixing Lagrangian to Equation or motion?

    Hi All, I am trying to derive the equation of motion from a Lagrangian with a gauge fixing term, and I think get quite close to the result, but am missing some steps somewhere. These indices and notation is new to me, so please feel free to bring any mistakes to my attention. So the...
  18. C

    How does the hermiticity of Hamiltonian restrict its Lagrangian?

    The hermiticity of Hamiltonian comes up as a result of requiring real energy eigenvalues and well-defined inner-product for correlation amplitudes. In the corresponding Lagrangian picture (path-integral), I am not clear about the explicit restriction that the above hermiticity of Hamiltonian...
  19. H

    L1 Lagrangian Point: SOHO & ACE Time + Human Mission Possibility

    Does anyone know how long SOHO and ACE took to get to the L1 lagrangian point. It is in average 1.496 million km away, I am wondering how fast a human space flight servicing mission would take. Also if it is possible to send it for a long mission seeing that the radiation dosage increases and...
  20. S

    The equivalent lagrangian and the derivative

    hi everyone! I have just posted a thread which was about the equivalent lagrangian. and I think I have another problem with it too! again in section 11.6 d'inverno, it is said that if you use equation 11.37 then you can achive (∂L ̅)/(∂g_(,c)^ab )=Γ_ab^c-1/2 δ_a^c Γ_bd^d-1/2 δ_b^c...
  21. S

    What is the meaning of 'metric potential' in d'inverno's equation?

    Hi everyone! again problem with d'inverno's equation! ok let me see, in chapter 11 section 11.6, it is said that (∂L ̅)/(∂g^ab )=Γ_ac^d Γ_bd^c-Γ_ab^c Γ_cd^d as we see at first if you derive (∂L ̅)/(∂g^ab ) from equation 11.37 you can have the above result. but my professor said it's...
  22. S

    Euler lagrange equation and Einstein lagrangian

    Dear everyone can anyone help me with the euler lagrange equation which is stated in d'inverno chapter 11? in equation (11.26) it is said that when we use the hilbert-einstein lagrangian we can have: ∂L/(∂g_(ab,cd) )=(g^(-1/2) )[(1/2)(g^ac g^bd+g^ad g^bc )-g^ab g^cd ] haw can we derive...
  23. J

    Is Lagrangian Mechanics Worth the Effort?

    Hi! I´m a senior high school student and I´m doing a school project about the conservation laws. I enjoy physics very much and I come asking you for advice. This is not a homework question. After doing most of my work for the school project, I´ve been told that you can get a deeper knowledge...
  24. pellman

    Lagrangian for fields AND particles?

    In general what does a Lagrangian for a system consisting of interacting fields and particles look like? It can't be, for example, L=\sum{\frac{1}{2}mv_j^2+A(x_j)\inner v_j} That would be for a system of particles in a fixed, i.e. "background", field. I'm interested in how we can mix...
  25. R

    What is the Lagrangian in Mechanics and How Does it Relate to the Hamiltonian?

    Hi. There is just this one thing in mechanics which is lagrangian that I just simply can't grasp physically. I'm taking a mechanics course I simply do not understand what the lagrangian is. There is calculus of variations (at least a tiny but of it) a bit of geodesics and the least action...
  26. R

    Units of Scalar Field \phi & Lagrangian Density

    What are the dimensions of a scalar field \phi ? The Lagrangian density is: \mathcal L= \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi - m^2 \phi \phi So in order to make all the terms have the same units, you can try either: \mathcal L=\frac{\hbar^2}{c^2} \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi -...
  27. I

    Lagrangian Mechanics: Pendulum & Trolley

    Hi, Hope someone can help me clear up this question. I know the answer but I am unsure of the reasoning behind it, so here it is: Question:A simple pendulum of mass m and length l hangs from a trolley of mass M running on smooth horizontal rails. The pendulum swings in a plane parallel to the...
  28. Dale

    Gravitational Lagrangian PE term

    I was just doing a simple 2-body Newtonian gravitation problem. The force on each mass is: f=\frac{G m_1 m_2}{r^2} and the integral of the force wrt r is: \int \! f \, dr = -\frac{G m_1 m_2}{r} So, since there are two forces in the system, one on each object, I had assumed that there would...
  29. R

    Lagrangian Formulation of Quantum Mechanics

    Which textbooks formulate Quantum Mechanics (or, for that matter, QFT) in Langrangian terms?
  30. A

    Isn't working with the relativistic Lagrangian AWFUL?

    I'm trying to solve a problem for a relativistic electron in an external magnetic field with vector potential \vec A using the Lagrangian \mathcal L = -mc^2 / \gamma - e \vec v \cdot \vec A in cylindrical coordinates. But isn't this DREADFULLY TERRIBLE, since when I try to compute...
  31. A

    Why is the relativistic Lagrangian for a free particle proportional to 1/\gamma?

    In J.D. Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics, an argument is made in support of the assertion that the relativistic Lagrangian \mathcal L for a free particle has to be proportional to 1/\gamma. The argument goes something like this: \mathcal L must be independent of position and can therefore...
  32. S

    Moment of intertia, lagrangian, etc

    A uniform ladder of mass M and length 2L is leaning aainst a frictionless vertical wall with its feet on a frictionless horizontal floor. Initially the stationary ladder is released at an angle \theta_{0} = 60o to the floor. Assume that the gravitation field g acts vertically downward. 1)...
  33. P

    Lagrangian of particle moving on a sphere

    Homework Statement Find the shape of a tunnel drilled through the Moon such that the travel time between two points on the surface of the Moon under the force of gravity is minimized. Assume the Moon is spherical and homogeneous. Hint: Prove that the shape is the hypercycloid x(θ) = (R...
  34. G

    Why Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism

    Dear all, could please give my some links or references to material that justifies the mathematical and physical reasons for introducing these two formalisms in mechanics? Thanks. Goldbeetle
  35. B

    Lagrangian mechanics problem - check my work?

    Homework Statement A cart of mass M is attached to a spring with spring constant k. Also, a T-shaped pendulum is pinned to its center. The pendulum is made up of two bars with length L and mass m. Find Lagrange's equations of motion. I've attached the figure and my solution as a PDF. I...
  36. U

    Lagrangian of a Rotating Mass on a Spring

    Homework Statement A point mass m slides without friction on a horizontal table at one end of a massless spring of natural length a and spring constant k. The other end of the spring is attached to the table so that it can rotate freely without friction. The spring is driven by a motor...
  37. A

    Lagrangian mechanics of continuous systems

    I'm thinking about generalizations of Lagrangian mechanics to systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom, but what I've got uses some extremely sketchy math that still appears to give a correct result. I only consider conservative systems that do not explicitly depend on time. Of course...
  38. M

    Defining a Lagrangian in an rotating reference frame frame

    Hi I'm trying to define a Newtonian lagrangian in an rotating reference frame (with no potential) Something to note is that the time derivative of in a rotating reference frame must be corrected for by: \frac{d {\bf B}}{dt} \rightarrow \frac{d {\bf B}}{dt} + {\bf \omega} \times {\bf...
  39. P

    What are symmetries in a Lagrangian?

    Homework Statement Consider the Lagrangian of a particle moving in a potential field L = m/2( \dot{x}2 + \dot{y}2 + \dot{z}2) - U(r), r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) (a) Introduce the cylindrical coordinates and derive an expression for the Lagrangian in terms of the coordinates. (b) Identify the...
  40. E

    Explain the differential of lagrangian is a perfect ?L dt

    how we can explain the differential of lagrangian is a perfect ?L dt
  41. E

    Explaining Time Homogeneous Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Conservation

    if the lagrangian is time homogenous ,the hamiltonian is a constant of the motion . Is this statement correct ?
  42. S

    What is meant by Lagrangian of a dynamical system?

    What is meant by Lagrangian of a dynamical system? Explain the same for N particle system.
  43. P

    What are the equations of motion in Lagrangian mechanics?

    Homework Statement I'm confused. Some websites say it is dL/dx = d/dt dL/dv, whereas others say it is the equations of acceleration, velocity and displacement derived from this, which would require integration, yes? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  44. P

    Is Angular Momentum Conserved in a Vertical Plane with Additional Force?

    Homework Statement Consider a vertical plane in a constant gravitational field. Let the origin of a coordinate system be located at some point in this plane. A particle of mass m moves in the vertical plane under the influence of gravity and under the influence of an aditional force f =...
  45. A

    Lagrangian: Does it Depend on the Zero of Potential?

    Homework Statement There is a joint system of rods and masses.We need to set up Lagrangian. Homework Equations L= T-V , T = Kinetic energy , V = Potential energy The Attempt at a Solution Hey what should we take as the zero of potential. So does the Lagrangian depend on the zero...
  46. T

    Lift Force from Lagrangian Mechanics

    I am having a lot of trouble conceptually understanding this issue in Lagrangian mechanics: I have an airfoil which is immersed in incompressible flow: it has two degrees of freedom: a rotation: alpha and a pitching (up down) motion: h. Now the lift is due to both alpha and the first derivative...
  47. B

    Second derivative in Lagrangian

    The Attempt at a Solution I have calculated a Lagrangian for a particular system (I can post the problem upon request). The system has two degrees of freedom, but I have applied a constraint to remove one of the degrees of freedom. In doing so, I have introduced a second time-derivative of the...
  48. M

    Lagrangian for a particle in a uniform magnetic field

    Homework Statement We know that for a uniform static magnetic field, we may take V = 0, A = 1/2 B x r (vector potential) Now, I have to write the Lagrangian L in cylindrical coordinates, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right and this goes on for hours now, so maybe someone can help me out...
  49. C

    Lagrangian Multiplier with Matrices

    Hi, I'm trying to use calculus of variations to solve for the probability distribution with highest entropy for a given covariance matrix. I want to maximize this: H[p(\vec{x})] = -\int p(\vec{x})*ln(p(\vec{x}))d\vec{x} with the following constraints: \int p(\vec{x}) = 1 \int...
  50. Born2bwire

    Derivation of Lagrangian for Classical Electrodynamics

    Is there a derivation for the classical electrodynamic Lagrangian? I have taken a look at a few textbooks that I have on hand but all of them just state the Lagrangian (in the voodoo four-vector talk, \glares) without explaining the reasoning behind it. I know that the Lagrangian for a charged...