Recent content by ktw

  1. K

    Engineering Question about Truss Analysis (Statics)

    Looking at this closely.. there's no way that the solution is correct. My TA must have been mistaken. Thanks for looking at my question
  2. K

    Engineering Question about Truss Analysis (Statics)

    Hi, I am a civil engineering student currently taking Statics. We are doing truss analysis in the class right now; and I know that this joint is marked as correct. However, I don't see how this is even possible. I begin by considering this a concurrent 2D force system, Fy = 0 & Fx = 0. The...
  3. K

    Electric field using Gauss's Law, but in open cylinder given only r?

    Thank you for the help. I finally got the problem! Well.. at least part A. I know from personal experience that it would be best for me to post my work after I got the answer, so here I have it attached:
  4. K

    Electric field using Gauss's Law, but in open cylinder given only r?

    Φ=qenclosed/ε0 qenclosed=6.3x10-9 C/m (Just realized this is C/m instead of only C. What does this mean?) ε0=8.85x10-12 F/m. [6.3x10-9 C/m ] / [ 8.85x10-12 F/m = 711.86 C/F]. What is C/F? Coulombs per Farad? I think the unit I am looking for here is N/C, but please correct me if I am wrong...
  5. K

    Electric field using Gauss's Law, but in open cylinder given only r?

    At this point I want to clarify that obtaining the Gaussian surface is not where I am struggling- rather, it is what to do with said Gaussian surface whenever there is another, oddly shaped electric field acting upon it. How do I generate a net field from that? I have attached a rudimentary...
  6. K

    Electric field using Gauss's Law, but in open cylinder given only r?

    I imposed my own Gaussian surface using a cylinder centered at the wire with a radius of 1.2 cm. I used the formula Φ = qenclosed/ε0. I ended up with an electric field of 711.86 N/C. To clarify, should I superposition this value with the outer tube's electric field? Or, when the question is...
  7. K

    Electric field using Gauss's Law, but in open cylinder given only r?

    Thank you for the welcome. Say I created a Gaussian cylinder with a radius of 1.4 cm, centered at the infinite wire, with a finite length of 10 cm. Would this provide me with the answer I am seeking? Or, would I then superposition that field value with the given charge of the outer cylinder?
  8. K

    Electric field using Gauss's Law, but in open cylinder given only r?

    I have no idea how to approach the problem using Gauss's Law. I found the electric field using superposition, and it was incorrect. I am assuming you treat the wire as a continuous electric field, and then also treat the pipe as a continuous electric field. I solved for this using...