Recent content by BenB

  1. B

    Engineering Biomedical engineering job outlook

    A while ago, I posted a thread about my plans to pursue a dual degree in physics and chemical engineering. Now, I haven't changed my mind about the dual degree and the general educational route I want to take. But I recently changed my mind about being a petroleum engineer, and decided I'd...
  2. B

    Engineering BA in physics plus engineering BS - overqualified?

    Thanks Ben Espen, carlgrace, and jasonRF for your responses! Indeed, that's exactly what I plan to do. The problem is that, if I only stay 3 years at Earlham, I'll only end up with a BA in "Pre-Engineering Studies," and really, who wants that when you can have a BA in the science of your...
  3. B

    Engineering BA in physics plus engineering BS - overqualified?

    So I'm going to go to a small liberal arts college for a BA in physics, then go to Columbia for two years for a BS in engineering. The reason I'm doing this is that the college I'm going to (Earlham College in Indiana, U.S.) has a special transfer program that will guarantee me admission to...
  4. B

    Why does polynomial long division work?

    So I'm in a college algebra class and I know how to do polynomial long division. I'm curious as to why polynomial long division works. I've looked at some proofs, but they use scary symbols that I don't understand (I am quite dumb). Do I need very high-level math to comprehend why polynomial...
  5. B

    Engineering Engineering Jobs with Rotating Shifts

    I've been considering petroleum engineering because of the rotating shift structure of drilling engineer work: such engineers typically work for 1-3 weeks, 12 hours a day, and then are off for an equal amount of time. However, lately I've become concerned about the job security of petroleum...