Recent content by H8wm4m

  1. H

    Stop Biofuel Lunacy: Effects on Global Food Crisis

    First of all, please excuse my oversimplification of the subject, and my slightly off-topic post. Your response prompted me to do a bit more research. Do you mean that cellulosic ethanol cannot compete with corn ethanol prices? While it is true that cellulosic ethanol is currently more costly...
  2. H

    Stop Biofuel Lunacy: Effects on Global Food Crisis

    Wikipedia - Hemp: Industrial hemp has thousands of potential uses, from paper to textiles to biodegradable plastics to health food to fuel but it has not been the great commercial success that the enthusiast hoped for in countries where it is legal to harvest. It is one of the fastest growing...
  3. H

    Stop Biofuel Lunacy: Effects on Global Food Crisis

    Biomass from industrial hemp cultivation can be used to create methanol, and far more than corn can per acre. The oil from hemp seeds can also bo used for biodiesel. (interestingly, the first diesel engine was ran on plant oils, more specifically hempseed oil) While providing energy needs...
  4. H

    Is There a Standard Method for Debunking Paranormal Claims?

    my_wan, I have attempted to summarize the argument you are opposing.1. Anecdotes are a form of evidence. 2. Anecdotes are always or nearly always provided in support of paranormal claims. 3. Some debunkers say there is no evidence for such claims. Therefore, some debunkers lie.Are either of the...
  5. H

    Is There a Standard Method for Debunking Paranormal Claims?

    my_wanImagine I said people could walk on water through force of will. Just like with most claims of this nature, an anecdote is provided in support of this claim. By one definition, there is evidence for my claim simply because an anecdote was provided. By another definition, there is no...
  6. H

    Is There a Standard Method for Debunking Paranormal Claims?

    my_wan, From what I can tell, your understanding of evidence is anything which allows a judgement to be made with certainty or the force of probability. Ivan Seeking seems to view evidence as anything which supports a claim, regardless of sufficiency. I am certainly no dictionary, and I may...
  7. H

    Bioaccumulation of toxins and fat storage

    Can the bioaccumulation of toxins with high lipophilicity within the body cause it to store more fat, maybe in order to dilute the toxins? I heard this from a somewhat questionable source a while ago, but it sounds plausible. I was reading about Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) but I...
  8. H

    Innocent killer hippies convicted of murder?

    I wasnt looking for a debate over the feasibility of CO poisoning, mainly because I have no authority whatsoever in this case. I do appreciate the input from russ and kach, i needed another point of veiw. Even though I understand the futility of arguing for CO poisining, I am concerned...
  9. H

    Innocent killer hippies convicted of murder?

    They weren't allowed any official Carboxy-Hemaglobin test. Although I don't know if it would be difficult to do an independent one. Both the house intake and furnace intake are located next to the furnace exhaust. here for video proof...
  10. H

    Innocent killer hippies convicted of murder?

    Just so you all know... this is not the same case as the "killer hippies convicted of murder" thread sorry if the title was misleading It is just a good example of when children need protection from child protective services, and of the ignorance surrounding vegetarianism and veganism.
  11. H

    Innocent killer hippies convicted of murder?
  12. H

    Moon's Escape Point: Beyond Earth's Gravity

    Thanks, that helps Is working for anybody? Any other site I visit works just fine
  13. H

    Moon's Escape Point: Beyond Earth's Gravity

    First I would use the inverse square law to detemine the distance from the Earth where gravity would accelerate a body at 1.622 m/s2 (sg of the moon) I would then subtract this distance from the average distance between the Earth and moon, and divide the result by two. I think this will give...
  14. H

    Moon's Escape Point: Beyond Earth's Gravity

    I read that the point where a body begins to fall towards the moon is nowhere near it should be, if the moon had the alleged one-sixth Earth gravity (0.1654 g). Apparently it should be in the 20,000 to 22,000 mile range (as in the older versions of Britannica), but after the apollo missions the...
  15. H

    Moon's Escape Point: Beyond Earth's Gravity

    What is the distance from the moon where the gravitational influence of the Earth is weaker than that of the moon? I haven't found it in any online encyclopedia and unfortunately is not working for me. I would imagine it would be easy to find, but to my amazement I haven't even found a...