Recent content by cpburris

  1. C

    Manipulating a Laurent Series Equation

    OK that all makes sense. I believe I understand it now. Thank you everyone for your help and advice.
  2. C

    Manipulating a Laurent Series Equation

    Ok, after a good nights rest I revisited the problem and was able to properly prove the equivalence of both expressions. However it is still not clear to me how to go about expressing ##f(z)={\frac{1}{z^5\sin(z)}}={\frac{1}{z^5\left(1-\frac{z^2}{3!}+\frac{z^4}{5!}-\frac{z^6}{7!}+...\right)}}...
  3. C

    Manipulating a Laurent Series Equation

    Sure, I will try. I have dealt with plenty of problem where functions such as ##\frac{1}{x^2-1}## which have denominators which are sums can be transformed into a sum of fractions via a Taylor Expansion. This is however an example where the denominator is already an infinite sum, and I do not...
  4. C

    Manipulating a Laurent Series Equation

    Maybe my brain is just fried from too much studying, but I really cannot come up with where to start. I edited the post with an attempt to just show that the equality is valid, but that just confused me more. I would appreciate someone just giving me a full explanation but any assistance or...
  5. C

    Manipulating a Laurent Series Equation

    Not really a homework problem, just an equation from my textbook that I do not understand. I can't think of any way to even begin manipulating the right hand side to make it equal the left hand side. Just to confirm equality (thanks to another user for suggestion), I multiplied both sides by of...
  6. C

    Surface Charges on a Coaxial Cable

    To find ##\sigma_b## I can use a Gaussian surface of a cylinder of length ##L## and radius ##c>r>b##. Since that is inside of the outer conductor, I know the electric field is zero, so I have from Gauss' Law, $$0=2 \pi L\left(b\sigma_b+a\sigma\right)$$ and easily solve for ##\sigma_b##. For...
  7. C

    I Question about Taylor Expansions

    I was working out a problem requiring a taylor expansion of ## \sqrt {1+x^2} ## (about ##x=0##). I needed to go out to the 5th term in the expansion, which, while not difficult, was long and annoying as the ##x^2## necessitated chain rules and product rules when taking the derivatives and the...
  8. C

    Young's Interference Experiment

    I wasn't sure what to do, so I started with equation (1) and used it to derive the power spectral density at point Q, $$ \begin{align} \tilde G (Q,\nu) = ~ & K_1^2 G(P_1,\nu)+K_2 ^2 G(P_2,\nu) \nonumber \\ & + 2 K_1 K_2 \left| \tilde G (P_1,P_2,\nu) \right| \cos \left[ 2 \pi \nu \frac {r_2-r_1}...
  9. C

    Comp Sci Fortran variable value changing randomly

    Ah, yes you were correct. The modification of the value by the function was being passed back. Thank you very much.
  10. C

    Comp Sci Fortran variable value changing randomly

    This isn't really a question for which the template is useful.. Can anyone explain to me why the value of the variable 'seed' in location 1 is different from the value in location 2? The only thing happening in between is the defining of the varaible v(1) using the real function. I don't see...
  11. C

    Comp Sci Fortran write statement working on 1 line & not the next

    Will do. I just didn't want to start a new thread if it wasn't an appropriate question for the forum. The code is probably around 240 lines when I take out notes. Thanks again.
  12. C

    Comp Sci Fortran write statement working on 1 line & not the next

    I have kind of a longer question about my code in general, and I guess I want to know if you think that it's a question I could ask here. The code solves for particle trajectories. I have a file with initial conditions for 24 particles, and I have a parameter which just tells my program how many...
  13. C

    Comp Sci Fortran write statement working on 1 line & not the next

    I added a quick close statement and looks like you were right! So happy! That's why I love this forum, I could have probably searched for hours and hours trying to figure out what was going on and still probably just have ended up rewriting the code to eliminate the write statements. Many thanks!
  14. C

    Comp Sci Fortran write statement working on 1 line & not the next

    Interesting. I don't know anything about output buffering, I'll have to look into it. From the limited info I gathered about I/O buffering quick in these last few minutes before bed it does seem a possible cause. I tried the code you suggested and it worked. I will have to investigate more...
  15. C

    Comp Sci Fortran write statement working on 1 line & not the next

    Not really a question suited for the template...maybe shouldn't put this in Homework section, but it's for a class. My write files were being weird so I started some investigating. Below is an excerpt from the code. 58 OPEN(unit=33,file='random2.txt',status='unknown') 59...