Recent content by Famwoor2

  1. F

    Why is the answer to this GRE physics problem choice A?

    No problem! I'm studying for the GRE too, and I think that explaining a question is the best form of study.
  2. F

    Why is the answer to this GRE physics problem choice A?

    I now believe that you are imagining the semicircle moving toward the field region translationally... this is not the case! It is spinning around like a record about point A in the plane of the screen.
  3. F

    Amplitude and frequency dependence on energy of a wave.

    So is a photon a wave packet, and an EM wave a composition of wave packets (photons)?
  4. F

    Why is the answer to this GRE physics problem choice A?

    I am sending you these responses from my smartphone, so I am not sure if I am viewing your picture correctly. It looks as though the bar is completely within the magnetic field in both pictures. In this case, the induced EMF is a consequence of the moving electrons interacting with magnetic...
  5. F

    Why is the answer to this GRE physics problem choice A?

    While it is true that there is more of the semicircle in the magnetic field region as time goes by (until it is fully in), what is important to the EMF is how much MORE of the circle enters the magnetic field region per unit time. Since the circle is rotating at a uniform angular velocity, the...
  6. F

    Amplitude and frequency dependence on energy of a wave.

    Hello all, I have learned that the energy of a wave is proportional to the square of its amplitude. I have also learned (by the Planck relation) that the energy of a wave is proportional to the frequency of the wave. Doesn't this imply that the frequency of a wave is proportional to the square...
  7. F

    Why is the answer to this GRE physics problem choice A?

    The induced EMF is a function of CHANGE in flux. Once the semicircle begins entering the region with the constant magnetic field, the same amount of area is entering the field per unit time until it is fully in the magnetic field region. Likewise, the same amount of area per unit time exits the...
  8. F

    Does Bernoulli's Principle Predict Pressure Drop in Constricted Pipe Flow?

    Hello everyone, Say I have a closed loop comprised of a pump and some piping which connects the inlet of the pump to the outlet of the pump. All of the piping has radius "a," except for a small section, which constricts to radius "b" for a small portion of the line (the inlet and outlet...
  9. F

    Question about hydraulic analogy

    Hello there; I am having a conceptual problem with the hydraulic analogy (a collection of similarities between electrical circuits and piping systems). It specifically has to do with the topic of pressure and voltage drops. The hydraulic analogy claims that pressure drops act like voltage...