Recent content by Landon

  1. L

    Magnetic field extraction of positive ions

    The average charge of the particles is +22, and the average masses are 140amu and 95amu.
  2. L

    Electrostatic containment of negatively charged gas

    So if the inner grid had a positive potential the negative gas would be attracted to it and repelled from the negative outer grid?
  3. L

    Electrostatic containment of negatively charged gas

    A typo. I meant to say IEC: Inertial Electrostatic Confinement. Two spherical electrode grids are arranged with a charged gas in the center. A current runs between them and the charge develops an electric field which contains the gas. I have since posting consulted an electrical engineer...
  4. L

    Electrostatic containment of negatively charged gas

    Yet IEF works perfectly well. Since there is no "perfect" field in existence there must be some imperfect configuration. If I were to form two electrode grids and apply a voltage between them would they form the electrostatic pressure I'm looking for?
  5. L

    Magnetic field extraction of positive ions

    A gas composed of nuclear fuel is undergoing fission, producing fast moving positive ions that I wish to remove from the system by use of a magnetic mirror. What field strength is needed to ensure the fragments follow the trajectory I need, and not interact with the surrounding material?
  6. L

    Electrostatic containment of negatively charged gas

    I have a hot gas with a net negative charge that I want to keep contained using an electric field. My question is how do I calculate the electric field strength necessary, and how would one go about producing it?