Self Learning Calculus From the Beginning

In summary, the conversation recommends studying Algebra 3/Precalculus through Art of Problem Solving, as it is a great resource for truly understanding the material and developing problem-solving skills. Other recommended resources include the books from the Indian curricula, particularly for grades 11-12, and "Basic Mathematics" by Serge Lang. It is also suggested to focus on understanding topics rather than just memorizing them, and to consider studying topics such as Precalculus/Functions, Discrete Maths, Statistics, and Geometry in addition to Calculus. It is also recommended to ask for advice on the Art of Problem Solving forums and to consider finding a math teacher who can advocate for studying alternative materials.
  • #1
Math Topics to Self Study

Any recommendations for a 9th grader?
I have taken algebra 1 and 2 and am currently taking geometry.

I find that math class is sometimes very slow. I understand that some students need extra help, but for me it's a bit slow.

So to take initiative, I want to learn some extra math during my free time. Any recommendations on what math topics to study are appreciated.

I won't mind buying some books, but some good internet sources would be appreciated.

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  • #2
Calculus is quite a bit away. I suggest you learn Algebra 3/Precalculus through Art of Problem Solving. I have used it and it's a great resource for making you actually understand the material rather then memorizing it. It has many hard problems and is ideal for learning problem solving skills and participating in math contests such as AMC. A set of books I used were from Those books are available for free online and are the most-used books in the Indian curricula. They are quite nice, from what I have used. You would probably need only 11-12 grades of those books (they cover calculus as well). Another book you can try is "Basic Mathematics" by Serge Lang.
  • #3
Yes, you do need to learn pre-calculus, but if you want to learn the bare minimum, I feel like the trigonometric identities and the unit circle would suffice. Many of the key concepts of calculus (e.g., derivatives) require some advanced thinking, but not necessarily advanced knowledge.
  • #4
WannabeFeynman said:
Calculus is quite a bit away. I suggest you learn Algebra 3/Precalculus through Art of Problem Solving. I have used it and it's a great resource for making you actually understand the material rather then memorizing it. It has many hard problems and is ideal for learning problem solving skills and participating in math contests such as AMC. A set of books I used were from Those books are available for free online and are the most-used books in the Indian curricula. They are quite nice, from what I have used. You would probably need only 11-12 grades of those books (they cover calculus as well). Another book you can try is "Basic Mathematics" by Serge Lang.

Thanks, I will definately look into those.

I want to change my question to what math topics I can study during my free time, because sometimes in school the math seems very slow. The teacher reviews the same thing for days, and I understand that some students need more help, but it is a bit slow ofr me.
  • #5
You can just use the Edit button in your first post it you want to change it. I agree, much of math and science taught in regular schools (even in the gifted programs where I am) is quite slow and frankly boring as there is a lot of memorization. In that case, I highly recommend AoPS as there you are informed of understanding the topics and learn about topics beyond the regular curriculum. There are lots of hard problems (many of which you won't get correct the first time).

As for topics specifically, there are several:
Discrete maths (counting/combinatorics, number theory, probability)
Geometry (beyond what you studied in school)
And then Calculus.
  • #6
Cohen: pre calculus a problem solving approach (under 10 I think barnes n noble)

Lang (forget the name but does algwbra/trig)

Understand those then get a copy of swokoski caluclus and thomas calculus.

Swokoski gives excellent examples as to what is happening. The book is also easy to read. The problem with swokoski is that the exercisea are rather easy. Thomas has great exwrcises or even a copy of stewart calculus. (Find cheaper edition). Do not skip learning algebra and trigonometry.
  • #7
ecoo said:
I want to change my question to what math topics I can study during my free time, because sometimes in school the math seems very slow. The teacher reviews the same thing for days, and I understand that some students need more help, but it is a bit slow ofr me.

Art of Problem Solving books were created for those who love math and are good at it. Just get them and go through them. Do all the problems, especially the challenge problems. When you're done with the calculus book, then it's time to go on to other things.

Personally I would suggest the Number Theory and Counting and Probability books to get a bit outside the usual curriculum. Richard Rusczyk's The Calculus Trap was written for you; read it.
  • #8
IGU said:
Art of Problem Solving books were created for those who love math and are good at it. Just get them and go through them. Do all the problems, especially the challenge problems. When you're done with the calculus book, then it's time to go on to other things.

Personally I would suggest the Number Theory and Counting and Probability books to get a bit outside the usual curriculum. Richard Rusczyk's The Calculus Trap was written for you; read it.

:D So I read the article and smiled throughout. Definetly gave me a new perspective.

Do you recommend I get all, or skip some (e.g algebra). If you recommend skipping some, which should I skip and which should I get.
  • #9
ecoo said:
:D So I read the article and smiled throughout. Definetly gave me a new perspective.

Rusczyk's a good guy.

Do you recommend I get all, or skip some (e.g algebra). If you recommend skipping some, which should I skip and which should I get.

I recommend that you ask these questions on their forums. The people there will have specific and useful advice. Some people like the classes. Some like the books alone. You are the one who will be best able to judge what will work for you.

See if you can find a math teacher at your school who will advocate for you. Suggest that you ditch the regular school math classes and replace them with something more useful from AoPS. Many people have gotten that sort of thing to work. One nice thing about that approach is that they'll likely cover the cost of books and/or classes.

As to specifically which books make sense, take a look at their diagnostic tests (pre-test and post-test) and let them help you decide. Me, I'd try going through all the challenge problems in the books covering the subjects I think I know. There might be some interesting surprises there.

Remember, if you want people to give you the good stuff you have to ask. Then when they say no you have to keep looking until you find the people who say yes. It's not easy, but it can be done.
  • #10
IGU said:
Rusczyk's a good guy.

See if you can find a math teacher at your school who will advocate for you. Suggest that you ditch the regular school math classes and replace them with something more useful from AoPS. Many people have gotten that sort of thing to work. One nice thing about that approach is that they'll likely cover the cost of books and/or classes.

What do you mean by this? How will the teacher pay for the books? By classes, do you mean I actually pay for one of those online classes from AoPS?
  • #11
ecoo said:
What do you mean by this? How will the teacher pay for the books? By classes, do you mean I actually pay for one of those online classes from AoPS?

I mean that there's always money to pay for "official" activities, so if you can find a way to be officially sanctioned then you can get support. Perhaps there are means to be officially designated as independent study. Anyway, I don't know anything about your specific schooling situation. I'm just letting you know that if you figure out what you want and ask around you might find that all sorts of things are possible.

Regardless, you're taking geometry so get the geometry book and go through that at the same time. I'm sure you'll find some of the problems quite challenging.
  • #12
ecoo said:
Any recommendations for a 9th grader?
I have taken algebra 1 and 2 and am currently taking geometry.

I find that math class is sometimes very slow. I understand that some students need extra help, but for me it's a bit slow.

So to take initiative, I want to learn some extra math during my free time. Any recommendations on what math topics to study are appreciated.

I won't mind buying some books, but some good internet sources would be appreciated.


Hi ecoo!

Grab a textbook and solutions manuel and start learning! Art of problem solving is an excellent
website with good math forums. Try math competitions to increase your skill in geometry.
If you want to take Calculus, learn precalculus. I recommend watching youtube videos, and reading any textbook. Many textbooks are published free online by generous authors.
Just don't procrastinate--only working will help you succeed!

Good luck in your future endeavors!

Credentials: Took AP calculus BC (last year) in 9th grade. Self learned physics honors, trig, precalculus, algebra II. :)
  • #13
I strongly suggest you spend the next year supplementing your math courses with a self-study of trigonometry. Buy this book and work through it until it is coldly understood. After that start tackling calculus.
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  • #14
Just my opinion, but I have gone through parts of the book mentioned by Quadratic and found it rather childish and "dumbed-down". But then again, preview the book and if it suits you then great.
  • #15
WannabeFeynman said:
Just my opinion, but I have gone through parts of the book mentioned by Quadratic and found it rather childish and "dumbed-down". But then again, preview the book and if it suits you then great.

Anything specific? I haven't used the book in 10 years but I remember enjoying it and it was recommended by the most respected professor in my math department.
  • #16
[Quadratic];4665131 said:
I strongly suggest you spend the next year supplementing your math courses with a self-study of trigonometry. Buy this book and work through it until it is coldly understood. After that start tackling calculus.

The book introduces trigonometry from the beginning? I have no knowledge in trigonometry except the very basic like sin, cosin, etc.
  • #17
ecoo said:
The book introduces trigonometry from the beginning? I have no knowledge in trigonometry except the very basic like sin, cosin, etc.

Yes, it is very much an introductory trig text.
  • #18
[Quadratic];4666619 said:
Anything specific? I haven't used the book in 10 years but I remember enjoying it and it was recommended by the most respected professor in my math department.
I don't remember much as of now, except I disliked it quite a bit. I will try to get hold of a copy though...

ecoo said:
The book introduces trigonometry from the beginning? I have no knowledge in trigonometry except the very basic like sin, cosin, etc.

AoPS books "Intro to Geometry", "Intermediate Algebra" and "Precalculus" all cover trigonometry from more or less the very basics.
  • #19
What do you think of the Physics Classroom?

I'm getting the trigonometry book recommended by Quadratic so let's hope things work out :D
  • #20
Gwt the cohen precalculus book better. It actually has rigor..
  • #21
Any Precalculus textbook will have what you need. Your teacher's probably would not mind giving you suggestions, unless they are stuck up. I would get an older edition of a textbook and start doing problems from there. Geometry is fine and all, but the truth is that you will see the concepts some of the time should you decide to go into higher level maths. Much of geometry that is needed are your basic area and volume formulas. Some proofs in calculus use geometric proofs to prove a result such as the limit as h-->0 of Sin(h)/h=1.
  • #22
I would recommend Lang's Basic Mathematics for a more thorough treatment of precalculus topics, perhaps supplemented by KhanAcademy videos if you find them helpful.

After you have a better understanding of precalculus you can then try a book on calculus. Personally, I watched KhanAcademy videos on the subject and then went straight for Calculus by Apostol which provided a much more rigorous introduction. However, it would probably be easier for you to get a more relaxed book as your first. Regardless, if you do find that you continue to enjoy the topics, I'd recommend you to study the theory as well as the methods.
  • #23
[Quadratic] said:
I strongly suggest you spend the next year supplementing your math courses with a self-study of trigonometry. Buy and work through it until it is coldly understood. After that start tackling calculus.
That makes the most sense, as long as you give the right effort in your Geometry course.
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  • #24
ecoo said:
Math Topics to Self Study

Any recommendations for a 9th grader?
I have taken algebra 1 and 2 and am currently taking geometry.

I find that math class is sometimes very slow. I understand that some students need extra help, but for me it's a bit slow.

So to take initiative, I want to learn some extra math during my free time. Any recommendations on what math topics to study are appreciated.

I won't mind buying some books, but some good internet sources would be appreciated.


First of all, good for you for taking the initiative. I wish I had done that at your age. As it is now, I am 31 and going back to school (since I DIDNT do what you are doing and instead let my boredom drive me away from school). A year ago I was in Pre-Calc 2 and now I am in multivariate calculus. So, I have a tad bit of insight as to what you are going through now and what you will go through as you complete your education.

You will need to start with pre-calculus topics (trig, functions, etc). Even if your "normal" math is slow it is really important not to skip any topics in the learning process as math builds on itself the whole way through. Check out the textbook section on Amazon, you should be able to find some textbooks on there that could help. You could also visit a local college or community college and check out their student store to see what texts they use for those classes. That would be a good first step. Sadly, my college pre-calc text was garbage... even the teachers didn't use it. So I do not have a recommendation for you regarding that.

Keep reaching out, though, man! It is so awesome to hear about young, motivated people like yourself. Best of luck to you!
  • #25
For motivated high school math students,
I understand your situation. First off, I suggest you derive formulas in integration table.

Another to deal with the situation is to participate in Olympiad math competition or other competition like Putnam. You can learn a lot even if you lose. Some questions are challenging regardless of whether you have knowledge or not and they can be solved even if you do not have the knowledge.If you want to learn more about calculus, you can read Thomas's calculus.

Pros: Easy to read. Good for obtaining knowledge.
Cons: Problems seem difficult if you do not have knowledge, but become easy after you have the knowledge. The best way to deal with this to to solve Olympiad calculus problems.
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  • #26
td21 said:
For motivated high school math students,
I understand your situation. First off, I suggest you derive formulas in integration table.

Another to deal with the situation is to participate in Olympiad math competition or other competition like Putnam. You can learn a lot even if you lose. Some questions are challenging regardless of whether you have knowledge or not and they can be solved even if you do not have the knowledge.If you want to learn more about calculus, you can read Thomas's calculus.

Pros: Easy to read. Good for obtaining knowledge.
Cons: Problems seem difficult if you do not have knowledge, but become easy after you have the knowledge. The best way to deal with this to to solve Olympiad calculus problems.
I don't think this is what the original poster was looking for, he just wanted to know what topics to study to further his education. I suggested any precalculus textbook. Everyone else is suggesting things like AOPS, and other texts like that, which is not really targeted towards the original poster's needs. His main question was what topics to study along side his classes.
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Related to Self Learning Calculus From the Beginning

1. What is calculus?

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and accumulation. It involves the study of derivatives and integrals, which are used to understand and solve problems related to motion, growth, and change.

2. Why is it important to learn calculus?

Calculus is a fundamental tool used in many fields, including science, engineering, economics, and statistics. It allows us to model and analyze complex systems and make predictions based on data. It also helps us understand the world around us and how things change over time.

3. Can I learn calculus on my own?

Yes, it is possible to learn calculus on your own. However, it requires dedication, patience, and a strong foundation in algebra and trigonometry. It is also helpful to have access to textbooks, online resources, and practice problems to enhance your understanding.

4. What are some tips for self-learning calculus?

Some tips for self-learning calculus include breaking down the material into smaller, manageable chunks, practicing regularly, seeking help when needed, and making connections between concepts. It is also important to have a solid understanding of prerequisite topics and to stay motivated and persistent.

5. How can I apply calculus in real life?

Calculus has many practical applications in real life, such as predicting the growth of populations, modeling the motion of objects, optimizing business and financial decisions, and understanding the behavior of natural phenomena. It is also used in engineering to design and analyze structures and systems, and in physics to describe and predict the behavior of physical systems.

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