Recent content by ChrisW

  1. C

    Why does imidazolium ring contain a positive charge?

    Draw the cyclic structure, then draw in double bonds where necessary to keep the octet rule for carbon. Should end up with 4 bonds to one of the Nitrogens, which gives a + charge. Now if you draw the resonance forms you'll see that the double bonds (and + charge) can bounce around throughout...
  2. C

    News ANuclear Proliferation in Iran: A Cause for Concern or an Unfair Target?

    Why do people always go to this defense? Let's compare the two situations in lesser terms. Iraq = 5 year old with a plastic baseball bat Iran = 10 year old with a hammer N. Korea = 15 year old with a shotgun You know -Iraq- wants you dead (hypothetically, not trying to justify the...
  3. C

    News London Shooting: What would you have do?

    Don't know if it's been posted, but here is a [PLAIN]mms://[/URL] with some eye witness acounts.
  4. C

    News Purchasing Prescription Drugs from Canada Right now people only have themselves to blame if they purchase Canadian (or from god knows where) drugs and they are faulty. Another thing is that most drug companies aren't making a huge amount of profit from their drugs. If the price was...
  5. C

    Can Prophet Yahweh truly summon UFO's as he claims?

    Remote helicopter and a buddy would make sense... I say they really test mister Yahweh by blindfolding him and taking him to a remote location unknown to him (while making sure nobody is following) then have him perform his rain dance. Can't be too hard to tell if someone is following you in...
  6. C

    Is the Natural Log of Pressure Unitless?

    i didn't see the problem either! i took my paper back and received full credit :wink:. as for finding P1 and T1, it's just more algebra.
  7. C

    Is the Natural Log of Pressure Unitless?

    I was not confused by the algebra at all. Really what I wanted to find out was that my answer, which I obtained from the very equation for P2 I posted above, was correctly stated as a pressure. The basic algebra of the problem made sense to me, however my instructor circled the units on my...
  8. C

    Is the Natural Log of Pressure Unitless?

    I also realize that the title of my post is misleading, sorry about that. ;)
  9. C

    Prospect for Nuclear Power Industry in US

    As long as they have a good way of dealing with the nuclear waste I'm all for it.
  10. C

    Is the Natural Log of Pressure Unitless?

    Yes, this was the heart of my question. We use Troutons rule to determine the pressure at the vaporization temperature, yet to do this we must take the exponential of the equation. So, for instance: {ln(\frac{{P}_{2}}{{P}_{1}}) = -\frac{{\Delta}_{vap}\overline{H}}{R}(\frac{1}{T}_2...
  11. C

    Is the Natural Log of Pressure Unitless?

    Ok so i was doing a problem involving finding the pressure of mercury at its boiling point (630.05K) using Troutons rule and the final answer seems a bit strange to me. Integration of the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation: {ln(\frac{{P}_{2}}{{P}_{1}}) =...