Recent content by evoluciona2

  1. E

    I suck at mathematics competitions

    I don't know of too many of these cases as the contest levels go up. I know of one student, but he was reading advanced textbooks on his own. In other words doing math. IQ tests, high school contests maybe sometimes, Putnam not so much, IMO definitely not. It'd be safe bet not to expect to...
  2. E

    I suck at mathematics competitions

    Hey Pdidy, I'd say about two thirds of the people in my Phd mathematics program are not the math contest types. It doesn't seem to matter in their research or coursework a whole lot either. That being said, it's not fun to do poorly at some aspect of something you love. You're being...
  3. E

    Why is the symbol for angular momentum L?

    L from the sound of angulus which is angle in Latin?
  4. E

    Understanding the Lagrangian of a Free Particle?

    I see. df(x,t)/dt = df/dx v + df/dt is a linear function in v so the higher order terms are eliminated. Thank you! -evoluciona
  5. E

    Understanding the Lagrangian of a Free Particle?

    Hello, I'm trying to follow an argument in Landau's Mechanics. The argument concerns finding the Lagrangian of a free particle moving with velocity v relative to an inertial frame K. (of course L=1/2 mv^2, which is what we have to find). I'll state the points of the argument: (0) It has...
  6. E

    Programs Physics advice for math phd student

    Thanks for all the suggestions! -evo
  7. E

    Programs Physics advice for math phd student

    Hi, I'm completing my phd in mathematics (number theory) within a year or so. I'm not sure I want to pursue academia and would like to work in the industry first. I'm interested in pursuing physics, electronics, and building things :) and was curious about working in a physics related job...