Recent content by eleteroboltz

  1. E

    Integral Separation for PhD Thesis Formulation

    OK, After thinking a lot about it, I got the solution \int_0^{y_i}\int_0^{\eta} f(x,\xi) \, d\xi \, d\eta \, = \, \sum\limits_{s=1}^j\sum\limits_{r=1}^{s-1} (y_s-y_{s-1}) \, \int_{\eta_{r-1}}^{\eta_r}f(x,\xi) \, d\xi\ \, + \, \sum\limits_{s=1}^j \int_{y_{s-1}}^{y_s}...
  2. E

    Integral Separation for PhD Thesis Formulation

    Hey guys, I am working on my PhD thesis formulation and I got to a doubt. I need to do some integral separations, for the mesh attached, of the form: \int_0^L f(x,y) d x = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{imax} \int_{x_{i-1}}^{x_i} f(x,y) \, d x Of course, for the double integration in the...
  3. E

    Fortran Fortran OpenMP parallelization and writing in multiple files.

    Hello. I'm attempting to write some data in different files (each thread write in each file), but I'm getting an error saying: 'File already opened in another unit'. I'm using the function OMP_get_thread_num() from OpenMP library in order to open individual files in individual threads. !$OMP...
  4. E

    Mathematica Simple Parallelization with Mathematica

    I found the solution for this problem. The correct code is shown bellow: fcalc[i_, j_] := NIntegrate[i Cos[j x], {x, 0, 1}] SetSharedFunction[f] ParallelDo[ f[i, j] = fcalc[i, j] , {i, 1, 10} , {j, 1, 10}]
  5. E

    Mathematica Simple Parallelization with Mathematica

    Thank you for the answer, Bill. I tried to use DistributeDefinitions[] but it's still not working for me. fcalc[i_, j_] := NIntegrate[i Cos[j x], {x, 0, 1}] DistributeDefinitions[f] ParallelDo[ f[i, j] = fcalc[i, j] , {i, 1, 10} , {j, 1, 10}]
  6. E

    Mathematica Simple Parallelization with Mathematica

    I have a program with Mathematica and I would like to run it in parallel. The essential of the code is actually run a lot of cases, changing some parameters. In other words, it means that each case is totally independent of the other. But I'm not quite sure about how to do it. To exemplify...