Recent content by cygnus2

  1. C

    Exploring Scaling in DIS: Why Middle x-Values?

    Well, I can give you a simple reason why there are scaling violations in the structure functions. As it happens in the naive parton model, in the infinite momentum frame the quarks are taken to be non-interacting with each other. Further, all their momentum is considered to be longitudinal...
  2. C

    Is quantum field theory a genuine quantum theory?

    hi, your argument seems to be the abstract of the paper.but the point is that the foundations of QFT are still in the process of being established, i belive.Axiomatic field theory, in the same sense quant mech is, doesn't exist as yet.when you start QFT, you don't begin with a series of...
  3. C

    Renormalization differential equation ?

    you have to realize that these so called "beta functions" are usually calculated by perturbative methods.and you cannot trust your perturbation theory if your expansion parameter becomes large.they generally yield "asymptotic series".Now the point is that to what scales you can trust a solution...
  4. C

    The potential step and Tunneling

    Well that's why the potential is exactly there for.It is,you can imagine,some substance that has set up such a potential,and vacuum on either side of it.Take a different substance, for example with different molecular spacing and the potential would change.
  5. C

    Max Temp Equilibrium: Achieving Max w/ Bodies at TA & TB

    see, it is clearly stated that given that the specific heat is C, the answer is to be in terms of TA and TB. And yes when the entropy is maximal, the work is very less. If you plot entropy in terms of Teq, where Teq is the equilibrium temp, then u'll find it is monotonically increasing. The...
  6. C

    Max Temp Equilibrium: Achieving Max w/ Bodies at TA & TB

    Consider the following problem: you are given two BODIES at temp TA and TB.Do you agree that the maximum possible work i can extract from them happens to be in the case when they are left with the equilibrium final temperature of sqrt(TA.TB). This minimizes the entropy and hence corresponds to...
  7. C

    Casimir Operator: Mass^2 e-Values Explained

    "Therefore, we need a mass term, since the mass of the quanta of the field is essential in the quantization..." sorry but that's not always essential right? for gauge fields you don't write a mass term and its as impotant as any...
  8. C

    Quantum Mechanics: Dealing With Forces on Particles

    it is clear that in the formalism of QM you talk in terms of potentials.but note that there are the Ehrenfest's equation which give you the connection with classical mechanics.if you can experimetally measure an observable then there's an operator corresponding to that whose expection value is...
  9. C

    Casimir Operator: Mass^2 e-Values Explained

    i can think of something though I am not sure whether it'll satisfy you. you see a quadratic in the fundamental fields is lorentz invariant and so are the eigenvalues of a seems to be necessary, even if not sufficient
  10. C

    Finding Wave Function Collapse

    yeah, i don't think ur explanation is right. u do not need to think of paticles and waves sepatately like this! this can be extremely confusing at times. paticles can interfere as easily.maybe u can refer to feyman's QED for a really wonderful exposition of these ideas.
  11. C

    Help with Conservation of Energy Principle

    I don't understand your argument about the Black body radiation. when iron is heated it looks red bcoz it is emitting most photonscorresponding to that wavelength. about the meteor; the meteor as it travels through space it already has KE; nobody gives it any KE. when it is very near the Earth...
  12. C

    Energy and Time Period of a Pendulum in Simple Harmonic Motion

    sorry i mentoined the book wrong it should be Berkeley mechanics( Kittel) not purcell/ it was a slip of mind and i apologise
  13. C

    Energy and Time Period of a Pendulum in Simple Harmonic Motion

    this is a pretty straightforward question. u just hav to turn more mathematical cranks. u will find this worked out probably in Kleppner or in Purcell. U get some sort of elliptic functions ( most probably)
  14. C

    Matter Waves and the Speed of Light: Exploring Wave-Particle Duality

    Another interesting thing to understand that even in such circumstances special theory is not violated since they cannot carry any information
  15. C

    Prove Tidal Distortion Volume Conservation Mathematically

    I know that when a spherical shell( of negligible mass) is attracted towards a massive body it distorts into an ellipse; keeping its volume const.I have also heard it said that this volume preserving property belongs to that of the inverse square law of gravity.But how do i prove it mathematically?