Recent content by duchuy

  1. duchuy

    Chemistry Solving H2/Pd/C Reduction for #5 & #6 Questions

    Oooh ok I see thank you so so much you're absolutely amazing
  2. duchuy

    Chemistry Solving H2/Pd/C Reduction for #5 & #6 Questions

    I would make my reaction in a Deanstark for the final fischer esterification? I honestly don't know, I'm just doing chemistry on paper I really don't have much lab experience. But what do you think about my proposition?
  3. duchuy

    Chemistry Solving H2/Pd/C Reduction for #5 & #6 Questions

    Ok I see, but from what I see from writing the reaction, is that if I were to do transesterification to from 5 to 6 in acidic conditions, that would be a totally reversible reaction and how could I ensure the formation of the cycle? Since I can't use an excess of reactants right? Unless I...
  4. duchuy

    Chemistry Solving H2/Pd/C Reduction for #5 & #6 Questions

    Hi, I'm trying to solve the number 5 and 6. Now I'm wondering what happens when I add H2/Pd/C on the 4th (after the question 4) molecule. I know that it will reduce pi bonds to sigma bonds, but will it affect the cetal group? Because if it does't I'm not quite sure that I'll be able to do the...
  5. duchuy

    Chemistry Why Does Grignard Addition to Esters Form Ketones?

    But if hemiketal turns back to ketone after I add water, and even ifI have alcohol in the solution, i'd no longer be able to turn that ketone into an alcohol no? Because all of my RMgX will be consumed from the moment I add water in the solution? So is it possible to end up with ketones as side...
  6. duchuy

    Chemistry Why Does Grignard Addition to Esters Form Ketones?

    Hi, I have a question regarding these 2 possibilities: Why does the addition of RMgX on an ester always form a ketone? We could very well have that tetrahedral intermediate without eliminating the alcoolate group no? Since your reaction pretty much always tend towards the formation of a weaker...
  7. duchuy

    Why does the entropy of a closed system remain constant in a reversible process?

    But doesn't isothermal mean constant temperature? So at constant T, if the variation of entropy is 0, dQ must also be equal to zero no? :(
  8. duchuy

    Chemistry Reduction of ester and amide with LiAlH4

    Thank you so much sir! I love your dedication, and I wish you an amazing new year ahead.
  9. duchuy

    Why does the entropy of a closed system remain constant in a reversible process?

    I think for reversible processes the total variation of entropy is equal to zero because dQ = 0. I think it's like pumping your bike in two different ways : 1) You do it very fast, entropy is generated and heat is also generated, and you can feel it by touching your bike pump. This process is...
  10. duchuy

    Chemistry Reduction of ester and amide with LiAlH4

    I'm not quite sure for the name in english but in french it's acide paratoluène sulfonique. The formula is : H3C-Ph-HSO3. I also have a question regarding protecting groups. In a molecule where I have both a RCOOH, or ester and amide group, will I be able to use ethylene glycol or Corey Seeback...
  11. duchuy

    Chemistry Reduction of ester and amide with LiAlH4

    Hi, I am trying to solve number 8. At 7, I have a molecule that contains both an amide and ester function. So when I use LiAlH4, will I reduce both the ester to alcohol and the amide to secondary amine? Or just the ester? Thank you so much for your help!
  12. duchuy

    Determine the velocity of a particle in mass spectrometry

    Hi, I am trying to determine the velocity of the particle with the mass m coming out of the acclerator. I tried writing : Ep(i) + Ec(i) = Ep(f) + Ec(f) Ec(f) = Ec(i) - Ec(f) But at this step, I'm no longer sure how to express Ep with V because : In my textbook, it's written : Ep = 0,5...
  13. duchuy

    Chemistry Halogenation of an alcohol (iodation)

    I don't understand why in order to make RI from ROH, you'd have to use FINSKELSTEIN condition: ROH + PBR3 --> RBr RBr + NaI --> RI + NaBr and not directly ROH + PI3 --> RI Thank you so much for your help! Pardon me if my english is not correct. <mentor edit>
  14. duchuy

    Chemistry Oxydation of cyclic enol with KMnO4

    Thank you for your answer but I am not quite sure i'd know how to write the mechanism if i start with the ene side. Do i still form a ring of 4 or when i break the pi bond, it would go to the more electronegative oxygen?