Recent content by libelec

  1. L

    Already-charged Capacitor Voltage time function

    I understand. So it would be something like: Vc = V1 + (V2 - V1) * e-t/τ Is this correct? One final question: the total R in this circuit, is it 10100ohm?
  2. L

    Already-charged Capacitor Voltage time function

    The problem is that the previous voltage over the capacitor is the one it has in its stationary while the switch L1 is closed. Then when its opened, is when the experiment begins. So that rule for the voltage over the capacitor isn't valid for the previous situation while it is loading at the...
  3. L

    Already-charged Capacitor Voltage time function

    Yeah, sorry. V(a) isn't supposed to be a a source, it was just the only way I had to draw it. This is the circuit written on the assignment, I'll edit it: Pay no attention to the rest of the circuit. Just the bottom half.
  4. L

    Already-charged Capacitor Voltage time function

    Homework Statement Find V(a) as a function of time in the following circuit when the switch is opened. Originally, the capacitor is charged to Vc = 1/101 * V1. The Attempt at a Solution I know that when the switch is opened, the capacitor is going to get charged again, and V(a) is going to...
  5. L

    C/C++ [C++] Using Runge-Kutta order 4 to solve system of ODEs

    I don't see what difference it makes. The relation is one is half of the other wheather I print 6 or 10 digits. I mean, if I give it larger precision, it may go from printing 0.06666 and 0.03333 to 0.066661234 and 0.033334564. EDIT: I think I see what you may be missing: my second post only has...
  6. L

    C/C++ [C++] Using Runge-Kutta order 4 to solve system of ODEs

    I changed the code to reflect the tips you gave regarding the cross-type operations: long double rungeKutta(long double h) { long double alpha = 6629.0; long double beta = 0.0047; long double pos = 39068.0; long double speed = 0; for (double i = 1; h*i < 120.0; i++) { long double k1v =...
  7. L

    C/C++ [C++] Using Runge-Kutta order 4 to solve system of ODEs

    (DISCLOSURE: I have already posted this problem in, but found no satisfactory answer) The problem is this. I need to experimentally check that RK4 method has an error of order 4...
  8. L

    Calculate number of significant figures EFFECTIVELY obtained

    Homework Statement Solve the following equation system using the Gauss-Seidel method, and the convergence criteria || x(k) - x(k-1) || <= 0.5 * 10-2. For the arithmetics, use a number of significant digits that will allow you to get a result with 3 significant digits. Must not iterate more...
  9. L

    Distribution of the decimals of a random number

    Homework Statement Let U = 0.X1X2X3... be a random number in (0,1]. 1) Find the distribution of every decimal digit Xi, i = 0,1,2... 2) Show that they are independent of each other The Attempt at a Solution I could use a hint for N°2. I have an idea, but I think it's wrong...
  10. L

    Bayesian Inference: Finding Distribution of W Before Experiment

    So the likelihood function is (p/6)*(1-(p-1)/5) 1{p=1,...,5}. The prior function of p is then 1/7 1{p=0,1,...,6} Then \Pi(p|BW) = (1/7*(p/6)*(1-(p-1)/5)1{p=1,...,5})/(\sum1/7*(p/6)*(1-(p-1)/5)) This I solved as: \Pi(p|BW) = 6/7*(p/6)*(1-(p-1)/5)1{p=1,...,5} So, that's the posterior...
  11. L

    Bayesian Inference: Finding Distribution of W Before Experiment

    Oh, you're right: there's no replacement. So, should I treat the X's as Bernoulli variables or as hypergeometric variables? I mean, if now p is the number or white balls in the urn, the sample yields (p/6)*(1-p/5)?