Recent content by h20 bear

  1. H

    What motions do quarks make in a particle?

    I understand that they 'jitter'. Do they spin around one another or have some sort of 'orbit' in respect to each another? Is it chaotic? Do they actually touch one another?
  2. H

    Do electrons lose mass due to revolving around nucleon?

    This confuses me in regards to Thermodynamics. If an electron and proton are separate and they eventually float together. The electron experiences an increase in speed and thus relativistic mass, won't this be a violation of energy conservation? Where is the loss?
  3. H

    Exploring the Uncertainty Behind Radioactive Decay

    I understand decay is truly a random process approximated by half-life. So two particles that appear similar to us in every way will experience decay at different times impossible for us to predict. Are there any theories that explain some underlying process that dictates this action. Even...
  4. H

    Limit to number of photons in a single point

    Thought experiment: An X number of lasers shoot a photon simultaneously at a single point in space. Given constructive interference is there an energy limit that can be reached? At a single point is there a limit to the number of photons that can exist?
  5. H

    Do electrons lose mass due to revolving around nucleon?

    Does the nucleon and electron lose mass as a result of the energies they exert in a static state. The electron constantly uses the electromagnetic force to keep it attracted to the nucleon causing it to revolve around the nucleon. So does it lose mass? Similarly, does the nucleon lose mass...