Recent content by flasherffff

  1. F

    Wire loop area induction sensor

    Hi, I'm working on an idea and i need some guidance say i have a wire loop of a single wire (not solenoid) the area of the loop is about 1-2 cm^2 now say i change the area of the loop slightly by about 0.1%-0.01% could i measure with today's electronics this slight change of L thanks in...
  2. F

    Is Potential Flow Unique in Real Life?

    thank you! this helped alot.
  3. F

    Is Potential Flow Unique in Real Life?

    there is something i can't seem to get about potential flow, when we work with potential flows we combine some simple potential flows to satisfy some boundary condition (shape of the body and potential at infinity), we get the resulting flow and we assume that that is the flow in reality...
  4. F

    Mathematica Wave eqaution PDE in mathematica

    hi i can't make DSolve solve the wave equation with simple bvc ive gone through the mathematica documentation and can't find the answer for the input \text{DSolve}\left[\left\{u^{(2,0)}[x,t]==4 u^{(0,2)}[x,t],u[x,0]==1,u^{(0,1)}[x,0]==\text{Sin}[x]\right\},u,\{x,t\}\right] it just...
  5. F

    Entropy change of an irreversible process

    i can't seem to get something in classical thermodynamics entropy is a state function of a system,that means it only depends on the state of a system not time or path. if i have an irreversible process between state 1 and state 2, and back to state 1, and i want to know the entropy change of...
  6. F

    What is the relationship between constant speed rolling motion and friction?

    thanks ,i understand what i got wrong i assumed there is a constant friction resisting to rolling just like the kinetic friction for sliding
  7. F

    What is the relationship between constant speed rolling motion and friction?

    why a perfectly rigid wheel would experience no friction i mean static friction at the point of contact
  8. F

    What is the relationship between constant speed rolling motion and friction?

    but if i don't apply a force the rolling motion would stop due to friction
  9. F

    What is the relationship between constant speed rolling motion and friction?

    i assume there is some rolling friction beforehand
  10. F

    What is the relationship between constant speed rolling motion and friction?

    hi ,this is my first post (and its not HW) i currently study dynamics of rigid bodies using (Hibbeler) and there's one thing about this type of motion (rolling) that just seems to elude me for any planar motion we have 3 equations \Sigma F_{{x}}={\it ma}_{{g_{{x}}}} \Sigma F_{{y}}={\it...