Recent content by help1

  1. H

    Capacitance Question: Charge Change in Circuit

    Homework Statement After the switches have been closed, in which circuit will the charge on the left hand capacitor increase? decrease? stay the same? Picture: [PLAIN] Homework Equations (1/Ceq) = (1/c1) + (1/c2) q = cv...
  2. H

    Electric Fields due to a charged disk.

    Seems to me as though the order should be Eb > Ea > Ec instead of Ea > Eb > Ec, as suggested by the text.
  3. H

    Electric Fields due to a charged disk.

    Any ideas as to where Ec would lie in magnitude?
  4. H

    Electric Fields due to a charged disk.

    Homework Statement Why is this answer saying that Ea > Eb? Homework Equations Everything pertinent to this question is located in this picture: [PLAIN] The question is...