Recent content by fizzynoob

  1. F

    Calculate Fnet & Direction: 2 Cars & Big Airplane

    yes, you get a negative answer but that negative is there just to show direction. So in this case the net force in Y is directed downward. So Fy = -3.3*10^4 (j) j = y direction Fx = -8.81 * 10^4 (i) i = x direction (I put the negative since the forces are pulling to the left...
  2. F

    Conservative force on XY-Plane

    a) to find the magnitude you take the square root of the sum of the squared components b) show that the angle between those vectors is 90 ( θ = cos-1 ( A dot B ) / ( |A|*|B| ) ) c) work is equal to the integral of F dot ds d) what do you think?
  3. F

    Calculate Fnet & Direction: 2 Cars & Big Airplane

    Its just simple trig and breaking down the force into the components. You cannot add vectors directly, but you can add there components together. Sum of forces in Y direction = F1sin(30) - F2sin(60) //the minus is due to opposite direction
  4. F

    Force exerted by one object on another?

    no I think he means contact forces. You sum the forces in each direction, then solving for the force that you wish to find. Draw a Force Diagram
  5. F

    What is the coefficient of kinetic friction on a 30 degree ramp?

    If you translate your coordinate system, where the X axis is on the incline you will get mgsin(t) for the forces of gravity in the X direction. [PLAIN]
  6. F

    Oh man, I don't understand anything about forces Dx

    >>the force has to be greater in the "vertical" direction because the net force and acceleration goes in the direction of the greater force, right? No, you have 1 force in the Y direction initially. Its gravity, which is pulling the plane down towards the earth. They want to know the...
  7. F

    Understanding Electric Fields: Exploring a Common Midterm Question

    what it does is that it creates an electric field in the conductor that is equivalent to the E field going through it, Those E fields cancel each other and you are left with a Net E-Field in the conductor of Zero. Than on the outside you have an E-Field that is the vector sum of the E-field...
  8. F

    Vectors Q&A: Expert Help and Advice - Don't Miss Out!

    lets go back to Trig 101, take a look [PLAIN] sin(\theta) = Opp/Hyp cos(\theta) = adj/Hyp So if you look at the picture above, if you want the Y component you get sin(\theta) = Vy/V // just replace Opp with Vy and Hyp with V Vy =...
  9. F

    Checking to see if I'm right or not.

    no problem, remember that when you have the expression for work as: F * D that D is the change in distance, so say you climb a mountain than you climb back down than the work overall is zero since the change in position is zero
  10. F

    Checking to see if I'm right or not.

    work is \int\vec{F}\bullet dr to get rid of the dot product, you must take the parallel component of the distance that it is in the same direction of the force (gravity..which is down) so you get : -F*d*sin(\theta) = -mg*d*sin(\theta) = -(50)(9.8)*100*sin(12)
  11. F

    Vectors Q&A: Expert Help and Advice - Don't Miss Out!

    were not a free homework service... its really not a hard question, do some research
  12. F

    Understanding Electric Fields: Exploring a Common Midterm Question

    If you put a conductor in a electric field, the charge will redistribute themselves. But after this process, the E field in the conductor is not zero. There is an E-field in the conductor that is equivalent but opposite direction to the one that is passing through the conductor. That inner...
  13. F

    Understanding Electric Fields: Exploring a Common Midterm Question

    >>I know that inside a conductor the field is zero Yes if there is no current >>so because of the discontinuity it is \sigma/e outside Not because of continuity? Its because the material is a conductor, therefor the charges spread themselves as far away as possible from each other, creating...